What If...?: The Art of the Series is the official artbook of What If...?.
“What If...?” flips the script on the MCU, reimagining famous events from the films in unexpected ways. Marvel Studios' first animated series focuses on different heroes from the MCU, featuring a voice cast that includes a host of stars who reprise their roles. The series is directed by Bryan Andrews; AC Bradley is head writer. The stories speak to the heart of the characters, test their mettle, and explore the many definitions of what it means to be a hero. Continuing their popular ART OF series of tie-in books, Marvel Studios presents another thrilling installment! Featuring exclusive concept artwork and in-depth interviews with the creative team, this deluxe volume provides insider details about the making of the series.
To be added
- Uatu/The Watcher (Jeffrey Wright)
- Steve Rogers/HYDRA Stomper (Josh Keaton)
- T'Challa/Star-Lord (Chadwick Boseman)
- Thor (Chris Hemsworth)
- Peggy Carter/Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell)
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Hudson Thames)
- Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Lake Bell)
- Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
To be added
- HYDRA Stomper Armor: Mark I
- Tesseract
- Infinity Stones
- Translator Implant
- Asgardian Armor
- Captain Carter's Uniform
- Vibranium
- Spider-Man Suit
- Cloak of Levitation
- Black Widow's Bite
To be added
Sentient Species[]
To be added
- Guardians of the Multiverse
- Ravagers
- Asgardian Royal Family
- Zombie Outbreak Survivor Group
- Masters of the Mystic Arts