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"We are here today to determine whether Emil Blonsky is suitable for return to society after having served his minimum sentence."
―Prison Parole Board Member

The People vs. Emil Blonsky is the third episode of the first season of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.


She-Hulk represents Emil Blonsky aka The Abomination, but his parole hearing doesn't go as planned.


Emil Blonsky (DODC Supermax)

Jennifer Walters confronts Emil Blonsky

At the Damage Control Supermax Prison, Jennifer Walters marches into Emil Blonsky's cell following the news that recent leaked footage of Abomination had been found. She angrily asks why he'd avoided mentioning this before. Blonsky tells her that he was forced to leave by a Master of the Mystic Arts named Wong. Later, while sat in her car, Walters assures the audience it is not one of those "cameo every week shows". The news then reacts to the Abomination news.

Wong meets Jennifer Walters

Wong meets She-Hulk

At Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway, She-Hulk walks into her office and finds Nikki Ramos sitting. She gets a call from Holliway, who wants her in his office. In Holliway's office, Dennis Bukowski is arguing with Holliway. Bukowski was frauded by Runa, an Asgardian shapeshifter and his ex-girlfriend, and states he wants his money back. Bukowski argues that he thought he was dating Megan Thee Stallion. Suddenly, Wong enters through a Inter-Dimensional Portal. Walters leaves to talk to Wong. The master tells her that he extracted Blonsky from his cell against his wishes to have a worthy opponent as part of his training for Sorcerer Supreme.

Augustus Pugliese (GLK&H)

Augustus Pugliese meets with Dennis Bukowski

Meanwhile, Augustus Pugliese talks to Bukowski about what was stolen. As Bukowski leaves, Pugliese finds the video of the Asgardian. Suddenly, Bukowski walks in saying he is dropping the case. He claims that deep down, he wanted it. Pugliese then gets a call that prompts him to call security. Suddenly, Bukowski reveals himself as Runa and walks out turning into Pugliese saying he loves harassing people in the workplace. Pugliese says it isn't him prompting Runa to turn into her regular self saying it's a warning.

Emil Blonsky soulmates

Emil Blonsky at his hearing

At the supermax prison, She-Hulk walks in for Blonsky's hearing. She asks him if he's ready. Blonsky remains in his prison while the jury sits on a table outside. Walters tells them that a witness is ready to give his story after Blonsky. They ask if Blonsky feels remorse and Blonsky tells them yes, he has changed and feels great remorse. They ask how he would fund his endeavors and he tells them his soulmates will fund him. As the hearing continues, many people talk about how Blonsky helped them. Afterwards, they address his escape, but Wong arrives. Wong asks the jury if they've heard of Kumite.

Abomination (DODC Supermax)

Emil Blonsky turns into Abomination

In the court, Pugliese goes against Runa. Pugliese argues that Bukowski truly believed he was dating Meghan Thee Stallion, but the opposition argues he knew it wasn't. Judge Price agrees to send it to trial. Suddenly, Runa then runs up as Price, saying she has changed the ruling. However, everyone knows it's fake. Back at Damage Control, Wong finishes his testimony saying that Blonsky wanted to come back to his cell. The jury argues if he does turn into Abomination, he is a dangerous monster. To disprove this, Blonsky turns into Abomination which causes a panic of fear. Walters forces him to go back to normal and uses it to show that he could've gotten out of his prison, but decided not to. The jury thanks him and concludes, but not before telling Wong he just admitted to a crime. Wong then promptly leaves. Afterwards, protesters and reporters surround Walters with questions, she ignores them.

Runa loses her court case

Runa loses the hearing

At the bar, Walters wants to go back to being a normal lawyer. Pugliese sits down next to them and Walters talks bad about Bukowski. Pugliese asks her if she wants to say that under oath. They find themselves at the court with Walters at the chair. Pugliese asks her questions and she answers them, one of them being if she believes Bykowski would actually think he would date Megan Thee Stallion. She says yes. The judge concludes that he will award full damages to Bukowski and will send the defendant to prison for 60 days for impersonating a judge. The real Megan Thee Stallion exclaims there is only one of her. Afterwards, Bukowski asks if they could do something to prohibit Runa's powers. This gives Walters an idea.

Wrecking Crew

The Wrecking Crew confronts She-Hulk

Later, the jury decides to allow Blonsky's parole under the condition that he cannot turn into Abomination. The news reacts to this information and She-Hulk finds herself on the news for an interview. She tells the reporter that she did not come up with the name "She-Hulk". At night, Walters pulls into her driveway. Suddenly, a man sneaks up and chokes her. She panics before realizing that she could just turn into She-Hulk. The group of four charge up their mystical weapons after sheepishly admitting to having obtained them from an Asgardian construction worker. They attack her, but she easily defends herself. They then run away and get in the truck. Wrecker asks if they pierced her skin. Thunderball says that he failed to do so. They exclaim that the boss will be mad. Later, She-Hulk signs Megan Thee Stallion as a client. The two then dance in She-Hulk's office, much to the visible confusion of Holliway when he walks in, who later walks away.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:






Sentient Species[]





Song title Artist Location(s)
VIP West One Music Group
Go Easy on My Love Warner Chappell Production Music
News Fanfare Logo Universal Production Music
Seize the Power YONAKA
Body Megan Thee Stallion



Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to The People vs. Emil Blonsky.

External Links[]

Season One A Normal Amount of RageSuperhuman LawThe People vs. Emil BlonskyIs This Not Real Magic?Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These JeansJust JenThe RetreatRibbit and Rip ItWhose Show is This?