Avengers: Infinity War: The Hero's Journey - Thor, or simply The Hero's Journey: Thor, is a junior novelization based on Avengers: Infinity War and an except of Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey.
Heimdall is deeply troubled. As Asgard's eyes and ears, he watches over everything across the Nine Realms and over everyone . . . especially Thor Odinson. He has seen Thor challenge the Frost Giants on Jotunheim, risk his life to save thousands on Midgard and face the Dark Elves on Asgard. So why not can Heimdall barely see Thor or even hear him Has Thor abandoned his people when they need him the most One thing Heimdall knows for sure: without Thor's help, no one will survive.[1]
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Behind the Scenes[]
The content of this junior novelization is an excerpt from Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey's chapter on Thor. It is considered to hold an unconfirmed canon status per our canon policy.