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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"I need an agent in South Bend, and you're the closest one to the scene."
Phil Coulson to Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

South Bend is a city in the state of Indiana.


Attack on the ATCU Storage Facility[]

"When you get to South Bend, rendezvous with Mack at the ATCU site."
Phil Coulson to Daisy Johnson[src]

In the framework of their war against the Inhumans, the Watchdogs attacked an ATCU facility using Nitramene-based bomb, causing the building to implode and be reduced to a massive ball of debris. The attack was broadcasted live on television, thus bringing South Bend at the center of the attention of the authorities. Most notably, S.H.I.E.L.D. sent Daisy Johnson and Leo Fitz to South Bend to assist the local police and investigate. Alphonso Mackenzie, who was on vacation in Naperville, was also instructed to travel to South Bend.

Once on site, Fitz quickly identified the Nitramene, giving S.H.I.E.L.D. a lead on who had orchestrated the South Bend attack once the information was relayed to Coulson.[1]


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