- "Now whether I like it or not, I am forever She-Hulk."
- ―She-Hulk[src]
Jennifer Susan "Jen" Walters, Esq. is a former attorney at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway and former Deputy District Attorney for the City of Los Angeles. Upon receiving drops of Bruce Banner's blood, she underwent a physical transformation similar to his and became known as She-Hulk. She was then hired by GLK&H to be the face of their Superhuman Law Division. Walters took on many cases, including that of Abomination and Wong, while also getting herself in conflict with as Titania. Her rising fame soon got the ire of the online hate-group Intelligencia, who would later hijack the Southern California Law Awards Gala and released footage they had obtained of her having sex in order to make her lose control. Walters was stopped and detained by the United States Department of Damage Control and later released under the condition that she would no longer transform into She-Hulk. At a final confrontation with Intelligencia, Walters broke through the fourth wall in order to rewrite the ending to allow herself to be She-Hulk once more.
Early Life[]
Jennifer Walters was born to Morris and Elaine Walters and grew up in Los Angeles, California.[1] She would go on to befriend Lulu while in high school but lose touch after heading to college.[3]
DDA of Los Angeles[]
Walters attended the University of California, Los Angeles.[1] While there, she went to parties, and recorded a video of her dancing with her friends, which she sent to her mother.[6] Walters would earn two degrees, and became a lawyer, going on to work as a Deputy District Attorney at the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.[1]
Becoming She-Hulk[]
Car Accident and Transformation[]
- "Obviously, Captain America was a virgin."
"Look out!" - ―Jennifer Walters and Bruce Banner[src]
In the fall of 2024, Walters caught up with Bruce Banner, and the two went on a road trip together. During the drive, Walters asked Banner what he had been up to, which he explained in detail how he built a device that kept him in human form while he healed his arm. Walters then turned the conversation to her theory that Steve Rogers was a virgin, going through what she learned from the History Channel and Banner's stories, which made him uncomfortable.
A spaceship suddenly appeared in front of them, causing Walters to veer off the road and crash down a hill. Walters cut herself as she got out of the car, and went to pull Banner out, but he tried to tell her to get away from him as he was bleeding. But before she could, some of Banner's blood spilled into her open wound, sending gamma radiation through her bloodstream, transforming Walters into a Hulk. In shock, Walters ran off into the forest.[1]
First Public Encounter[]
Walters woke up in the forest at night. She checked herself out and then walked out to a clearing where saw the Ideal Sports Bar. She went inside the back door and went to the restroom to clean up. She then was met by a group of women who came in and noticed how dirty she was, concluding that she had a run in with a man. They sympathized for her and fixed her up by doing her makeup and gave her new shoes. She thanked them, but said she didn't need makeup, just their phones.
She used one of their phones to call Banner to come pick her up. As she waited outside for her cousin to arrive, a few men started harassing her, so Walters tried to avoid the situation by walking away, only to be followed. Walters lost her anger and lashed out, turning into a Hulk, terrifying the group of men. Before she could attack, Banner tackled her, knocking her out.[1]
Waking Up in Mexico[]
- "I tried to warn you. My blood got into your system, and after the wreck, you got a lethal dose of gamma radiation."
- ―Bruce Banner to Jennifer Walters[src]
The next day, a dazed and confused Walters woke up in a bedroom in a beach house. She got up and looked around, confused of her surroundings. She then spotted a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and bathing trunks on a dresser that were folded for her and got changed.
When she left the room, she saw an Iron Legion helmet on a nearby table and inspected it, before hearing Spanish music coming from a basement. She called out asking if anyone was there but got no response. She found the stairs and went down them, being greeted by Bruce Banner in his Hulk form.
Entering the laboratory, Walters remarked that Banner was Hulk again, but he corrected that he was Smart Hulk, a name the public gave him. Banner explained that they were in his house in Mexico, and that he had informed Walters' parents that they were fine. As Walters looked around, Banner elaborated that the lab was where he integrated his and Hulk's identities, adding that Tony Stark built the place for him.
Walters then inquired what occurred during their car crash, and Banner answered that they hit a spaceship, resulting in her receiving a lethal dose of gamma radiation. Walters momentarily panicked at the thought she was dying, but Banner clarified that they both share a rare combination of genetic factors that allow them to synthesize gamma radiation into something else. She concluded that she could become a Hulk now, and Banner added that her blood allowed him to heal his arm completely.[1]
Trained by Bruce Banner[]
- "I'm great at controlling my anger. I do it all the time. When I'm catcalled in the street, when incompetent men explain my own area of expertise to me. I do it pretty much every day because if I don't, I will get called emotional, or difficult, or might just literally get murdered."
- ―Jennifer Walters to Bruce Banner[src]
Once Bruce Banner destroyed all samples of Walters' blood, she asked him to fix what had happened to her, but he told her that it was irreversible and that she could never return to her normal life. To help cope with the situation, Banner made Walters pancakes and explained that she would have to stay with him as she spent years coming to terms with her Hulk self, much to her frustration.
As part of their first test, Walters was put in a chamber to test what her threshold was for triggering her transformation. As buzzsaws began closing in on her, Walters panicked and was forced to transform so she could break out of the chamber. Banner tried to calm her Hulk self down, but they discovered that Walters was still in control, much to their surprise. With no alter ego to battle with, Walters believed she was finished, but Banner made it clear she had more to learn, so Walters reluctantly agreed to continue their training.
They proceeded with dialectical behavioral therapy, which Walters did not take seriously, joking about it being for getting her butt tighter. Seeing that she was not ready, Banner decided to start again the next morning, where he used an air horn to wake her up, instantly triggering her to transform. Throughout the day, Banner would give Walters tips on living as a Hulk, such as reinforcing her furniture and wearing spandex, and they also did some physical tests, like tossing a boulder and ground pounds, which Walters excelled in.
Walters wondered when she needed this skills as a lawyer, so Banner reminded her that she and her loved ones would now have a target on their back, further annoying Walters about how her life was ruined. Deciding to show her an upside to being a Hulk, Banner revealed that they could not get drunk no matter how much they drank, so they spent that night drinking at Banner's bar. One night as they drank, Walters pretended to be drunk and upset over Steve Rogers being a virgin, so Banner chose to reveal that he lost his virginity during his USO tour.
Resuming with the DBT, Walters questioned if she could leave, wanting to return to her life. Banner talked about her being a superhero, which Walters immediately shut down, saying she didn't want to become one. But Banner was insistent, seeing how they were some of the only people who could protect Earth, which was why Walters had to learn how to control her emotions. However, Walters explained that she was already able to do so, as she constantly deals with many high-stress situations just by being a woman.[1]
Scuffle with Bruce Banner[]
- "The idea of being a superhero is not appealing to me. I'm not you. And I'm not gonna become you. I don't need to join some secret government contractor squad and have my entire life taken away from me."
- ―Jennifer Walters to Bruce Banner[src]
Successfully able to transform between human and Hulk form, Walters decided to leave. Banner tried to stop her, stating she was a superhero now, but this did not appeal to her, as she didn't want her life taken away from her like it did with Banner. He claimed that his life wasn't taken away, but Walters argued that he's all alone with decades worth of trauma, and that she did not want the same for herself. Banner blocked the car, so Walters accelerated, knocking him away and into a pile of rocks.
Walters checked if Banner was okay, but when he scolded her, she transformed and punched him. The two then began fighting, and Banner used the thunderclap on her, sending her flying backwards. Banner asked why she didn't just listen to him, and Walters said because they were different and then tried to do a thunderclap but failed. Instead, Walters was able to do multiple smaller thunderclaps, incapacitating Banner briefly. As they continued to fight, they ended up crashing into Banner's bar, destroying it.
