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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Sam Wilson's Apartment are the apartments resided by Sam Wilson during his time living in Washington, D.C.


Safe Haven[]

"We need a place to lay low."
Steve Rogers to Sam Wilson[src]

Upon his discharge from the United States Air Force, Sam Wilson relocated to Washington, D.C. and resided in this apartment during his employment running counseling sessions for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to help other veterans cope with post-traumatic stress disorder.


Sam Wilson greeting his two new guests

In 2014, Wilson was met by Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff at his apartment who were looking for a place to lie low. Wilson let the two come inside and get cleaned up, while he fixed them breakfast. He then listened to Rogers and Romanoff as they explained their situation with Wilson telling them that he'd join them. Wilson also told Rogers more about his time in the service.[1]

Giving up the Shield[]

Sam Shield TF&TWS 02

Sam Wilson with Captain America's Shield

By 2024, Wilson was once again living in an apartment in Washington, D.C. One morning, Wilson got himself dressed in the apartment and looked at Captain America's Shield before putting it in its case and leaving the apartment.[2]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sam Wilson's Apartment.