- "It's a TVA Guidebook. Perhaps you recognize it? It was delivered to me... when I was a child. Dropped into my life by some... divine hand."
- ―Victor Timely to Ravonna Renslayer[src]
The "Temporal Marvels" Universe is a universe where a young Victor Timely was given a copy of the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook.
Ancient Encounters[]

Human statues of three Asgardians at the World's Columbian Exposition
In ancient times, various human societies would come into contact with aliens. The Norse would learn of Asgardians such as Odin, Thor, and Balder the Brave, while the Egyptians would gain knowledge of Ennead such as Osiris and Horus. Both the Norse and the Egyptians believed these extraterrestrials to be gods, leading to them creating piece of art in their honor. While the existence of the Asgardians and the Ennead would eventually be believed to be a myth, depictions of them remained an important part in each society's culture.[1]
TVA Interference[]
Inventor Inspiration[]

Victor Timely discovers the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook
- "He told me that we need to put this package in that window."
"That's it?" - ―Miss Minutes and Ravonna Renslayer[src]
In 1868, Ravonna Renslayer arrived in this universe via a Timedoor. Appearing in Chicago, Illinois, Renslayer met with Miss Minutes in a barn, who relayed a directive from He Who Remains. Miss Minutes told Renslayer to drop a package containing the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook through the window of Victor Timely's workshop, which she acted on. Hearing the sound of the handbook as it fell on his workshop's floor, Timely went over, picked up the handbook, and began to read its contents. Using the advanced knowledge contained in the book, He Who Remains hoped that Timely created inventions far greater than his Sacred Timeline counterpart and succeed him as leader of the Time Variance Authority.
Using the knowledge found in the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook, Timely created a variety of time-based inventions, which he housed in his Wisconsin laboratory due to the lower taxes of the state. Due to the limitations of his time's technology, Timely often faked his inventions during demonstrations. One of his inventions was a pair of Mechanical Trousers, which Timely gifted to a World's Columbian Exposition councilman. Another one of these inventions, the Temporal Loom, was patented by Timely and attracted the attention of multiple wealthy investors.[1]
Search for Ravonna Renslayer[]

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius exploring 1868 Chicago
Now that Renslayer had given Timely the handbook, she, alongside Miss Minutes, traveled forward in time to the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, hoping to see if their interference with Timely paid off.[1] While waiting for the day of Timely's demonstration at the event to come, Miss Minutes repeatedly terrorized the exposition's attendants as a ghostly apparition the local media dubbed the "Ghost Clock on Midway."[2] In pursuit of Renslayer and Miss Minutes, Loki and Mobius M. Mobius briefly visited Chicago in 1868 before using a Timedoor to follow Renslayer to the year 1893.

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius search the World's Columbian Exposition
Arriving in 1893, Loki and Mobius began searching the fairgrounds of the World's Columbian Exposition for Ravonna Renslayer and Miss Minutes. While searching the grounds, the pair came across Norway's pavilion with three wooden statues of Asgardians, which Loki called a "crass overgeneralization." When the two stepped away from the statues, Loki noticed a sign that advertised "Victor Timely and His Astounding Temporal Marvels", a demonstration that would be held later that night in the exposition's German Village Beer Hall. Knowing that Renslayer and Miss Minutes would be interested in an demonstration about time, Loki and Mobius planned to attend the event, hoping to catch Renslayer there.

Victor Timely's presentation
Renslayer, with Miss Minutes hiding alongside her in a bag, arrived in the German Village Beer Hall just as a polka band was finishing their set, with Loki and Mobius arriving shortly thereafter. Just before Timely's demonstration was set to begin, Mobius spotted Renslayer and attempted to pursue her, only to be stopped by Loki, who didn't want them to be spotted. As Timely demonstrated his Temporal Loom, Loki became worried, as his noticed that Timely was a variant of He Who Remains.[1]
Chase of Victor Timely[]

Robber Baron and Guy Pennyman III bid for Victor Timely's Temporal Loom
- "Your inventions are fake, Timely."
"Excuse me." - ―Robber Baron and Victor Timely[src]
When Victor Timely finished his demonstration, Mobius M. Mobius told Loki that they needed to take Timely back to the Time Variance Authority Office with them so that they could use his temporal aura to expand their Temporal Loom. As Timely walked off stage, he was intercepted by Ravonna Renslayer, who attempted to speak with him before being pushed aside by Robber Baron's men. Robber Baron, who watched Timely's presentation, offered to purchase the patent from Timely, but Timely rejected his offer and moved his way to the door. On his way there, Guy Pennyman III also attempted to purchase the Loom from Timely, which sparked a bidding war between Robber Baron and Pennyman. Robber Baron eventually won out with a final offer of one thousand dollars.

