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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Attachment is the root of suffering."
―Todd Neiman[src]

Todd Neiman is a drug dealer and the ex-boyfriend of Karen Page.


Relationship with Karen Page[]

Todd Neiman was a drug dealer who got into a relationship with Karen Page. The two sold a lot of drugs for cash. One day, they counted up their money and then had sex. The next morning, Page got a call and quickly hurried out. He met with her that night and they shot at pottery as they drank. Page quickly hurried out once again after getting a call from her father.

He had to pick her up after a family argument. Her brother, Kevin Page, rushed out after her, mad at Neiman for his bad influence. Kevin threatened to call the police on Neiman's business which caused a fight that Karen had to break up. As they left, Neiman talked to her, saying she should not feel regret over her mother's death. He then noticed Page taking in a lot of drugs and told her to calm down as he did not want her to overdose. They drove back to his trailer to find it on fire.

Kevin pulled up next to them having committed arson on his trailer. He angrily punched Kevin before getting a crowbar, beating him to a pulp. Karen tried to stop Neiman, who slapped her out of the way. He then heard a gun shot and turned around to find Karen aiming a gun at him. Neiman did not listen to her threat and continued until she shot, hitting him in the chest. He yelled at how crazy she was as she drove off with Kevin.[1]




