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"This sword belonged to the infamous Ronin."
Black Market Auctioneer[src]

Ronin's Retractable Sword is a sword used by Clint Barton during his time as Ronin to assassinate criminals who had survived the Snap. After being used to fight the Outriders during the Battle of Earth, the sword was left in the ruins of the Avengers Compound. It was later recovered and intended for sale on the black market, although it was stolen by Jack Duquesne. Barton encountered Duquesne shortly after, and upon regaining possession over the sword, used it during his fight with Echo.


Ronin's Retribution[]


Ronin battling and slaughtering criminals

Deciding to enact his own vengeance on criminals who survived the Snap when innocent people had died, Clint Barton adopted the moniker of Ronin, donning a samurai-inspired guise and wielding a sword. For five years, Ronin went all over the world, tracking down criminals and massacring them, leaving horrendous scenes with his sword.[1] Having received a tip off from Wilson Fisk's informant, Ronin had attacked the Tracksuit Mafia, stabbing William Lopez through the stomach with his sword, before escaping.[2]


Ronin cleans Akihiko's blood from the sword

In 2023, Ronin made his way to Tokyo to eliminate a Yakuza faction led by Akihiko. With great ease, Ronin cut through multiple enemies, despite them firing rapidly at him. Ronin then made his way to Akihiko, causing the two to end up on the streets. The two then began to duel, although Ronin managed to get the upper hand on him, slitting his throat. Akihiko then begged for mercy, but Ronin finished him off by fatally impaling him and then wiped the blood off his sword.[1]

Time Heist[]

ClintNat - Time Heist 9

Hawkeye draws his sword at Red Skull

When Hawkeye and Black Widow traveled through time to Vormir of an alternate 2014, Barton equipped himself with his sword. When the two made their way to the top of the mountain, they were alerted by the presence of Red Skull, causing Hawkeye to draw out his sword, ready to fight if required. However, as Red Skull had posed no physical threat to them, the two had then holstered their weapons.[1]

Battle of Earth[]

Hawkeye slicing Outrider

Hawkeye slices an Outrider in half

When the Avengers Compound was destroyed, Hawkeye found himself in the underground tunnels, along with a horde of Outriders. After Hawkeye set off some explosive arrows to defeat the Outriders, he found himself unsuccessful, causing him to retreat upwards with his Wristbow. As he went upwards out of the tunnels, several Outriders continued to chase him, causing him to draw out his sword and slice all the Outriders.

Hawkeye using wristbow

Hawkeye protecting the Nano Gauntlet

Later when Hawkeye was running through the battle protecting the Nano Gauntlet, he was surrounded by several forces of alternate Thanos' army. Hawkeye continued to charge through, fighting off the Outriders with his sword, as he was only able to use one hand.[1] When the battle ended, Hawkeye dropped his sword and left it among the Compound's ruins.[3]

Robbery of the Black Market Auction[]

Ronin's Retractable Sword

The sword being sold on the black market

"What are you doing, you dope?"
"I'm buying that sword."
"You don't have three hundred grand."
Armand Duquesne III and Jack Duquesne[src]

The sword was recovered from the ruins of the Avengers Compound and auctioned on the black market. In December of that year, Armand Duquesne III placed a bid on the sword, but was outbid by Jack Duquesne. However, frustrated by Duquesne's actions, Armand III eventually won the bidding war.

Jack Duquesne steals the Ronin Sword

Jack Duquesne takes the retractable sword

However, the auction was interrupted by the arrival of the Tracksuit Mafia, who destroyed the wall behind the auctioneer with an explosion, causing everyone to be knocked off their chairs, and for the retractable sword to be thrown to the ground. In the chaos of everyone attempting to escape and Kazi Kazimierczak ordering the Tracksuit Mafia to search the room, Duquesne stole the sword and then fled from the auction.[3]

Reclaimed by Clint Barton[]

Swordsman and Hawkeye

Jack Duquesne threatens Clint Barton

While Jack Duquesne was in the Bishop Residence, he heard intruders and took his retractable sword to defend the home. As Clint Barton came around the corner, Duquesne held the sword to his neck, ordering him not to move.[2] However, they were all then joined by Kate Bishop, who explained that Barton was there with her, as Duquesne recognised him as Hawkeye and a member of the Avengers, lowering his sword.


Clint Barton stealing his retractable sword

The sword was then placed onto the wall, where Barton kept an eye on it while he spoke to Eleanor Bishop about what his mission was and how it involved her daughter. Eventually, Barton was asked to leave the home, which he agreed to, while quietly taking the sword and hiding it under his jacket. Having spoken with Eleanor, who asked him to keep her daughter safe, Barton stepped inside the elevator and examined the sword.[4]

Ambush at Fat Man Used Cars[]

Hawkeye (Ronin Sword)

Clint Barton carefully sharpens his sword

"Whoa, that's definitely not a foam sword. So, where you off to?"
"Going to visit an old friend."
Grills and Clint Barton[src]

Knowing what he had to do next, Clint Barton returned into Grills' Apartment, where he began carefully sharpening his retractable sword. However, Barton's process was interrupted by Grills, who was shocked by the sight of the blade. Barton had casually explained to Grills that his plan was to meet Maya Lopez, despite the fact that he killed her father, while also avoiding the fury of Yelena Belova, who had been attempting to assassinate him. Seeing that Grills had been shocked by this, Barton had claimed to actually be joking, before then leaving the apartment for the mission.[5]

Ronin Sword (Kazi)

Clint Barton threatening Kazi Kazimierczak

Putting on his Ronin Suit again, Barton had then gone to the Fat Man Auto Repair, where the Tracksuit Mafia had set up an ambush for him. However, Barton was able to get behind Kazi Kazimierczak, placing his retractable sword onto his shoulder, before knocking him unconscious, leaving him and Lopez alone. Armed with his sword, Barton then fought against Lopez, who blocked his strikes with her prosthetic leg.

Ronin vs

Clint Barton holds his sword to Maya Lopez

Eventually, Barton defeated Lopez, holding his sword to her head, before revealing his identity to her. While Lopez questioned his motives, Barton warned her to leave his family alone, and revealed Wilson Fisk arranged her father's death. However, Lopez then managed to knock Barton to the ground and took the sword, only for Kate Bishop to then fire an arrow that knocked the sword out of Lopez's hands, before she could kill Barton.[6]


Retractable Sword (Black Market Auction)

The sword's retractable function

  • Retractability: Ronin's sword displays a unique construction, similarly towards a modern sword appearance. However, the sword does not have a fuller or back bevel. The entire back section of the blade is nearly empty with the exception of a series of vertical bars, rendering it little more than its cutting edge. The blade also retracts into the hilt for efficient storage, not dissimilar to his collapsible recurve bow. The sword is incredibly sharp. It can easily cut through and cut off the limbs of Outriders while Barton could only use one of his hands, as the other held the Nano Gauntlet.


In chronological order:


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Behind the Scenes[]

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To be added


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ronin's Retractable Sword.