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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You're becoming a bit of a legend. I hear more and more people talk about the freedom fighters who are pushing back. They call you Robin Hood. Every day more people love you. You'll find refuge wherever you go."
―Rudy to Karli Morgenthau[src]

Rudy is the owner of 1337 Connect and a supporter of the Flag Smashers.


Shelter for Flag Smashers[]

"Do you know who I am?!"
"Yes, I do. And I don't care."
Captain America and Rudy[src]

Firmly believing in the Flag Smashers' cause, Rudy let them stay at 1337 Connect when they were in the need of a shelter in Munich, and also provided them with food. Rudy told Karli Morgenthau that her people were becoming a legend, as more and more people were talking about them as a freedom fighters fighting for the greater cause, comparing them with Robin Hood. Rudy assured Morgenthau that people admire them and their goals, so the Flag Smashers would be able to find support wherever they need. Rudy then let Morgenthau and the Flag Smashers to the room they prepared for them, saying that they can stay for as much as they need.[1]

US Agent and Battlestar

Rudy is interrogates by Captain America and Battlestar

Rudy's affiliation with the Flag Smashers was eventually uncovered, so the Global Repatriation Council deployed Captain America and Battlestar with the Munich police unit to investigate. The police stormed the 1337 Connect and Walker demanded Rudy to tell him where were the Flag Smashers, however, he refused to cooperate and argued with him in German. Hoskins asked him the same question in German but Rudy still refused to talk, claiming that he had no idea what they were talking about, although Walker did not believe him. Rudy then spat in Walker's face, provoking him and saying that he does not care about who Walker is. Concluding that Rudy would not cooperate, Walker and Hoskins left the Munich police to deal with Rudy.[2]


  • Bilingualism: Rudy is fluent in his native German, as well as English.



  • Wife




Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Rudy.