Banner made Walters help him fix the bar, where he gave his acceptance of her returning to her normal life. Walters, having manifested the power to break the fourth wall, stated that Banner did not really respect her decision, much to her confusion and Banner's annoyance. As Walters was leaving, Banner reiterated that he was the only person who understood what she was going through and that she could always go to him for help. Walters apologized for the things she said to Banner, and he told her she was always welcomed if she changed her mind before she drove off.[1]
Practicing for a Court Hearing[]
Returning to her life as a lawyer, Walters told her family and Nikki Ramos that she was now a Hulk. By 2025, Walters, still never having to transform, practiced her closing argument she would present to the jury to Ramos and Dennis Bukowski. Bukowski's feedback annoyed Walters and Ramos, and they joked about murdering him, and kicked him out of the room.
Ramos praised Walters and commented on how she was moving up the career ladder and would soon become a district attorney. Walters just wanted to focus on the current case, and Ramos mentioned how she could Hulk out if they lost. Before leaving, Walters took a moment to break the fourth wall and recapped the events of her becoming a Hulk. When she finished, Walters reaffirmed how Bruce Banner was wrong about her being a Hulk, and then went to win the case, insisting that it was a lawyer show.[1]
Titania's Attack[]
After hearing the defense's arguments, the judge called Walters in for closing arguments. Dennis Bukowski told Walters not to screw it up, and as she was about to begin her closing argument, a powered woman, Titania, burst into the courtroom. Nikki Ramos convinced Walters to transform, so she did, and confronted Titania. Walters saved the jury, knocked out Titania, and returned to human form so she could give her closing argument.[1]
Losing Her Job[]
Following Walters' public transformation, she faced the repercussions of being recognised and praised as a superhero, being named "She-Hulk." That night, Walters and Nikki Ramos went to Legal Ease Bar & Grill, where a crowd had gathered inside demanding to see She-Hulk. Walters was reluctant to indulge in this any further, but Ramos convinced her, so Walters transformed and entered the bar, to much worship.
Walter expressed her disapproval to her superhero name, as it made her a derivative of Hulk. She was approached by Dennis Bukowski, who was jealous of Walters' powers, which he accused her of using to gain publicity for herself, which disgusted Walters. Walters discussed her disinterest with Ramos about being a superhero, especially with the instability that comes with being an Avenger. Walters was then joined by her boss who informed her that the case was dismissed and that he had to fire her.
After losing her job at the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Walters went through a slump, not answering a call from Banner, and being rejected from every job she applied for due to her being considered as a distraction as a Hulk. Ramos helped Walters look for jobs, but Walters had started thinking about more offbeat occupations. Walters then received a text message from her mother, reminding her about family dinner that evening, so she asked Ramos to come with her, but she had a date.[2]
Family Dinner[]
- "It does feel like a weight has been lifted. But there's, like, this new weight."
"The thing that you were dreading happened. But look, you're still standing. And now you get to keep moving on." - ―Jennifer Walters and Morris Walters[src]
That night, Walters drove to her family home and was greeted by her parents, who informed her that they had told the rest of her family about her getting fired so no would bring it up. However, it immediately became the topic of conversation. Walters then had to endure as the family pestered her about being She-Hulk.
Wanting to properly check on his daughter, Morris asked for Walters help with something so they could speak privately. Walters claimed she was fine, or at least fine with being not fine, and proceeded to unload her problems to her father. Morris gave her some support, saying how it wasn't their first time dealing with a Hulk in the family, and that even though she didn't want the world to know her secret, she is still standing. Afterwards, Morris got Walters to turn into She-Hulk so she could help with some chores.[2]
Superhuman Law Division[]
Joining GLK&H[]
- "We just started a Superhuman Law Division, and I wanted you, well, the She-Hulk, to be the face of it."
- ―Holden Holliway to Jennifer Walters[src]
Walters went to get a drink at Legal Ease Bar & Grill, where she was approached by Holden Holliway who was very impressed by her during the trial leading to him offering her a job at GLK&H as the head of a new division. Walters immediately accepted, and brought Nikki Ramos on as her paralegal.
Arriving at the GLK&H Los Angeles Office, Walters was informed by Holliway that they had just started a Superhuman Law Division and that he was wanting Walters to lead it, but the requirement was that she needed to be She-Hulk when at work and in court. As Holliway showed her around, Walters broke the fourth wall to call out how much it sucked that they wanted to exploit her being a Hulk rather than her qualifications as a lawyer. Walters met up with Ramos in her office to talk about her situation, but Ramos looked at the benefits they were getting, and they were greeted by Augustus Pugliese, who gave them a gift basket.[2]
Meeting with Emil Blonsky[]
- "You said to my face that you never turn into the Abomination anymore."
"No, I said I choose not to." - ―Jennifer Walters and Emil Blonsky[src]
For her first case, Walters was to take on the parole case of Emil Blonsky, also known as the Abomination. However, Walters felt that there was a conflict of interest as Blonsky tried to kill Bruce Banner, but Holliway assured this wasn't an issue as Blonsky signed a conflict waiver. Walters was uncomfortable with the case, but Holliway said if she didn't take the case, she didn't have a job.
Walters decided to meet with Blonsky, who was incarcerated in the Damage Control Supermax Prison. Before entering Walters was ordered to revert to human form, as no powers were allowed inside. Walters was surprised to see Blonsky in human form, and he explained that he had gone through a spiritual transformation and chose not to be Abomination. They then addressed how Blonsky tried to kill Banner, but he stated he was under orders, and his proceeding rampage was a result from the Super Soldier Serum they put in him.
Feeling as though he was doing the right thing and could have been the next Captain America, while Banner, who was the threat is now worshiped as a hero, Walters began to sympathize with Blonsky's case. Walters insisted that if Blonsky was to win his case, he needed to come across remorseful for his actions, so he started to read out his haikus that he had wrote. Blonsky then explained his life plans if he were to be released and asked if Walters was willing to help, and she said she'd think about it.
Returning home, Walters called Banner to let him know about the case and see if he would be comfortable with it. However, after listening to Blonsky, Walters' had already decided to take him on as a client and was instead trying to convince Banner of her decision. Banner realized this and approved of Walters' decision, revealing that he had made peace with Blonsky previously. They then discussed her superhero name before hanging up.
Walters called Holliway to say she would be taking the case. He told her to turn on the news where she learned that Blonsky had escaped from prison, and was filmed participating in an underground fight club.[2] Walters rushed back the next day to the prison and confronted Blonsky about leaving out the fact that he had previously escaped. Having violated his sentence, Walters explained it would ruin his chances at parole, so Blonsky explained that he was forced to leave by Wong, but chose to return of his own free will.[7]
Tracking Down Wong[]
Walters had Nikki Ramos investigate into Wong so she could speak with him, as he had potentially ruined her entire case. Walters took a moment to break the fourth wall while driving to acknowledge the excitement for Wong, but reminded the audience that her show was not going to be just cameos, despite the appearances of Bruce Banner, Emil Blonsky and Wong, and that it was still about her.
Back at her office, Ramos brought up the discussions being made about Walters pertaining to her defending Blonsky. Walters stated that she didn't care what people said about her, and that Blonsky deserved a fair hearing. Ramos felt that Walters should respond to the media, but Walters believed it would die down once the case was over. Holden Holliway informed Walters about Dennis Bukowski's case against a Light Elf who pretended to be Megan Thee Stallion, but Bukowski did not want Walters representing him.
At that moment, Wong arrived through a portal, so Walters left to question him about Blonsky's escape. Wong confirmed everything Blonsky said to be factual, explaining that he needed the Abomination as part of his training, and went to leave. But Walters told him that the parole board would not release Blonsky after the leaked video. Wong initially thought she wanted him to erase everyone's memories, but Walters said that was unethical and just wanted Wong to testify at the parole hearing.[7]
Emil Blonsky's Hearing[]
- "What Mr. Blonsky is trying to say is that the man you see before you is not the same Emil Blonsky as before. All he wants now is to be a contributing member of society."
- ―Jennifer Walters to the Prison Parole Board[src]
The day of the hearing, Walters avoided the swarm of reporters waiting outside the Damage Control Supermax Prison. Once inside, Walters spoke with Emil Blonsky, noting that Wong had not yet shown up. When the hearing began, Walters revealed that Wong would be able to clear Blonsky of any wrongdoing, but had to stall, so she made Blonsky give his statement.
