For alternate versions of Tyrone Johnson, see Tyrone Johnson's Character Hub |
Tyrone Johnson was a recreation of the real Tyrone Johnson which was manifested from the Dark Dimension by D'Spayre in order to confront Johnson with his greatest fears.
The illusion of Johnson was manifested by D'Spayre during the Battle of Despair so that the real Tyrone Johnson would have to face his greatest fear: having failed to be the perfect man he could have been. Confronting Johnson in a recreation of the Johnson Residence, the illusion continuously taunted him, stating that his quest to avenge his brother's death had been pointless and had destroyed the Johnson family.
Initially, the illusion was able to easily dodge Johnson's blows until he managed to regain his composure and hit the illusion. The illusion then chased him as he attempted to be reunited with Dagger, who was struggling with her own fears. Engaging in a brawl against Johnson, the illusion then brought him into a simulated police station where the fight continued. Johnson, however, was able to briefly escape.
The illusion of Johnson eventually caught up with him in the same time the illusion of Nathan Bowen returned to confront Dagger. As Cloak and Dagger switched partners, the illusion of Johnson ended up fighting against Dagger. The illusion mocked her attempts to attack him with Lightforce, but Dagger countered his taunt, expressing her genuine admiration for the real Johnson whereas the illusion was nothing but shallow.
Disturbed by Dagger's will, the illusion was overcome by his fear, leading him to be restrained by illusions of police officers. Using his teleportation powers, the illusion attempted to escape back to the recreation of the Johnson Residence, but he was chased by Dagger, who cut both his thighs with Lightforce daggers. However, as she prepared to strike the final blow, the illusion was preserved by D'Spayre who stepped in to end the fight.

The fake Johnson is overrun by Cloak's courage
Therefore, the illusion of Johnson resumed his fight against the real Johnson, surrounded by replicas of Johnson's cloak, but this time, the real Johnson found the strength to counter him. The real Johnson thus admitted that he had tried to be the perfect Johnson the illusion claimed to be, but that this was in vain as the expectations the illusions claimed to have met did not originate from him, and therefore did not matter. As the cloaks around them began to swirl, the illusion was unable to fight back and eventually vanished.[1]
Powers and Abilities[]
- Dark Energy Manipulation: Just like the real Tyrone Johnson, the illusion could use Darkforce for various purposes.
- Teleportation: Thanks to the use of Darkforce, the illusion could teleport himself, which he used to attack his enemies from unexpected places.
- Combatant: To be added