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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

San Francisco FBI Office is the headquarters of the California FBI branch located in San Francisco.


Working at the headquarters, Stoltz was called up by Sonny Burch who informed him about the location of Scott Lang, Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne. Stoltz reported to Jimmy Woo about the lead and two teams of FBI agents were sent to arrest them. Following capture, Pym and van Dyne were transported to the headquarters and detained in the interrogation room waiting for Woo's arrival. However, van Dyne managed to uncuff them and they decided to use Pym Particle Disc to shrunk the load-bearing wall and escape.

Before they could do this, Ants under Scott Lang's control infiltrated into the headquarters and stole Wasp Suit and the FBI uniform to make them free. In his disguise, Pym successfully left the headquarters being unobserved by agents. Later, Woo found out that suit disappeared and Pym and van Dyne escaped. Before he ordered agents to find them, Woo, as well as other agents, watched news footage about a disturbance at Pier 39 and saw Giant-Man in the bay.[1]


