A collection of quotes from Victoria Helstrom.
Episode 1.02: Viaticum[]
Spoken about Victoria Helstrom[]
- "Please tell me the bitch is dead."
- ―Ana Helstrom to Daimon Helstrom[src]
Episode 1.03: The One Who Got Away[]
Spoken about Victoria Helstrom[]
- "People are going to get hurt. And not just them. There are other forces at play here. The last thing the world needs is a Helstrom family reunion. We light that fuse, and God help us all."
- ―Caretaker to Louise Hastings[src]
Episode 1.05: Committed[]
Spoken by Victoria Helstrom[]
- "Everything will be ready, but different from before. Not like last time. Nothing like last time."
- ―Victoria Helstrom[src]
Spoken about Victoria Helstrom[]
- "Who I was before makes no difference now. What is important now is that we help each other… I am not the enemy, Victoria. He put me in here, with you, all those years ago. This is my punishment too… We are both prisoners. If we survive this Victoria, we will be free. I will get to be with my children again, and you will get to be with yours."
- ―Kthara to Victoria Helstrom[src]
- "Ana's favorite. You didn't set a place for her."
"Because she's gone, mom. She's not coming back."
"That's not true! I'll just save mine for her." - ―Victoria Helstrom and Daimon Helstrom[src]