The proceeded to discuss Blonsky's plans if he were to be released, revealing his intention to open a meditation retreat, which would be funded by his seven soulmates. Still waiting for Wong, Walters called the rest of her witnesses to support Blonsky's claims of rehabilitation. Wong eventually arrived and provided a testimony to prove Blonsky's innocence, but when it was questioned if he would lose control and turn into Abomination, Blonsky demonstrated by transforming, despite Walters' pleas for him not to.
With Blonsky now as the Abomination, the board members were terrified and the guards prepared to use force, so Walters quickly tried to calm them all down and demanded that Blonsky transformed back into human form immediately. Blonsky complied, and Walters apologized for him, but ended using Blonsky's transformation to prove that he could have escaped on his own at any time but chose not to. The board adjourned for the day, and as Walters left the prison, she was ambushed by reporters, but continued to ignore them.[7]
Helping Augustus Pugliese[]
- "Dennis Bukowski is an almost pathologically entitled man. He would absolutely believe that he's dating the real Megan Thee Stallion because he is truly that delusional."
- ―Jennifer Walters to Augustus Pugliese[src]
Meeting up with Nikki Ramos at the Legal Ease Bar & Grill, Walters complained about the protestors. Ramos continued to advise Walters to do the interview, but she felt that it would all go back to normal. Ramos stated that the attention was never going to go away, and found a rumor about Walters being pregnant with Emil Blonsky's child, which they both laughed at. Augustus Pugliese joined them, complaining about Dennis Bukowski, which Walters noted was connecting the A and B story. Expressing her opinions on Bukowski, Pugliese asked Walters to testify in his case.
Walters agreed to help Pugliese by giving a testimony for his, where she would give an honest description of Bukowski, detailing how delusional he was that he would genuinely believe he was dating the real Megan Thee Stallion. When Walters finished her testimony, it was a major help to Pugliese's case that it resulted in him winning in the trial. Leaving the courtroom, Bukowski mentioned removing powers so people wouldn't be victimised, which gave Walters an idea about Blonsky's case.[7]
Controlling Her Story[]
- "They're gonna write a story about you one way or the other, you know. Better to be a part of it, really."
- ―Emil Blonsky to Jennifer Walters[src]
When the parole hearing resumed, Walters was thrilled as Emil Blonsky was granted parole, under the condition that he would never transform into the Abomination. Blonsky thanked Walters and told her that he was in her debt, spiritually. Walters asked Blonsky just to stay out of the news, not wanting to her life to be taken over by it anymore, but Blonsky felt that it would be better if Walters was a part of it so she could control her own story.
Taking Blonsky's words into consideration, Walters, as She-Hulk form, decided to do an interview with Citizen News. Walters corrected the news anchor to use her and Blonsky's real names. The anchor then asked how Walters got her superhero name, which she explained was just from someone on the news and it stuck, despite her not being a fan of it. They then took a break, with the anchor announcing them talking about Walter's diet and exercise secrets next, which she was displeased with.[7]
Attacked by the Wrecking Crew[]
Arriving home one night, Walters was grabbed from behind by Bulldozer as Piledriver approached her. Walters initially panicked but quickly remembered she had powers and transformed into She-Hulk, throwing Bulldozer off her. Wrecker and Thunderball joined the attackers, each possessing a glowing weapon which She-Hulk mocked.
The Wrecking Crew charged at She-Hulk and attacked her, but it made no impact due to her significant strength being in Hulk form. Thunderball jabbed her with a syringe, but it broke when making contact with her skin. After besting her attackers with great ease, including tossing Piledriver in the air, the Wrecking Crew decided to retreat, driving away in a van. She-Hulk collected her belongings and looked at her reflection in a car mirror, processing what had happened.[7]
New Client[]
- "You are way more fun than my last lawyer."
"I will kill for you, Megan Thee Stallion" - ―Megan Thee Stallion and She-Hulk[src]
With her first case with GLK&H a success, and Walters continuing to grow in popularity, Walters was personally chosen to be the lawyer for Megan Thee Stallion. Stallion met with Walters in her office and they finalize the paperwork so that she would now be Walter's client. Afterwards to celebrate, the two danced in Walters office to Stallion's song, Body, with Walters and Stallion twerking together. Stallion expressed her fondness for Walters, who responded that she would kill her for.[7]
Her Father's Concerns[]
Walters addressed Wong being in the episode, saying that it would temporarily give the show Twitter armor. She was then visited by her father, who wanted to increase her security after being attacked by the Wrecking Crew. Walters assured her father that she'd be fine, as she was a Hulk and would just beat them again. Morris asked what the police said, but Walters revealed she didn't go to them, as they wouldn't catch the Wrecking Crew, and she then went to work.[4]
Helping Wong[]
- "Set a precedent that no unlicensed persons ever attempt to practice the Mystic Arts again."
"Well, this might be pretty straightforward. Did Mr. Blaze sign an NDA or a non-compete?" - ―Wong and Jennifer Walters[src]
In her office, Walters created her Matcher dating profile, and she and Nikki Ramos discussed her interview. Wong entered her office through a portal, saying that he needed her help with a legal matter, as a magician named Donny Blaze was recklessly using real Magic in his show. Walters decided to take the case.
At Legal Ease Bar & Grill, Walters and Ramos continued with their work, writing Wong's cease and desist for Blaze, and finishing Emil Blonsky's parole brief. They were approached by a man who tired to flirt with them, but they turned him down. Ramos then looked ay Walters' dating profile, and made the recommendation of creating a profile as She-Hulk. But Walters wanted to just date as her regular self, having to already spend her professional life as She-Hulk.
Walters and Wong met with Blaze at the Mystic Castle to deliver the cease and desist. Blaze was reluctant to cooperate with the cease and desist, but Walters told him that they'd see him in court and left. Getting a match on Matcher, Walters went on a date with a guy named Alan, but it was not going great, with Alan eventually spending the date on his phone, not even paying attention to Walters, and then just leaving her to pay the bill.
In court, to prove that Blaze's magic trick was constituting gross negligence, Walters had Wong bring in Madisynn King as a witness to corroborate their claim. Walters had King retell her experience at Blaze's show in which she was teleported to another dimension, however, it did not benefit their case. Blaze's lawyer asked for the case to be dismissed as magic couldn't be copyrighted, but Walters refuted that it didn't apply to real magic. The Judge stated that Blaze could still practice magic until she made her decision.[4]
Embracing She-Hulk[]
Going on Dates[]
- "Is there anything worse than dating in your thirties?"
- ―She-Hulk[src]
At home, Walters called up Nikki Ramos, who she lied to about being in her pyjamas and not doing anything. Walters then got a notification from her phone saying she had no matches from Matcher, so she decided to take Ramos' advice and create a new profile as She-Hulk, and instantly got multiple matches, much to her joy.
Walters, in She-Hulk form, proceeded to go on a few dates with different guys; however, none of the people she met with worked out. The first date, Derek, was too arrogant and rude. The next date, Noah, talked about himself. And the date after that, Todd Phelps, was too obsessed with her as a superhero. These failed dates had worn Walters down, but when she met with Arthur, she was quickly attracted to him, and decided to skip the date and go back to her place.
Walters and Arthur talked on the couch, with Walters telling about her joining GLK&H and having to transform into She-Hulk in front of everyone which was embarrassing for her. Walters' phone began ringing, so she turned it off, but it rang again, and she saw that it was Donny Blaze and ignored it. Walters split some wine on Arthur's shirt, so he took it off, and Walters gawked at his muscular torso. Walters went to kiss Arthur, but a portal opened up, with Wong saying that he needed her help, so she went with him.
Entering the Mystic Castle, She-Hulk discovered a room full of demons flying around. Wong told her that he had to repair the original portal, and that she needed to utilize her abilities as a Hulk to send the demons through the new portal. As She-Hulk dealt with the demons, she complained how she had finally been on a successful date with a man she actually liked, but was now fighting demons, covered in goo. After sending all the demons back, She-Hulk used the remaining one to convince Blaze to stop practicing Magic.
