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"Prophecies are hard to decipher."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story whose canon status has been neither confirmed nor denied. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
R210 Strike team Livvie hostage
"Tom Bianchi is out of the picture."
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Tom Bianchi is a United States Air Force pilot who rivaled Carol Danvers.


Early Life[]

Tom Bianchi grew up admiring his grandmother's gnocchi recipe.[1]

United States Air Force[]

First Day[]

"You come in first all you want, Danvers. I still get to be a fighter pilot and you don't."
―Tom Bianchi[src]

Bianchi was accepted into the United States Air Force academy and trained there. On the first day of training, he and his friend Garrett Pierre battled Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers in a competition. Bianchi and Pierre blew them away with their pull-ups, but Rambeau beat them on push-ups and Danvers beat them on sit-ups. The last competition was the mile run. Bianchi and Pierre thought they would win, but ended up nearly being lapped by the two women. Bianchi soon heard Danvers saying she did not care about the men, which Bianchi took exception to. Bianchi told Danvers that she could always come in first, but she will never be a pilot like him.[2]

Making Up With Danvers[]

"It's not personal, Danvers."
"It sure feels personal."
―Tom Bianchi and Carol Danvers[src]

Bianchi lost once again to Carol Danvers, this time in combat training. He angrily stormed off only to be approached by Danvers, who wanted him to understand her. Danvers explained that while she understand that Bianchi worked hard, Danvers and Rambeau had to work just as hard and would still not be considered for combat.. The next week, he was put in a team with Garrett Pierre, Erik Del Orbe, Maria Rambeau, and Danvers for field day. Bianchi was specifically partnered with Danvers for a relay race. Danvers and Rambeau approached Bianchi, Pierre, and Del Orbe and agreed to a truce so that they could win. While walking to their spots, Danvers was condescended by Bret Johnson. This made Bianchi realize how he treated Danvers, who explained that people stop complaining when they experience themselves. Bianchi ran the third leg of the race Danvers ended up winning them the competition, and the two smiled at each other.[3]

Second Beast[]

"You didn't leave Del Orbe. Earlier. When his zipper got suck."
"I'm his wingman."
Carol Danvers and Tom Bianchi[src]

As Bianchi and Erik Del Orbe readied themselves for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear training during the Second Beast, Del Orbe's gear had a zipper stuck. Bianchi refused to allow his wingman to get left behind, so he helped Del Orbe struggle against the zipper until they finally got it free. Bianchi waved to Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau. The flight entered a chamber and raised their heart rate while being exposed to chemicals. After the training, Bianchi and Del Orbe joined Danvers, Rambeau, and Garrett Pierre for lunch as the three of them were talking about not knowing each other's first names. Danvers and Rambeau introduced themselves with their own, prompting Bianchi and Del Orbe to do the same. Rambeau and Danvers joked that Bianchi did not look like a "Tom," and the group started laughing and suggesting other names they thought he might have had, embarassing Bianchi. As the game ended, Danvers acknowledged Bianchi's refusal to leave Del Orbe when his sticker was stuck, to which Bianchi simply replied that Del Orbe was his wingman.[1]

Acceptance Day[]

Bianchi joined the rest of the graduates on Acceptance Day in marching in an inverted-wedge formation as his flight was awarded with Honor Flight as well as Beast flight. He joined as the cadets sand the National Anthem, and recited the Honor Oath. He found Carol Danvers, Garrett Pierre, and Erik Del Orbe in the celebrations after the ceremony and congratulated them. Bianchi admitted that he was wrong about Danvers, prompting her to admit that she was about to brag to him about his being wrong. She said that being a good airman meant becoming a good person, which Bianchi agreed with. Maria Rambeau joined the group, and Bianchi congratulated her before leaving to find Pierre and Del Orbe, who had left.[1]

First Day of Classes[]

On the first day of classes at the academy, Bianchi met with Erik Del Orbe and Garrett Pierre as they started stretching for their daily jog. They were met by Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau, with whom the group discussed Flickerball and discovered that they shared it as their intramural sport for the semester. They started running, and Bianchi asked Danvers where she and Rambeau were the day prior. Danvers said that she did not want to tell him yet, prompting Bianchi to apologize, worried that he overstepped. Danvers promised to tell him and ran to catch up with Rambeau.

