- "Somebody's got to protect the streets, people are missing and nobody seems to care. That means more than just putting on a suit, it's a calling. I don't think you understand, people need a hero."
- ―Hector Ayala to Matt Murdock[src]
Hector Ayala is a vigilante known as White Tiger operating in New York City and a client of Matt Murdock.
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Powers and Abilities[]
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Other Equipment[]
- Amulet of Power: To be added
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Allies[] |
Enemies[] |
- In the comics, Hector Ayala is an Empire State University student who gained superpowers by finding the Jade Tiger amulets and became a vigilante known as White Tiger. He was close friends with Peter Parker and worked alongide Spider-Man, but his secret identity was revealed during a fight with Lightmaster. He retired from a vigilante career but eventually donned the amulets again, but was accused of murder and convicted, despite Matt Murdock's efforts.