Wong returned Walters to her home through a portal, having her land on top of Arthur. Resuming where they left off in their date, Walters picked up and carried Arthur to her bedroom where they had sex. The next morning, returning to human form, Walters made her and Arthur breakfast, and was informed by Ramos that Titania was on the news being cleared of all charges. Arthur came into the room, but upon seeing Walters in her regular form, he decided to leave, much to her disappointment.[4]
Sued by Titania[]
- "You're using my name to sell your trashy products, and you're suing me?"
"Get over it, Jennifer. The name She-Hulk is mine." - ―Jennifer Walters and Titania[src]
Receiving a knock on the door, Walters momentarily got excited thinking it was Arthur coming back, but was instead surprised when it was a process server. He informed Walters that Titania was suing her for misuse of trademark, as she had trademarked the name "She-Hulk." Walters broke the fourth wall, noting it to be a bad way to end the episode, surmising there'd be a fun mid-credit scene.[4]
As Walters went about her normal life, she would continue to be bombarded and frustrated with advertisements for She-Hulk by Titania, including TV commercials, billboards, and podcast sponsorships. Ched visited Walters, explaining that he was making money from selling signed "She-Hulk" products, thinking it was her business. Walters told him that Titania had trademarked her name. Ched then proceeded to explain how trademarking worked to Walters, even though she already knew, causing her to scream into a pillow.
Deciding to put an end to the issue, Walters and Nikki Ramos went to confront Titania, who was meeting with her fans. Walters inspected some of Titania's products, which confused her. Walters found Titania and told her to shut down her business, but Titania refused, stating that the name "She-Hulk" belonged to her. Back at her office, Ramos brought up how Walters hated her superhero name, which she still claimed she didn't care about, but this was not true, as Walters had come to enjoy aspects of being She-Hulk.
Holden Holliway asked Walters about a billboard he saw promoting the "She-Hulk Booty Boost Smoothie". Walters tried to explain the situation with Titania, but she was stopped. Holliway informed Walters that being the face of a division and having a lawsuit against her did not make GLK&H look good. Holliway chose Mallory Book to represent Walters in the case, deciding to countersue, as Walters was using the name in a professional capacity. Book also advised Walters to improve her wardrobe, which Ramos was taking care of.
In court, Book stated that since Walters' first public appearance in Hulk form, she has been identified by the people as She-Hulk, and that Titania was exploiting goodwill towards Walters to sell her products. Titania's lawyer claimed that Walters was not interested in the name She-Hulk until Titania started using it, showing footage of Walters disowning the name. Book countered with Walters' TV interview where she accepted the name, but were required more examples of personal use of the name in order to win the case.
Ramos took Walters to meet with Luke Jacobson, a fashion designer who specializes in superhero costumes. Jacobson was initially hesitant to take on Walters as a client, but Ramos claimed that she was going to be a part of the Avengers and revealed that she was the Hulk's cousin. Walters clarified that she only needed a business suit, which did not interest Jacobson until he learned that he would be making a suit that fitted and adapted to Walters in both human and Hulk form.
Back at her office, Walters ran into Todd Phelps, much to her embarrassment, as she found him to be very creepy. As they awkwardly caught up, Phelps suggested that they should go out on a date again, which Walters ended up agreeing to, despite having no desire to. As Walters and Ramos were on their lunch break, they discussed the date she had with Phelps as She-Hulk. This then made Walters realize that she had created a dating profile as She-Hulk, which she could use as a repeated instance of personally using the name to win the court case. However, Ramos pointed out that this would mean calling all her previous dates to testify, which would be humiliating for her.
Returning to court, Book explained to Judge Earley how Walters self-identified as She-Hulk before Titania filed for the trademark, reading out her dating profile. Derek, Noah, Phelps and Arthur then gave their testimony, and although it all supported Walters' case, it also brought her a lot of embarrassment, particularly with them exaggerating their stories of the date. With this evidence, Walters won the case, but Titania told her that it wasn't over between them.
As Walters and Book exited the courthouse, Walters thanked Book for her help. Book assured Walters that despite what was said by her former dates, she deserved better than them. Book accepted Walters' request to get a drink, much to her glee. Book reflected on what Walters had to go through during the trial, and they discussed how despite everything Walters had to offer, most men would think they could do better. Walters accidentally called her and Book friends, but Book seemed fine with it, and brought up her clothes.
Remembering the other plot line of the episode, Walters returned to Jacobson to collect her suits. Jacobson retrieved a whole rack of suits and gave Walters one to try on. When Walters entered the changing room, she was impressed with what Jacobson had designed and began to try it on. As she was getting changed, Jacobson told Walters that he had also made her something extra, which she discovered was a superhero costume. Walters didn't think she needed it, but Jacobson told her to accept it.[5]
Lulu's Wedding[]
Walters received a package from her friend Lulu, asking her to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. Despite not speaking with Lulu for years, Walters felt obligated to say yes, and began packing.
Nikki Ramos dropped by, wanting to see the new superhero costume, but Walters was adamant that she would never have a use for it. Instead, Walters showed off her dress for the rehearsal dinner that Luke Jacobson made, and discussed Ramos working with Mallory Book while she was away. Walters then addressed the audience, pointing out how the self-contained wedding episode would be inconvenient for the season, much like how weddings are in general.
Walters arrived at the venue as She-Hulk. This subjected her to many compliments, with Heather commenting on how good her butt looked. However, Lulu was not pleased with Walters taking the attention away from her, and spoke with Walters privately, making her promise that she would be in human form for the wedding. They then hugged, which became awkward as Lulu's face was pressed into Walter's enlarged breasts. Once Lulu left, Walters told the audience that she wanted to be She-Hulk at the wedding.
Lulu then ran through the situation with the bridesmaids and groomsmen, informing Walters that she was paired up with Jonathan, who was praised by the group, exciting Walters to meet him. Later on, Lulu went to catch up with Walters, so she told her about her job at GLK&H and gaining superpowers, but Lulu just wanted to know about her dating life. Walters told Lulu that she was not seeing anyone, making Lulu start to feel bad for her, even though Walters was not actually bothered by it.
Walters was then shocked to see Titania arrive, and immediately went to confront her, asking what she was doing at her friend's wedding. Titania revealed that she was dating a friend of the groom, and that's how she got invited. Lulu joined them, and Walters tried to expose Titania's true intentions for being at the wedding, which was to mess with Walters. However, Walters was not believed, so she stormed off, agitated at her current predicament.
Sitting outside, Walters was approached by Josh Miller, who casually was hitting on her, and the two began to talk, with Walters bringing up how neither of them were given a plus one to the wedding. Miller replied that he was fine with that, playfully informing Walters of his plan to get to know her. Lulu then came up to Walters again, saying that many of the staff had quit on her, and then asked Walters to help out with the cleaning up, as she called Miller away, leaving Walters by herself.
On the day of the wedding, Walters joined the rest of the bridesmaids, but was given with a pile of shirts from Heather that she was instructed with ironing. They then announced that Walters' groomsman had arrived, only for her to discover that Jonathan was a dog and not a person. After the ceremony, Walters went straight to the bar, which turned out to be a cash bar, and decided to get drunk and hit the dance floor. After being unable to call Bruce Banner, Walters caught up and flirted with Miller and revealed that she wanted to show off how well she was doing at the wedding.
Walters told Miller that with how much everyone loved She-Hulk, so she wanted to get to enjoy that admiration, although Miller claimed that he thought Walters was great as she was. The moment was cut short when Walters had to throw up outside. Titania went to support Walters but then sucker punched her, sending her flying backwards. Titania revealed to Walters that she was going to publicly destroy her, but was disappointed with Walters not transforming into She-Hulk.
Walters asked why Titania was obsessed with her, which she responded that she was annoyed at her getting all the attention and love from the public even though she didn't want it. Titania explained that this ruined everything for her, and that she now has to prove that Walters doesn't deserve the fame. Titania once again urged Walters to transform, which she agreed to do just the one time only. Due to her drunken state, Walters was unable to initially transform, but was able to focus herself and became She-Hulk.