That night, Bianchi joined his friends in the school library to study, when Rambeau brought up an air show that the students in the airmanship program would be attending. Bianchi mentioned that the United States Air Force Thunderbirds would be there, exciting the group. Zoë Noble, who was sitting with the group, told them that Captain Jenks used to be a Thunderbird, prompting Bianchi to ask whether he retired. Noble explained that she heard he was grounded, but did not know why. Danvers wondered aloud what got him grounded, but Rambeau started to talk to her in a tone that prompted Bianchi, Del Orbe, and Pierre to resume studying so that she and Danvers could have a private moment. Rambeau warned Danvers about making her mission about Jenks and asked Danvers to promise he would not look into why Jenks was grounded. As Danvers took her time responded, Bianchi anxiously waited for it, hoping she would do the right thing. Danvers eventually promised Rambeau.[1]

Air Show[]

As winter began, Bianchi and Carol Danvers continued playing Flickerball. They watched Erik Del Orbe hit Garrett Pierre with a ball and agreed that Del Orbe did it on purpose. They talked about the air show, and Danvers admitted that she and Maria Rambeau had been taking flying lessons with Jack and Bonnie Thompson. Danvers revealed her and Rambeau's plan to make it into the Flying Falcons and be allowed to fly combat, prompting Bianchi to hesitantly warn her that it might not work, but Danvers told him that she knew. Rambeau and the others joined them as class ended and joked about Del Orbe's bet that Rambeau and Danvers were watching planes. As the group went to dinner, Bianchi asked why the Thompsons' plane was called Mr. Goodnight, guessing that it was not something good. However, Danvers and Rambeau did not believe that anything bad happened to the plane. They were approached by Jenks, who embarrrassed Danvers. Bianchi and Rambeau helped Danvers calm down after and agreed that Jenks believed himself to be protecting the sanctity of his post by only allowing people like him to fly.

The next day at the air show, Bianchi was asked to get sodas for everyone. He forgot which soda each person wanted, so he got everyone the same and handed them out. As the show started, Pierre talked about seeing the Silver Eagles as a kid. Bianchi made fun of how often Pierre told the story, prompting Pierre to make fun of how often Bianchi talked about wanting to fly combat. Del Orbe brought up a meet and greet being held by Senator John Glenn, where Bianchi was worried about embarrassing himself. However, Danvers and the rest of the group agreed to go, worrying Bianchi. At the end of the show, the announcer told the audience that Glenn would be appearing, followed by a funk band, exciting Bianchi. Bianchi went with Del Orbe and Pierre to wait in line for Glenn while Danvers and Rambeau went to touch one of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds' planes.[1]

Finding a Notebook[]

In one of his classes, Bianchi came across a notebook which had been left behind. Not wanting snoop, but needing to know to whom it belonged, Bianchi looked through the pages and found that the owner wanted to become an astronaut before she found the name of its owner, Zoë Noble. Bianchi found Carol Danvers walking to her Introduction to Soaring class and asked Danvers to give Noble the notebook in her dorm. Bianchi confessed to having read part of it to find the name, but Danvers assured him that she knew he would not purposefully look through Noble's private thoughts. Bianchi told Danvers that Noble wanted to be an astronaut, shocking Danvers. Bianchi said that NASA would be lucky to have both Noble and Erik Del Orbe, prompting Danvers to realize that he was wrong about him. Bianchi thanked her, and Danvers assured Bianchi that she would get the notebook to Noble. Bianchi noted the amount of personal stuff in the journal and that he did not want the wrong person getting it. Bianchi then left to join his group for their Introduction to Soaring class. At the end of class, he left with Maria Rambeau and Garrett Pierre.

They went to the mess hall, where they started arguing about whose family made the best food. The group all went silent when Danvers arrived due to the argument she and Rambeau had just had. However, Rambeau reignited the conversation by praising her grandmother's gumbo. Bianchi talked about is grandmother's gnocchi, and the group went to the library to study. However, Danvers decided not to join them.[1]

Flying Falcons Tryouts[]

Some time later, Bianchi prepared to run with Erik Del Orbe and Garrett Pierre when Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau arrived, visibly nervous. Del Orbe asked what was wrong, and Bianchi got worried that they were fighting again. Rambeau assured them that they were not, and Danvers revealed that they had learned about the results of their private pilot's license tests. Del Orbe and Pierre distracted the group by trying to say "private pilot's license" ten times fast before suggesting they open the letters at the same time. However, Bianchi got tired of the worrying and opened both letters, revealing that they passed. The group celebrated, and Del Orbe and Pierre decided they should celebrate by not running. Danvers hugged Bianchi and noticed that something was wrong, so she told the rest of the group to run ahead while they got water.