Victor Timely evades Robber Baron and his men
Taking the money from Robber Baron, Timely headed outside, where Renslayer attemptted to continue her conversation with Timely before she was interrupted by Mobius and Loki. As Timely walked through the fairgrounds, the two parties attempted to get a word in with Timely before they were interrupted by Robber Baron, who confronted Timely after discovering that his Temporal Loom was a fake. This caused Timely to run, with the Robber Baron giving chase, as well as Renslayer, Mobius, and Loki. Making his way up to the ground's ferris wheel, Timely successfully tricked Robber Baron and his men into riding in one of the ferris wheels' carriages, allowing Timely to escape from their grasps.

Loki's standoff with Sylvie Laufeydottir
As a group of guests were exiting the next ferris wheel carriage, Loki held Timely by the collar before the two were escorted into the carriage by Sylvie Laufeydottir who was pointing her sword at them. As the ferris wheel began to turn again, Loki defended Timely from Laufeydottir, who had come to this universe to kill Timely due to him being a variant of He Who Remains. Loki attempted to convince Laufeydottir that Timely needed to live to save the Multiverse, but she refused to listen to him. As their carriage returned to the ground, Loki and Laufeydottir sent out blasts of magic that clashed with each other and sent Loki and Timely flying out of the carriage. While Mobius helped Loki get to his feet, Renslayer attended to Timely.

Ravonna Renslayer speaks with Victor Timely
With Robber Baron now out of the ferris wheel as well, he returned to his pursuit of Timely. Not wanting to lose Timely again, Renslayer had Miss Minutes grow to giant size and scare the crowd, causing a distraction. While this didn't stop Robber Baron, Loki, Mobius, and Laufeydottir from continuing their pursuit of Timely, it gave him enough time to slip into his residence on the fairgrounds alongside Renslayer and Miss Minutes. Renslayer and Miss Minutes told him the story of He Who Remains and convinced him that Loki and Mobius weren't to be trusted. When Robber Baron began knocking at the door of Timely's abode, Renslayer and Miss Minutes followed Timely as climbed out the window so that he could head to his laboratory and retrieve his latest prototype.

Victor Timely and Ravonna Renslayer evade their pursuers
Outside, they were confronted by Loki and Mobius, who began to chase the trio before the pair was cut off by Robber Baron and his goons. Using his magic, Loki blasted Robber Baron and his henchmen out of the way and continued his search for Timely alongside Mobius. However, Timely successfully evaded them by hiding in a nearby building's fake wall and boarded the S.S. Herron alongside Renslayer and Miss Minutes to make their way across Lake Michigan and to his laboratory.[1]
Apprehension of Victor Timely[]

Victor Timely and Miss Minutes watch as Ravonna Renslayer floats away
- "Please. I haven't done anything."
"Oh, you will. You'll do terrible things."
"That isn't me. That... You don't know me. You don't know the heart... the heart I have beating in my chest. I can make my own choices. I'm not the man you think I am." - ―Victor Timely and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]
Aboard the S.S. Herron, Victor Timely, Ravonna Renslayer, and Miss Minutes rested in one of the canoes strapped to the side of the steamboat. Timely learned that it was Renslayer who gave him the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook all those years ago. Seeing Renslayer and Timely beginning to grow closer, Miss Minutes grew jealous of their relationship due to her unrequited love for He Who Remains, so she decided to hatch a plan. Later that night, when Renslayer was alone and asleep in one of the boat's canoes, Miss Minutes convinced Timely to drop it into the lake, leaving Renslayer to float away.

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius standoff with Ravonna Renslayer
At his laboratory, Timely gathered his things and was ready to leave for the Time Variance Authority Office, but Miss Minutes told him that they should instead lay low for a while. She then told Timely of her relationship with He Who Remains, eventually confessing her romantic feelings for him. This freaked Timely out caused him to use Renslayer's TemPad, which he had taken earlier, to make Miss Minutes disappear. Renslayer then emerged from the shadows holding a prototype Time Stick, using it to threaten Timely. Loki and Mobius M. Mobius then burst through the lab's door, with Mobius attempting to talk Renslayer down, but his efforts were futile. Just as Renslayer was about to use the Time Stick on Timely, Sylvie Laufeydottir revealed herself and used a burst of magic to knock everyone else in the lab to the floor.

Sylvie Laufeydottir banishes Ravonna Renslayer
Ready to kill Timely, Laufeydottir walked up to him with her sword out, but Timely pleaded for his life. Timely assured Laufeydottir that he wasn't He Who Remains and was free to make his own choices. Upon hearing this, she allowed Loki and Mobius to take him to the Time Variance Authority Office via a Timedoor. Loki and Mobius followed Timely through the Timedoor before Laufeydottir used her TemPad to banish Renslayer to the Citadel at the End of Time.[1]
- Thor
- Odin
- Balder the Brave
- Blair/Robber Baron
- Ferdinand Lang
- Guy Pennyman III
- Henrietta Bauer
- Horus
- Hugo
- Karl Böhm Graf
- Osiris
- Tim
- Victor Timely (formerly)
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- China
- Colombia
- Egypt
- France
- German Empire
- Guatemala
- Japan
- Mexico
- Norway
- Persia
- Portugal
- Russia
- Scotland
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- Uruguay
- The name "Temporal Marvels" is taken from Victor Timely's exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Behind the Scenes[]
To be added