She-Hulk smashed the ground, creating a shockwave that threw Titania back and inside where the reception was occurring. She-Hulk smiled and waved at Miller, who was happy to see her in Hulk form. She-Hulk and Titania then resumed their fight. Titania landed many blows on She-Hulk, until she got punched in the face and fell over. Titania went to retaliate, but tripped, fell on her face, and was humiliated in front of everyone, so she retreated.
She-Hulk turned around to notice Lulu was standing behind her. She-Hulk tried to explain what had happened so that she wouldn't be mad at her. However, because Lulu was also drunk, she didn't care and was just amazed that She-Hulk was at her wedding, and went to hug her, loudly expressing that she was a fan and was impressed that she had "huge boobs," which she congratulated She-Hulk on. That night, Walters and Miller got together when the wedding was over and shared a plate of fries.[3]
Ghosted by Josh Miller[]
- "Why can't he just text me back? Why is that so hard? There's literally no reason in this day and age not to respond to a text."
- ―She-Hulk to Nikki Ramos[src]
After meeting Josh Miller at the wedding, Walters decided to go on a date with him. The two went to a food truck together, and the date went well, with Walters and Miller texting each other afterwards. For their second date, they went to a market, but when they returned to Walters' apartment, she hesitated to invite Miller inside, only to find him gone when she changed her mind. On their third date, they went to a drive-in movie, and back at Walters' apartment, she decided to invite Miller inside, and they had sex.
Afterwards, while Walters was sleeping, Miller had secretly took a sample of her blood, copied the data from her phone, and took a picture of her while in bed, as he was working for Intelligencia. The next morning, Walters woke up to discover Miller was gone. Unaware of his true self, Walters texted Miller, saying how much fun she had with him. However, Miller did not text Walters back, which she fixated on for the whole day, so Nikki Ramos told her not to obsess over it, giving reasons why he may not have responded.
By the next day, Miller had still not responded, which began to mess with Walters so she tried to distract herself, but couldn't help checking her phone constantly, only to still not hear from Miller. Three days after sleeping with Miller, Walters was called in the morning by Chuck Donelan, informing her that Emil Blonsky's inhibitor had malfunctioned, and required her help as She-Hulk to go down to his retreat incase he had returned to being Abomination and does not cooperate.
During the drive, Walters continued to check her phone to see if Miller texted her back. Once Walters arrived at the retreat, she met up with Donelan, who told her to transform into She-Hulk. They found Blonsky, and listened to his explanation as to why his inhibitor had malfunctioned. With that sorted, Donelan left immediately, and Walters spoke with Blonsky, saying that she didn't think he would try to jeopardise his freedom after just being released from prison.
Before Walters could get in her car, it was damaged by a fight breaking out between Águila and Man-Bull, so Walters quickly stopped them before they could destroy it any further. Águila and Man-Bull apologized and introduced themselves to Walters, delving into their own personal backstories, but she only cared about her car, no longer being able to drive it. Blonsky suggested that this was life presenting a lesson that needed to be learned. Learning that the tow truck would not arrive until later that day, Blonsky welcomed Walters to take part in Abomaste, but she declined, only wanting reception, of which there was none.[8]
Abomaste Session[]
Walters wandered around the retreat, trying to get some reception, and accidentally walked in on a group therapy session in the Wood Lodge. Blonsky introduced Walters to the other members of Abomaste, Porcupine and Saracen, and invited her to join them, but she declined and continued using her phone, sending another text to Josh Miller.
As Walters listened in on the session, Dirk Garthwaite joined them, shocking Walters, who reminded the audience that he was a part of the Wrecking Crew that attacked her in a previous episode. Walters transformed into She-Hulk and threw Garthwaite across the room, revealing to the group that he had attacked her. Blonsky defused the situation, and Garthwaite offered to sort through their issues in the session, and She-Hulk complied, however, she remained hostile towards him.
The group addressed She-Hulk having her own issues to work on, with Blonsky noting how fixated she was with her phone. She-Hulk indulged the group about meeting Miller and how he was currently ghosting her. She-Hulk then opened up about how Miller liked her just as Walters, despite She-Hulk being the identity people preferred. But she added that being She-Hulk felt like cheating and questioned whether people would like her just for her human identity, which she was now doubting because of Miller's ghosting.
The group supported She-Hulk, initially wishing to inflict violence upon Miller, but then they settled down and comforted her, expressing that other people can not be changed, and that rejection can cause personal rejection to overwhelm them. Garthwaite positioned that She-Hulk needed to spend more time on Walters, with Man-Bull adding that the group would love to spend time with her as her true self. She-Hulk was moved by the group's words and decided to revert into human form.
Garthwaite suggested deleting Miller's number if he was not going to respect Walters, and the group encouraged the idea, so Walters did so. With this breakthrough made, Walters told the group that she wanted to go in the yurt hut, and when she came out, she revealed to the group that it was very helpful. The tow truck arrived to take Walters home, and she said goodbye to the group, with Blonsky reminding her that everyone they meet is a lesson learned, and invited her back anytime.[8]
Representing Leapfrog[]
- "I have been retained by a client who suffered serious injuries due to a dysfunctional suit that you sold him."
- ―Jennifer Walters to Luke Jacobson[src]
Walters met with Eugene Patilio, also known as Leapfrog, to take him on as a client due to his suit malfunctioning and causing him injury. Walters surmised that it would be a fairly straight forward case, and that he would be owed compensatory damages. However, Walters discovered that the manufacturer of Patilio's suit was Luke Jacobson.
Walters went to Holden Holliway to reveal the conflict she had with the case, as she went to Jacobson for clothes for her unique physique. Holliway explained that Patillo's father was an important client, and that they needed to keep that family happy. Not wanting to be ethically compromised, Walters was allowed to speak with Jacobson to work out an agreement. Walters visited Jacobson and told him about the case, but he was offended and cut off Walters from his services, forcing them to settle the matter in court.
Going to trial, Walters met Jacobson's lawyer, Matt Murdock, who opened by wanting to reject Walter's motion to produce Jacobson's client list to investigate further into other possible defective products. Walters believed that it was relevant to the case, and that the clients being superheroes meant they had loss a level of privacy. But Murdock stated that due to the sensitive nature of the client's identities they shouldn't be put in danger.
Judge Price denied Walter's motion, and when Patilio started to complain, it was discovered that he had used jet fuel in his boosters, which went against the instructions made by Jacobson. Learning of this incompetence that clears Jacobson of any liability, the case was dismissed. Walters was annoyed at Patilio for wasting her time with the case and ruining her relationship with Jacobson. She tried to apologize to Jacobson so he would still make clothes for her, but he turned her down.[9]
Chatting with Matt Murdock[]
- "Jen Walters can use the law to help people when society fails them. And She-Hulk can help people when the law fails them. So, you can, if you choose..."
"Be the best of both worlds." - ―Matt Murdock and Jennifer Walters[src]
After losing the case, Walters went to Legal Ease Bar & Grill, where she encountered Matt Murdock again, who bought her a drink and asked to join her. Walters accepted, and Murdock told her that he was extending a peace offering after being oppositions in the court case. Walters then asked Murdock what he was doing in California when he operated from New York.
Murdock explained to Walters that he was a client of Luke Jacobson, so he felt that he owed him. Walters did not think Murdock's suit had been made by Jacobson, so Murdock joked about making fun of a blind person's clothes. After Murdock made Walters laugh, she asked about his own practice in Hell's Kitchen, and they discussed Eugene Patilio. Murdock talked about the types of clients he takes on, mostly being pro bono work for regular people, but every now and then representing higher profile clients.
Learning about Murdock's workload, Walters expressed that fully representing bigger clients made her feel like she wasn't able to help anyone else. Murdock offered his take on Walters' situation, claiming that she was able to help people as a lawyer, but when that wouldn't be enough, She-Hulk could help them as a superhero. Murdock's words really got through to Walters, and when he went to answer a phone call, she addressed the feelings she was having for him with the audience.
