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Angry Prescod
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"Do you have no sympathy? No matter what era or what part of the world, time and again, my children have been hunted and tortured. And why? For being different. For being stronger. Better."
Kthara to Gabriella Rosetti

Vessels is the ninth episode of the first season of the television series Helstrom.


Daimon and Gabriella find themselves in disturbing new territory. Ana has to make a decision that will change the course of the siblings’ lives in irreversible ways. Victoria tries to make amends but she may be too late.


Rosetti and Daimon Helstrom wake up in a room without a way out. The two try to figure out what they last remember after food is shoved in through the fireplace. Rosetti then starts to remember seeing the demon's mark on her scalp. She thinks that they are poisoned but then the possessed priest lets them know that they are safe and will be used for greatness. Furthermore, he reveals that she is not poisoned but simply experiencing morning sickness.

Elsewhere, Ana Helstrom is by her mom's side wondering where Daimon is. She tries to call him but it goes to voicemail. She eventually leaves Victoria Helstrom’s side.

At a diner, Caretaker finds Dr. Hastings, who is quite relieved to see him alive. He explains how the Blood betrayed them all and how he has escaped. He is happy that the siblings are safe and wants to take a trip with Dr. Hastings to a beautiful spot for them. Unfortunately, she tells him that she can not go until after her chemotherapy and subsequent surgery. He is genuinely happy to hear she is willing to live longer.

Eventually, Ana arrives at Daimon's place and finds the door open and blood on his bed and in the bathroom. Just as she is about to leave, the scar from the dagger feels the piece that was left in the backpack.

Sun in Helstrom 1x9 (2)

Daimon arrives at the ward but he is not actually himself. In reality, it is Basar that is lurking in Dr. Hasting's office using Daimon's body. Meanwhile, Daimon is also talking to Rosetti about how this is not their fault that they are locked up. Ana thinks that they were weak and that's how they ended up in this position, with Rosetti now pregnant with something evil. Daimon thinks that their baby is not evil and professes his love for the nun in training. Rosetti appears to come to the realization that is not Daimon. As she tries to get away, Mother makes her appearance and calls in Magoth and Raum to subdue Rosetti.

Basar (Daimon) visits Victoria

At Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, Basar in Daimon's body visits Victoria. She is just waking up when he closes the door. Just when she thinks the worst is over, Basar chokes her. But fortunately, as luck would have it, Ana comes in to stop him. Through touching him, she comes to the realization that this is not her brother within. The two siblings end up in the hallway and fight it out. Ana does her best to use her powers to take the demon possessing her brother out. Later, Dr. Hastings and Caretaker find Basar in Daimon's body knocked out with Ana trying to get up.

Yen is enjoying being with Jackson when all of a sudden a strange feeling comes over him. He takes a moment to check on his bite marks and notices new marks appearing on his arm.

Whereas back in Portland, Oregon, Caretaker, Ana, and Dr. Hastings has Basar tied up in Mother's old patient room. Basar is fighting to stay in control. When he comes to, they question where Rosetti is. He claims that she is dead, but Ana knows better.

Meanwhile, Rosetti endures being drugged and fed by Magoth and Raum. When wakes up, she is inexplicably far along in her pregnancy and tied up to a bed. Mother is by her bedside, trying to convince Rosetti that giving birth is an amazing power. Mother tells the story of the first time men came to kill her son with spears. She told the village's elders, but they did nothing. Basar, however, woke and killed the whole village. Mother then instructs Rosetti to rest.

Caretaker, Dr. Hastings, and Ana talk about how this new possession is possible. Caretaker decides to go look for Rosetti while the other two try to fix Daimon. His suggestion is to use the dagger but Ana wants to figure out another way. She does not want to risk killing him. Ana talks to Victoria about going to see Daimon, but Victoria is scared. Rosetti is infuriating Mother by trying to get out of the chains. She realizes that Mother is no longer possessing her because she is busy growing within.

Eventually, Victoria visits Basar in Daimon's body who is ready to taunt her with the death of her son. She tells him that Daimon will be able to get out because he is stronger than Basar. This does not faze Basar but Victoria states that Mother does not love Basar at all, he is just a tool to her. Unlike Daimon, who has people who actually love and care for him. Basar gets really upset and affects the patients as well as cracks the small window. Dr. Hastings subsequently steps in and takes Victoria away to rest.

Raum comes in to give Rosetti a shot. He takes this as a moment to talk to Mother about getting a body of his own. He then notices blood coming from under Rosetti. When she wakes up, it is to plead from father Joshua Crow who manages to temporarily stop Raum's influence on his body. This aforementioned action momentarily distracts him enough for her to get loose, stab him, and run. She makes it out to an open road where she finds help.


Whereas Yen is desperately fighting whatever is within him but soon finds himself gagging up an eye.

At Daimon's place, Victoria thanks Dr. Hastings for raising her son and taking care of them. Rosetti bangs at Daimon's door then freaks out when she finds out that she was not held captive for months because it has only been a day. The two women lay Rosetti down to rest. Caretaker and Ana talk about cutting Basar out of Daimon with the very dagger that affects the two siblings. He wants to be able to do it, but she thinks it should be her. Caretaker gives her a loving speech about not being there for her enough. Victoria calls Ana to warn her about Rosetti's condition. Ana figures out that Kthara is not interested in possession anymore. Instead, she wants her own body. She instructs Victoria to lock up Rosetti and wait for Caretaker. Ana pulls out the dagger then instructs Caretaker on what to do.

Victoria, as it seems, is at a dangerous level of stress as she talks to Dr. Hastings about what they should do about Rosetti. Eventually, Rosetti wakes up to find that Magoth and Raum have arrived outside. She proceeds to warn Victoria and Dr. Hastings about this latest development.

Ana visits Daimon, who is still under Basar's control and seems unbothered that she has arrived with the dagger. His powers are quite strong. He taunts her with Daimon's memories as he also uses his power to force her to kill herself. Ana however, counters with her own offer: her team has Rosetti and his mother. If he kills Ana, the baby will inevitably die. Basar, who is still inside Daimon, is just about to attack Ana when he falls to the ground. Ana is just about to make an incision in his back when Daimon wakes up asking for Rosetti.

The women are barricading the home and preparing for war. Ana tells Daimon what is happening and tells him that they need him to take out Mother. Daimon does not think he can do it but Ana urges him to try. So, Daimon tells her to cut Basar out of him now, but the procedure is not going well because they need both pieces of the dagger. Problem with that is that Caretaker has taken the other piece. Ana instructs Daimon to hold Basar for as long as possible as she goes to get the other piece. He is struggling to do as her sister says.

Caretaker receives a call from Yen.


Magoth and Raum then begin their attack. The ladies subdue Magoth with boiling water and a baseball bat, but Raum goes straight for Rosetti, who is about to take a butcher knife to the stomach.

Daimon is fighting for his soul and body. All while getting thrown all over the walls and seems to get knocked out as the lights in the area go out.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:






To be added

Sentient Species[]





Song title Artist Location(s)
Don't Ever Leave Me Hope Griffith Gabriella Rosetti wakes up pregnant to full term.
Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows Lesley Gore End credits.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Vessels.

External Links[]

Season One Mother's Little HelpersViaticumThe One Who Got AwayContainmentCommittedLeviathanScarsUnderneathVesselsHell Storm