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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"She may have diplomatic immunity in New Asgard, but we are not in New Asgard."
"Excuse me, Your Honor, but Asgard is not a place, it is a people."
Price and Runa[src]

Runa is a shapeshifting Light Elf and daughter of an Alfheim diplomat.


Living with the Asgardians[]

Living in Asgard[]

"Runa is the daughter of an Elfin diplomat on Asgard and now in New Asgard."
Lauren Jesper[src]

Runa's father was a Light Elf diplomat that lived in Asgard before it was destroyed. They were then forced to move with the Asgardians to New Asgard, Norway on Earth and started to live among the humans.[1]

Love Scam[]

Impersonating Megan Thee Stallion[]

"I'm not really Megan Thee Stallion."

Runa signed up for a celebrity dating site posing as the rapper Megan Thee Stallion and went on to make public appearances posing as her. Eventually she met with Dennis Bukowski who believed she was the real Megan Thee Stallion, they started a relationship where Bukowski would spend money on gifts. Interested only in his money, Runa revealed the ruse and left.[1]

Legal Trial[]

"Your Honor, this case is very cut and dry. My client was defrauded of $175,000 by a scam artist. He deserves compensation for the financial and emotional trauma that he's suffered."
"My client and Mr. Bukowski were in a consensual relationship and engaged in role-play."
Augustus Pugliese and Lauren Jesper[src]

Runa was later sued by Dennis Bukowski who demanded a $175,000 compensation for financial and emotional trauma. Runa's lawyer Lauren Jesper claimed that no man of reasonable intelligence would believe that Runa was in fact Megan Thee Stallion and that the two were in a consensual relationship where they played roleplaying. The lawyer also claimed diplomatic immunity. Judge Price denied that claim, stating that Runa only had diplomatic immunity in New Asgard. Runa confronted him and tried to argue that Asgard was not a place but a people, but he ignored her arguments. Price left to end the hearing, while Runa impersonated him and took his place to try to circumvent the trial and cancel the case, but was discovered and contained.

Runa watched as Jennifer Walters was brought in as a witness and gave testimony of how Bukowski did honestly get scammed due to his personality. Runa subsequently lost the case and was told to pay the sum of exactly $175,000 to repay Bukowski. Additionally, she was sentenced to 60 days in jail for impersonating Price in her earlier attempt to close the case in her favor. She looked at Jesper in disappointment.[1] Megan Thee Stallion then hired She-Hulk to help her pursue legal action against Runa.[2]


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  • Light Elf Physiology: To be added
    • Shapeshifting: Runa is able to copy the physical appearance and voice of any person she have seen.


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  • Father



Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Runa.