Walters was texted by Todd Phelps, who asked for her help, but she was disgusting upon remembering him. Walters offered to get another round of drinks with Murdock, but he informed her that something had come up and he had to leave. Walters was texted again by Phelps, so she begrudgingly went to meet with him. However, after listening to Phelps obnoxiously brag about his wealth and make several moves that were very forward and inappropriate, Walters ended the meeting and left immediately.[9]
Becoming a Superhero[]
As soon as Walters returned to her apartment, she was called by Eugene Patilio, who requested her help, as he was being attacked. Patilio told Walters that he was heading to his secret lair, and sent her his current location, so she went to save him. Before she left, Walters decided to don the superhero costume Luke Jacobson made for her.
She-Hulk arrived at a rooftop car park, where she saved Patilio from being chased by a man in a red and yellow devil suit. As Patilio drove away, She-Hulk and the devil began to fight, with She-Hulk being unable to land a single hit on him, even when she made the floor collapse under him. The fight moved to the streets, but the man continued to evade She-Hulk's attacks. She-Hulk then used a thunderclap, which successfully incapacitated the assailant.
She-Hulk removed the man's mask, only to discover that it was Matt Murdock. Walters returned to human form and asked if Murdock was pretending to be blind, but he assured her he was actually blind and used a spatial method to see. Walters questioned why he was attacked Patilio, so Murdock revealed that he had kidnapped Jacobson. They then bickered about their fight, and when Murdock stated that his superhero name was Daredevil, Walters replied that she hadn't heard of him. They then decided to team up to save Jacobson from Patilio.[9]
Working with Daredevil[]
Walters drove Murdock to the Lily Pad, and they made their way to the rooftop, where he counted twenty-five goons inside. Walters wondered how he was able to know that, so Murdock explained that he could hear their heartbeats. She didn't believe him, so he revealed that he could hear her fast heartbeat. Murdock made a plan to sneak in and single-handedly deal with the goons, but Walters suggested her just smashing her way in. They then bickered some more, but Murdock told her to follow his lead.
Daredevil entered by himself and knocked out some of the goons by the entrance, but She-Hulk smashed through the roof, knocking out the rest of them. They then made their way to where Leapfrog was keeping Jacobson. As Daredevil fought off all the goons, She-Hulk freed Jacobson and told Leapfrog to stop. She offered him some legal advice, and Daredevil voiced some suggestions, which She-Hulk found very attractive, and commented it to the audience. Leapfrog tried to escape, but ended up hurting himself.
The police arrived, and She-Hulk talked with Jacobson, who forgave her and told her he would continue working on her dress for the gala. Walters returned to human form and caught up with Murdock, who was sitting up on the roof of the Lily Pad. She asked if her was going to give a statement to the police, but Murdock explained that's not what he does, as he had to protect his secret identity. Walters thanked Murdock for his help, which led them to playfully argue who took the lead on the rescue.
Enjoying Murdock's company, Walters asked when he was returning to Hell's Kitchen, which he revealed was tomorrow. Murdock offered to take Walters out for dinner the next time he was in town. But instead, Walters suggested skipping all of that and just have sex while he was already here. The two headed to Walters' apartment, passionately kissing each other as they made their way inside. Walters helped Murdock remove his costume, and they moved to the bedroom, where they spent the night together.[9]
Conflict with Intelligencia[]
Revenge Porn Attack[]
- "Do you want to see who She-Hulk really is?"
"Uh, my identity is not a secret." - ―Intelligencia Member and Jennifer Walters[src]
The next morning, Walters expressed her confusion for the episode still going, feeling as though it had reach a satisfying conclusion. Nikki Ramos burst in, reminding her that they had to get ready for the gala. Walters figured out that the next episode was the finale and speculated what the big twist would be.
Wearing the dress made by Luke Jacobson, Walters arrived at the gala with Ramos and met up with her parents. Walters spotted Holden Holliway and waved to him, but then saw him with Todd Phelps and was disgusted. They went to sit at their table, and were joined by Augustus Pugliese. Walters was announced the winner of the female lawyer of the year, but was puzzled when several other names were read out as also the winners, including Mallory Book.
The women went on the stage to accept their awards, and when Walters went to thank her friends and family, the ceremony was hijacked by Intelligencia, who wanted to expose Walters. Walters was confused, as her identity was not a secret, but the anonymous hijackers continued, saying that She-Hulk did not deserve their praise, all while displaying personal information from Walters' phone on the screen. Walters tried to get someone to cut the video off, but it remained on for everyone to see.
A video played of Walters having sex with Josh Miller, as he had secretly recorded them. Walters was horrified and enraged that her private life was being publicly shown as a form of attack on her, so she smashed the screen in a rage. An alarm went off, and everyone in the room ran away. Walters noticed a group of guys she worked out were responsible, and chased after them. She caught one of them outside, but was swarmed by Damage Control, so Walters let him go and surrendered herself.[9]
- "I was angry! Which is how anyone would respond in that situation."
"But you're not just anyone. You are an out-of-control Hulk. That's what all the witnesses saw." - ―Jennifer Walters and Mallory Book[src]
As a result, from her outburst at the gala, which portrayed her as an out-of-control monster, Walters was arrested and taken into Damage Control's custody, where she was locked in a cell in the Damage Control Supermax Prison.
Nikki Ramos, Augustus Pugliese and Mallory Book, who were helping fix her situation, visited Walters and told her they couldn't contact Bruce Banner. Walters started planning out how they would prosecute Intelligencia, but Book told her that they had to focus on her case. Due to Walters being a Hulk, her actions had more weight to them, despite being justifiably angry. Book informed Walters of a plea deal, which would set her free, under the condition that she be fitted with an inhibitor.[6]
Life Falling Apart[]
- "This isn't even a reluctant superhero story. I'm just getting screwed over. Is this what you guys want?"
- ―Jennifer Walters[src]
Walters agreed to the deal and was released from prison, where she was picked up by her parents. In addition to no longer being allowed to transform into She-Hulk, Walters was also fired from GLK&H and became subjected to scrutinization from the media.
Walters moved out from her apartment and stayed with her parents in their house, moving back into her old room. Although she was no longer employed as a lawyer, Walters continued to investigate into Intelligencia with the help of Nikki Ramos so they could sue them. However, they were unable to uncover any of the identities of anyone a part of the organization. Walters discussed Intelligencia with Ramos, making it clear she would only put a stop to them legally, suing them for their crimes. Elaine Walters showed them an old video of Walters dancing, much to Walters' annoyance. They then discovered that Dennis Bukowski was being interviewed claiming that he dated Walters.
Worn out by all the drama, Walters went to her room and reflected on not getting to be She-Hulk anymore, which she acknowledged was what she initially wanted. Walters expressed confusion about her story not being a reluctant superhero story, but instead just about her getting screwed over, which made her wonder if that's what the audience wanted. Narration then began to describe Walters' situation, but she quickly stopped it, stating that it was not suitable for the series.[6]
The Messy Denouement[]
- "This is a mess. None of these storylines make any sense."
- ―Jennifer Walters[src]
After failing to contact Bruce Banner, Walters then texted Emil Blonsky, knowing he would understand what she was going through. However, after not being able to reach him either, she decided to take up his offer to stay at his retreat for a few days. When Walters arrived, she was greeted by Dirk Garthwaite, who set her up in a guest room.
Walters read from Blonsky's book, but did not like it. She talked with Garthwaite, stating how Blonsky was the only one who understood her troubles and wanted to talk with him alone. Garthwaite told Walters that Blonsky was in the Wood Lodge for a private event, so she went to see him. Walters entered the lodge to find Blonsky in Abomination form, speaking before a group of men, including Todd Phelps. Walters confronted Blonsky about transforming, as he was not allowed to.
Nikki Ramos barged in, and she and Augustus Pugliese revealed that the function was an Intelligencia gathering and that Phelps was HulkKing, their leader. Phelps revealed that in addition to Josh Miller making a sex tape of Walters that he also stole her blood, which he had synthesized to give him powers. As Phelps injected himself and began to transform into a Hulk, Walters was in disbelief that this was how they were ending the season.
