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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
"Prophecies are hard to decipher."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story whose canon status has been neither confirmed nor denied. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
R210 Strike team Livvie hostage
"Zoë Noble is out of the picture."
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"There are literally hundreds of people up here! How have we landed on Noble being our only option?"
"Because you love me."
"God help us, but we do."
Carol Danvers, Zoë Noble, and Erik Del Orbe[src]

Zoë Noble was a United States Air Force soldier.


Early Life[]

Zoë Noble grew up keeping a journal of her dream of becoming an astronaut and joining NASA. She drew a picture of herself in space as an astronaut and kept it in the notebook.[1]

Starting Air Force Training[]

Noble was accepted into the United States Air Force and was one of two women in her group. On the first day of training, following a morning run with Bret Johnson, she had to do pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and a mile run with Johnson. As classes started at the United States Air Force Academy, Noble was walking through her dorm hall when she was stopped by Carol Danvers introducing herself and Maria Rambeau using their first names. Noble introduced herself with her last name, prompting Danvers to ask for her first. Noble sighed and told them her first name, prompting Rambeau to greet her using it. Noble awkwardly left, saying that she would see them around.

Later that day, she sat in the school library at a table near Danvers and Rambeau. As they started talking with Tom Bianchi, Erik Del Orbe, and Garrett Pierre about the United States Air Force Thunderbirds, Noble spoke up and told them that Captain Jenks used to be part of the Thunderbirds before he got grounded, but that she did not know what he was grounded for.[1]

Misplacing Her Notebook[]

Noble kept a notebook with her during her training, in which she detailed her hopes of becoming an astronaut. She left it in one of her classes one day, where it was found by Tom Bianchi. Bianchi found that it was hers and gave it to Carol Danvers so that Danvers could return it to Noble. In Introduction to Soaring, Noble watched as Jenks caught Danvers with the notebook and scolded her for having it when she did not need it for class. Jenks asked Danvers if the notebook belonged to her, worrying Noble. However, Danvers claimed it was hers, relieving Noble.

After class, Noble approached her and asked for her notebook back. As Danvers gave it back, Noble told her that she did not need to lie. She looked through the journal while Danvers insisted that she had to. Noble said that she got scared when she thought Jenks was going to get it and gave her a drawing so that Danvers would know what she was protecting. Danvers looked at the paper, a drawing of Noble as an astronaut which Danvers complimented. Noble asked if Danvers was going to be okay, to which Danvers was replied that she was working on it.[1]


At the end of the academic year, Noble participated in the Academy's Recognition ceremony, including the Run to the Rock on the last day. On the top, Noble was found by Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau, Garrett Pierre, Tom Bianchi, and Erik Del Orbe, who asked her to take the same group photo of them five times. Noble questioned the request, so Pierre explained that the five photos were so that they could each have one. Noble responded sarcastically, but agreed to take the pictures. Danvers jokingly asked how they ended up with her as the one taking the picture, prompting Noble to say they loved her, which Del Orbe agreed with. Noble took the five pictures, sighing between them.[1]


  • Notebook: Noble kept a notebook with her during her training in which she detailed her hopes of working with NASA. She kept it a secret from those around her.