Danvers asked Bianchi what was wrong once they were alone, and Bianchi finally started talking about how despite Danvers and Rambeau being better pilots than him, he would be the one making the Flying Falcons and not them. Danvers assured him that they knew, prompting Bianchi to ask why they are bothering to try out for the Falcons. Danvers said that while she was not sure, it felt like the right thing to do. They started to go back, but Bianchi asked if Danvers would make less of him if he made the team. Danvers assured him that he would make it and can create change. She told Bianchi that he was the best man she knew, and Bianchi hesitantly thanked her. He and Danvers then joined her friends, who had started playing freeze tag with Zoë Noble.

Bianchi went to the tryouts for the Flying Falcons and fell in line with the rest of the cadets as Jenks explained how the tryout would work and to expect the names of who had been chosen at the end of the week. They were instructed to sit on the bench and told the order in which they would be flying, with Bianchi flying fifth. Bianchi saw Danvers and Rambeau laugh to each other as he rolled his eyes. Bianchi and the other cadets watched as the first three, including Bret Johnson, had their tryouts. It was then Bianchi's turn, so he went and worked with Cadet Instructor Pilot Wolff. He went through his checks and then took off seamlessly, eventually landing without a bounce. Bianchi got out of the plane and saluted Wolff before nodding to Danvers and Rambeau, proud of himself.[1]

Celebratory Meal[]

Jack and Bonnie Thompson hosted a celebration for Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau, which Bianchi attended along with Garrett Pierre and Erik Del Orbe. As Danvers told the story about Jenks putting the engine in idle during her tryout for the Flying Falcons, Bianchi cleared space on the table for the plate of corn on the cob Danvers was bringing over. Bonnie asked Bianchi and Pierre to go inside and get the sweet tea and lemonade, and the pair obliged. Bianchi, Pierre, and Del Orbe returned and started eating, when Bianchi asked to fly in Mr. Goodnight. Jack suggested that he could not handle it and the group toasted to flying. The group enjoyed dinner together and exchanged stories.

As the conversation turned to Rambeau and Danvers' new goal, Bonnie and Jack helped the women realize that it was important to them that they flew, regardless of whether they flew combat. While the Thompsons went inside with Del Orbe, Danvers told the group about a state trooper who had advised her to let herself learn, allowing them to realize it applied to their situation. Jack and Bonnie then gave each pilot a silver dollar from the year they were born, showing the group their own. Del Orbe noted that they had been rubbed smooth, so Bonnie commented that they needed a lot of luck. The pilots all thanked the Thompsons, and Bonnie reminded them to be themselves. They all ate dessert together.[1]


As the United States Air Force Academy started its Recognition ceremony, Bianchi fell into line with his squadron. Bianchi participated in a series of physically demanding activities for the first day and the group said goodbye to each other that night, all going to sleep. The next day, Bianchi stretched with Garrett Pierre and Erik Del Orbe, when Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau arrived late. They explained that they got emotional as Danvers realized she was going to miss them, but Bianchi pointed out that they had three more years to spend together. Danvers explained that she knew that logically but not emotionally, which Bianchi was able to sympathize with. However, when his friends looked at him expectantly, Bianchi refused to elaborate, asking to be allowed to wait to be emotional until after Run to the Rock. Rambeau decided that a group photo would be taken when they had completed the run.

After an intense second day of Recognition, Bianchi had dinner with his friends. Danvers remembered that the names of the people who made the Flying Falcons had been posted, but Pierre and Del Orbe complained about being tired. Bianchi told Pierre and Del orbe to go to sleep while he went with Rambeau and Danvers to see who had made the team. When they saw that Bianchi had made the team along with Bret Johnson, they at first expressed confusion about Johnson. Rambeau then expressed disappointment that Jenks had not chosen her or Danvers, which Bianchi and Danvers agreed with. Bianchi noted that Jenks could have changed the world, so Danvers resolved that they would do it themselves. Rambeau and Danvers congratulated Bianchi, who thanked them and decided to wait until after the Run to the Rock to process his emotions.

On the final day of Recognition, Bianchi brought a camera his mother had mailed to him for their group picture. Bianchi fell into line with his squadron and struggled to keep his emotions in check. As Chen and Resendiz talked to each cadet individually, Resendiz commended Bianchi for his leadership skills. The squadron ran to the top, with Bianchi being careful to protect his camera, and Bianchi stood to the side while his friends hugged. However, he became overwhelmed by emotion and joined the hug for a long time. Pierre noticed the camera, which Bianchi explained, and the group asked Zoë Noble to take a group picture of them five times. Noble responded sarcastically, prompting Danvers to comment on how she ended up being the one to take it, prompting Noble to claim that they loved her. Bianchi gave her the camera and took five pictures for them.[1]



  • Mother