At that moment, it got messier, with Titania bursting into the lodge. Phelps then went to attack Walters, so Blonsky turned back into Abomination and protected her. Abomination put Walters up on his shoulder and swatted away members of Intelligencia that were coming after her. Then, Hulk crashed through the roof and assumed Abomination was attacking his cousin, so the two of them began to fight. Amidst the chaos, Walters watched on in confusion as the connecting storylines did not work.[6]
Changing the Story[]
- "It distracts from the story, which is that my life fell apart right when I was learning to be both Jen and She-Hulk. Those are my stakes, K.E.V.I.N.."
"The K-E-V-I-N is processing this new data. What is the new ending you propose?" - ―Jennifer Walters and K.E.V.I.N.[src]
The scene was then stopped with the Disney+ Marvel menu, so She-Hulk broke her inhibitor and burst out of her series' icon and smashed into Assembled, landing in a sound stage in the real world.
She-Hulk made her way around the Disney backlot until she reached the production building for her series. Entering the writers room, She-Hulk asked why the finale was so bad, as the villain stealing the hero's powers was such an unoriginal idea. She-Hulk suggested making the narrative their own way, but was told that the story had to be as K.E.V.I.N. wanted it. So, She-Hulk decided to speak with K.E.V.I.N., but was told that she would be unable. However, she went anyway.
Getting into an elevator, She-Hulk arrived at the reception area, where she was told by the receptionist to sign the NDA. Once she signed, the receptionist pressed the alarm button, summoning a security guard. She-Hulk pushed him away and continued heading to K.E.V.I.N., fighting more security guards in a hallway. Using one of the guards to open the door, She-Hulk found herself inside a room full of monitors playing scenes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which confused her.
K.E.V.I.N. greeted She-Hulk, and explained that he was an AI brain responsible for making all of the decisions regarding the MCU. She-Hulk was asked to revert into human form, as it was expensive keeping her in Hulk form. K.E.V.I.N. continued that his algorithm allowed him to create near-perfect products, and Walters expressed her displeasure with her own story. K.E.V.I.N. stated that she did not get to choose, but Walters noted that it was a legal comedy, and so she would present a closing argument.
Walters began by stating that the MCU was known for its big scale and intricate stories, but the endings were often repetitive, pointing out the blood stealing plot being similar to the Super Soldier Serum. As a solution to this, Walters offered changing the formula and instead just focus on her personal struggle. K.E.V.I.N. became opened to a new ending, so Walters suggested removing Todd Phelps getting powers, Hulk coming to save her, making Abomination accountable for his actions.
Walters added a few more changes, like having the climax be set during daylight, and bringing back Daredevil so she can be with him. She then enquired about the recurring theme of daddy issues in many of the MCU's characters, like Iron Man, Thor, Loki and Star-Lord, as well as asking when the X-Men would be introduced, but didn't get an answer. Before Walters could talk about a second season, K.E.V.I.N. told her they were done and that she had to return to her series.[6]
A Happy Ending[]
- "The message is that if you attack, harm, or harass innocent people, I'm coming for you."
"Do you mean in a courtroom or as a superhero?"
"Both." - ―Jennifer Walters and a Reporter[src]
She-Hulk returned to her own series and confronted Todd Phelps, who had been arrested. Everyone waited for She-Hulk to attack Phelps, but she instead reverted to human form and told him she would be seeing him in court.
As per Walters' suggestion to K.E.V.I.N., Daredevil then dropped into the episode, saying he was there to help her. Walters informed him that the fight was over, but it was good to see him again, and Daredevil responded likewise. Walters then went to speak with Emil Blonsky to advise him about signing a document that would send him back to prison for violating his parole. Blonsky was accepting of his punishment, and Walters joked about him writing more haikus. With all of the conflicts dealt with, Walters regrouped with Nikki Ramos and Augustus Pugliese.
With Murdock visiting a bit longer in California, he and Walters began to date, and she brought him to a family gathering so that they could meet him. Walters listened as her family started questioning Murdock, mainly about his financial situation and having children, so she tried to get them to stop. Walters went to sit next to Murdock, warning him that the intense line of questioning from her family was a constant reality for her. They were then joined by Bruce Banner, who had come back from Sakaar, and introduced them to his son.
After being cleared of her conviction, Walters proceeded with her lawsuit against Phelps. While heading inside the courthouse, she was stopped by a reporter, who asked about the court case. Walters responded by saying that people like Phelps had to be held responsible for their actions, and that she would come after people who hurt innocent people. The reporter enquired if she meant as a lawyer or a superhero, but Walters clarified that it would be both and made her way inside the courthouse.[6]
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- "You think life would be so much easier if I were that person, and I can turn into that person anytime I want to. And everyone pays attention when I'm this. Like, my colleagues, my boss... Guys. But it feels like cheating because would they like me if I didn't have all of this? Like, if I was just Jen, would the same guys who like She-Hulk stick around for Jen? Because some of them don't. And that sucks for Jen."
- ―She-Hulk[src]
Walters is a person with a strong personality: sincere, intelligent, hardworking and very confident. This confidence sometimes leaves her on the brink of arrogance, such as when she despised Bruce Banner's peaceful attempts to train her and considered herself superior to him.
Jennifer has a strong belief in both justice and the law and believes everyone has the right to fair treatment no matter their morals as shown when she defended Emil Blonsky despite him having tried to kill Bruce all those years ago.
She also has an attachment to her life as a lawyer that she worked very hard to have, this is shown when she constantly insists that Banner let her back into her life.
Internally, Walters dealt with serious self-esteem and self-acceptance issues, due to this, after gaining her powers, Walters started to dissociate Jen Walters from She-Hulk when she realized she could look the way she always wanted, and despite her reluctance, she soon embraced her powers. As She-Hulk, she is extremely confident and fearless, She-Hulk was also used as a protective shield whenever she felt uncomfortable in human form.
Her self-esteem issues worsened when Walters realized that most people were only interested in She-Hulk, which caused Walters to subconsciously want to move further away from her human persona. The final trigger was when she was ghosted by Josh Miller, the only person who didn't seem interested in She-Hulk. After venting in a session of Abomaste, Walters felt much better about herself and allowed herself to be just Jen Walters again, briefly recovering her from her identity issues.
Powers and Abilities[]
- "You and I, we share a rare combination of genetic factors that allow us to synthesize gamma radiation into somethin' else."
"So I turn into a Hulk now, too." - ―Hulk and Jennifer Walters[src]
- Artificially Enhanced Physiology: When Walters and her cousin, Bruce Banner, got into a car accident, Banner's gamma-irradiated blood got into Walters' open wound. This caused her to be exposed to lethal amounts of gamma radiation thus turning her into a Hulk, much like her cousin.
- Transformation: Much like her cousin, Bruce Banner, whenever Walters is angry or afraid, her body undergoes the same transformation. During the transformation, Walter's body begins turning green and grows significantly larger than that of normal women her own age; her hair also doubles in length, for an unexplained reason. Unlike Banner before he was able to merge his brain and Hulk's brawn together, Walters is able to maintain all of her mental faculties, such as her intelligence and even speech.
- Superhuman Strength: Her primary ability, much like Hulk's, comes in the form of her tremendous physical strength. She was shown to easily force back a wall of circular saw blades before being sliced by them and even lifting a full grown man bridal style. She was also able to easily take a testing chamber door right off its hinges with very little effort. Her strength allows her to create a thunderclap when slapping her hands together. This allowed her to incapacitate Hulk for a short time. During her training, Walters lifted and threw gigantic boulders into the air and hit the ground with enough force to break part of a cliff and topple two palm trees behind her. Walters was able to match her cousin Bruce in terms of brute force during their match, though the latter was holding back. She was able to launch Hulk into the air with her attacks and hit him in the face with enough force to make him groan. She was also able to catch a desk in her hands and throw it at Titania with enough force to knock her, as well as incapacitate Titania with a single punch. She can also carry a truck, a flat screen TV, and seven large water gallons for her dad.
