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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Temporal Marvels Universe".

"Yes! Yes! How could I have forgotten? Chicago World's Fair, 1893."
Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]

The World's Columbian Exposition, also known as the Chicago World's Fair, was a world's fair held in Chicago, Illinois in 1893.


"The White City, Edison, H. H. Holmes. Yes! Hot air balloons."
Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]
World's Columbian Exposition

World's Columbian Exposition

In 1893, the World's Columbian Exposition was held in Chicago, Illinois for the world to come and see. The exposition planned to have many scientist, vendors and exibits on display. The exposition was also advertised scientists and inventors from countries all around the globe.[1]


Victor Timely's Astounding Temporal Marvels

Sign for Victor Timely's Astounding Temporal Marvels show

"Introducing his greatest invention, Victor Timely's astounding temporal marvels."
―World's Columbian Exposition Sign[src]

The exposition attracted many inventors, including Victor Timely and Thomas Edison who would go on to present what they made at their own shows. The exposition was also haunted by Miss Minutes who was dubbed the Ghost Clock of Midway by The Daily Chicago Press.[1]

Needing to find Minutes, Loki and Mobius M. Mobius tracked Ravonna Renslayer to the World's Columbian Exposition. While walking around, Loki and Mobius saw a sign advertising Timely's Temporal Marvels show. Beliving that Renslayer might be ther, Loki and Mobius went to the show hoping to find her. When they arrived, the spotted Renslayer but decided to wait until after the show to confront her. When the show started and Timely appeared on stage to present his Temporal Loom, Loki looked in shock and identified Timely to Mobius as a variant of He Who Remains.[1]

When the show ended, both Renslayer and Loki and Mobius attempted to confront Timely while he was taking bids for his Temporal Loom. When Timely sold his Temporal Loom to the Robber Baron, the baron believed it to be fake and chased Timely throughout the exposition with Loki, Renslayer, and Mobius in toe. Timely ended up at the feris wheel where he escapted the Baron but was confronted by Sylvie Laufeydottir. Laufeydottir attempted to kill Timely but was stopped by Loki, who convinced her not to. Minutes then transformed into a giant ghost clock, providing a destraction for Renslayer and Timely to escape.[1]


Timely Escapes

Victor Timely escapes the World's Columbian Exposition

"I'm not going anywhere until I have my latest prototype."
Victor Timely to Ravonna Renslayer[src]

Having escaped all their pursuers, Ravonna Renslayer tried to convince Victor Timely to return with her to the Time Variance Authority Office. However, Timely said he would not go anywhere without his prototype Throughput Multiplier which was located at his lab in Wisconsin. Timely and Renslayer then left the fair to retreive the multiplyer.[1]


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