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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Ray, you make every single person in this room so proud. Proud of the man you are and who you strive to be. For the example you set for our son. For the husband and friend we adore. And for being the man who hogs more blankets at night than is humanly possible. But even with that, you've always been the person to warm my heart."
―Seema Nadeem to Ray Nadeem[src]

Seema Nadeem is the wife of the late Ray Nadeem.


Marrying Ray Nadeem[]

"Do you know why I married you, Ray? It wasn't your good looks or my father's blessing. It was because I believed in my soul that I had found a good man who would love me. And who would be completely honest with me."
―Seema Nadeem to Ray Nadeem[src]

In adulthood, Seema married Ray Nadeem and they had a child, Sami Nadeem.[2]

Financial Troubles[]

Declined Red Card[]

When Saanvi Nadeem got sick with cancer, Ray Nadeem paid for their treatment. However, the family was not doing well financially and it sent them even further into debt. Semma attempted to use their red card, but it declined. She notified Ray of this during a party for Sami's birthday. She offered to get a second job, but Ray refused to let her. Instead, he asked for a pay bump at the FBI, but did not receive it.[2]

Ray's New Chance[]

Ray convinced the FBI to give him the Wilson Fisk detail. Ray proceeded to move Fisk to his new area, but was attacked. Ray survived and Seema called him to make sure he was okay. He told her to hug Sami for him. When she finally saw her husband, she gave him a hug.[3]

Worried for Sami[]

Seema noticed that Sami was up every night, waiting for Ray to come home. She decided she needed to take his mind off of the FBI and brought Sami to her sister's to stay there. She met with Ray and told him. She also admitted that she was worried as well. He assured her everything was fine.[4] Seema heard about Ray's promotion and decided to throw him a surprise party. She made a toast to her husband, but pulled him aside afterwards. She explained that she was mad at him because she knew he was lying about how much danger he was in. He admitted it and said he just wanted to make things right, asking what he could do. Seema said he could start by telling the truth. Later, Nadeem was getting drinks from the garage when Sami told her that he dropped some glass and was cleaning it up.[1]

Meeting Dex[]

Seema opened the door to find Benjamin Poindexter, a friend from Ray's work. She called for Ray to come down. She the made eggs for Poindexter as the two men talked. Poindexter walked inside remarking at how good the food smelled.[5]


Sami broke a vase. Before cleaning it up, Seema helped him get to bed. Suddenly, Ray came running up the stairs screaming, this worried Seema. When Seema explained why there was a broken vase, he apologized and told Sami to pack up as they were going on vacation. He gave Seema a look, letting her know something was wrong.

Ray led the way with his gun pointing ahead as Seema and Sami stood behind. Suddenly, a man shot and Ray shot back, telling Seema and Sami to run as he fought.[6] They ran into the bathtub where she held onto Sami close. In that moment, she hoped that Sami would die first so that he did not have to see his mother die. This thought haunted her.[7]


"I can't let what you say matter to me anymore, Rahul. Sami deserves at least one person in his life he can trust. And that's never going to be you."
―Seema Nadeem to Ray Nadeem[src]

Ray eventually defeated the men and they were all brought to Detective Brett Mahoney's mother's house. Seema had an angry argument with Ray, telling him that he said he would not lie anymore, but he did. Because of him, he let a gun fight into their home. She told her husband that Sami needed a parent he could trust, and that was not Ray.[7]

Becoming a Widow[]

"I asked them to call you because you were Ray's lawyer. And I want to fully cooperate with the investigation of my husband."
―Seema Nadeem to Foggy Nelson[src]

Soon, Brett Mahoney sadly arrived telling Seema that Ray Nadeem was killed outside their home. He gave her a phone holding a recording from ray. The video talked about how much he loved them as he knew he was going to die. He then gave his dying declaration, telling Seema through the video to go to the FBI saying how much of a monster Ray was. Then to ask for Foggy Nelson as a lawyer. She did so and met with Nelson at the FBI office, telling him how awful Ray was, but secretly giving him notes whole talking. With Ray's video, they took down Wilson Fisk, and Ray's name was cleared.[8]


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"I will always have your back. To them. To everyone. But I'm not an idiot."
―Seema Nadeem to Ray Nadeem[src]

To be added


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Appearance for Seema Nadeem



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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Seema Nadeem.