- Superhuman Durability: While transformed, Walter's body possesses tremendous amounts of physical resilience. This enables her to survive injuries that are otherwise fatal to normal humans. Her skin was durable enough to withstand 2 large circular saw blades, which she forced back during one of her transformations. During her match with her cousin Bruce, Walters emerged completely unharmed after being knocked down several times, including by a shock wave generated by a thunderclap from Hulk.
- Superhuman Speed: While transformed, Walters is capable of running at great speeds across vast distances similar to her cousin. She proves capable of matching Hulk in hand-to-hand combat during their fight, able to dodge his attacks and land her own blows, as well as hitting Titania before she could properly react to her attacks.
- Superhuman Agility: While transformed, Walters is capable of leaping great distances, with great precision on her part. She is capable of even keeping up with her cousin while leaping. She is able to keep her balance very well.
- Superhuman Stamina: While transformed, Walters is capable of incredible endurance then a normal human allowing her to run, carry heavy objects, and fight for extremely long periods of time similar to her cousin.
- Superhuman Reflexes: While transformed, Walters is able to react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds similar to her cousin.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Like her cousin, should Walter's body sustain physical damage, her cells allow her body to regenerate far faster than a normal human being. When she transformed after her car crash, her wounds healed along with her transformation.
- Radiation Immunity: Like Hulk, Walters, while transformed, possesses a high level of immunity to various types of radiation. Radiation levels which would kill a normal human are nothing she can't handle.
- Transformation: Much like her cousin, Bruce Banner, whenever Walters is angry or afraid, her body undergoes the same transformation. During the transformation, Walter's body begins turning green and grows significantly larger than that of normal women her own age; her hair also doubles in length, for an unexplained reason. Unlike Banner before he was able to merge his brain and Hulk's brawn together, Walters is able to maintain all of her mental faculties, such as her intelligence and even speech.
- "Yeah, that's what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings. I smash fourth walls and bad endings."
- ―Jennifer Walters to K.E.V.I.N.[src]
- 4th Wall Awareness: Walters can break the unseen fourth wall barrier of her universe. She is aware that her universe is fictional and is able to interact with her audience from her universe. She told the audience that she was a Hulk and explained how it happened as well as notifying the audience that her show was a lawyer show. Initially, her interactions with the audience could cause confusion with other people nearby, as they cannot perceive the fourth wall and only thinks that Walters is talking to herself. Later, she became able to interact with the audience without being noticed. Additionally, Walters is capable of performing other feats while breaking the fourth wall, such as driving a car without both of her hands on the wheel for a brief moment. She seems to be aware of certain characters and plot points that have happened prior to her series, but she is not aware of plot points that are yet to happen or ones that she was not present for. Unlike her Hulk powers, she is able to break the fourth wall even while wearing an inhibitor.
Former Powers[]
- 4th Wall Breaching: Walters is not only aware of the real world from her fictional universe and able to interact with it, but can also leave the fiction she hails from to enter the real world and interact with it. She was able to access the backstage of her show and find K.E.V.I.N., the creator of her universe.
- "Jen, there is a reason why you were handpicked to go against GLK&H, okay? The leveling up is happening. This is good. My little genius is gonna be a district attorney one day."
- ―Nikki Ramos to Jennifer Walters[src]
- Master Lawyer: Prior to her transformation, Walters was a Deputy District Attorney at the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, having graduated from UCLA with a law degree and she spent years building her career as a lawyer. She notably convinced a prison board to grant Emil Blonsky parole and convinced Donny Blaze to cease and desist from practicing the Mystic Arts. She is also a great character witness, as her testimony of Dennis Bukowski's self-absorbed personality helped Augustus Pugliese win his case. Nikki Ramos later informed her that she was nominated for Female Lawyer of the Year, along with Mallory Book, Kara Hunter, Alice Chen, Joanne Torres, and Barbara Wells.
- "What if they come back?"
"I will kick their ass again." - ―Morris Walters and Jennifer Walters[src]
- Expert Combatant: Walters demonstrated proficiency in judo when she threw her cousin during their scuffle and in boxing when she knocked out Titania. She also easily defended herself when she was attacked by the Wrecking Crew.
- "Being a Hulk asks for balance."
- ―Bruce Banner to She-Hulk[src]
- Acrobat: Unlike her cousin, the balanced physical condition of Walters' transformation allows her to be much more flexible and acrobatic than he is when in Hulk form.
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- Stretchable Hulk Suit: In order to combat the destruction of her wardrobe while transforming, Jennifer possesses a suit that can stretch to accommodate her transformed size. The suit consists of a skin-tight garment, which ends at her biceps and thighs, consisting of black, purple and white in color, with white sneakers. The suit is designed to be highly resilient to physical damage, allowing She-Hulk extra protection.
- Hulk Inhibitor Device: To be added
- Apartment: Walters lives in an apartment in Los Angeles.
- Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office: Walters worked as a lawyer in Los Angeles before being hired by GLK/H.
- Bruce Banner's House: Walters lived there during her training.
- Bruce's Bar: Walters spent time with his cousin at the bar during training breaks.
- Legal Ease Bar & Grill: To be added
- GLK&H Los Angeles Office: Walters worked as an attorney in GLK&H's Superhuman Law Division.
- Damage Control Supermax Prison: To be added
- In the comics, Jennifer Walters is a lawyer and Bruce Banner's cousin who was saved by a blood transfusion by Banner after she was critically injured by Nicholas Trask. She's able to control her transformation and retain her intelligence as She-Hulk and sometimes worked with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four.
- In the comics, She-Hulk was at one point the daughter in-law of J. Jonah Jameson due to having married his son John until they divorced.
- She-Hulk is the second superhuman character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have a job as a lawyer, the other being Daredevil.
- She-Hulk is the third character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to break the fourth wall, after Groot and Pizza Poppa.
- Unlike the two, She-Hulk is the first character to break the fourth wall on a normal basis, whereas the previous two only did it once.
- In Whose Show is This? She-Hulk breaking out of her own series and getting into Assembled to address the creators is a modern reference to how She-Hulk ripped through the comics to address the writers of her story at times.
- Nikki Ramos referring to "the savage Jen Walters look" is a nod to The Savage She-Hulk series. This was referenced again in the opening of Whose Show is This?.
- She-Hulk has a crush on Steve Rogers.[11] She even has his posterior as her phone's lock screen.[2]
- She-Hulk is a fan of Hanson.[8]
- While transformed into She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters stands at a height of six feet and seven inches.[12]
Behind the Scenes[]
- She-Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the first live-action incarnation of the character.
- She-Hulk was originally intended to star in an unproduced She-Hulk film written and directed by Larry Cohen, which would've seen her be portrayed by Brigitte Nielsen, who posed for photos dressed like the character; however, the project never materialized.[13]
- She-Hulk was also originally slated to appear in some capacity for The Death of the Incredible Hulk, but that was scrapped early on along with the idea to introduce Iron Man.[14]
- Malia Arrayah was an on-set reference for the character She-Hulk.
- Sarah Irwin, Matt LaBorde, Crystal Hooks, Anna Mercedes Mendez and Claire Hoogenboom were stunt doubles for Tatiana Maslany in the role of She-Hulk.
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.01: A Normal Amount of Rage
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.02: Superhuman Law
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 She-Hulk: 1.06: Just Jen
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.04: Is This Not Real Magic?
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.05: Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.09: Whose Show is This?
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.03: The People vs. Emil Blonsky
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.07: The Retreat
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.08: Ribbit and Rip It
- ↑ DODC Office Set Photo
- ↑ 'She-Hulk: Attorney at Law' Showrunner Jessica Gao on the Pilot and Sex Positivity
- ↑ Marvel Studios: Character Encyclopedia Updated Edition
- ↑ Brigitte Nielsen's She-Hulk: Superhero Movies That Got Away
- ↑ Comics Scene: No. 9. Starlog Communications International, Inc. October 1989. p. 70.