Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude is a collection of comics set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel's Earth-616.
By day, Peter Parker attends high school and lives with his Aunt May. By night, he fights crime with wall-crawling powers and web-swinging tech and he's destined to one day be known as Queens' friendly neighbourhood hero. But first he must survive a war between Captain America and Iron Man that will split the Avengers. Join Spidey in his first tentative web-swings toward a blockbuster future. And it's all backed up by a classic tale featuring Spidey's initial encounter with the high-flying Vulture, a high-octane team-up with none other than Iron Man and the devastating debut of the sinister Shocker. Collecting Marvel's Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude 1–2, The Invincible Iron Man (2008) 7, Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 2, Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 46. [1]