Avengers: Infinity War: The Hero's Journey - Guardians of the Galaxy, or simply The Hero's Journey: Guardians of the Galaxy, is a junior novelization based on Avengers: Infinity War and an except of Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey.
Nebula hates pretty much everyone in the galaxy. Especially her sister, Gamora. And it's fair to say the feeling's mutual. It's hardly surprising. Taken from their homes as children's, Thanos surgically modified the girls training them to become weapons, forcing them to compete against each other over and over . . . until they felt nothing. Gamora always had to win. And Thanos always punished the loser painfully. So the way Nebula sees it, Gamora is to blame for everything that's wrong in her life. And when she ends up handcuffed, hungry and held captive on the Milano by Gamora, a talking rodent, a tattooed man, a humanoid plant and a scruffy-looking Terran going by the name Star-Lord . . . Nebula wants revenge.[1]
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Behind the Scenes[]
The content of this junior novelization is an excerpt from Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey's chapter on the Guardians of the Galaxy. It is considered to hold an unconfirmed canon status per our canon policy.