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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"The Qílín has fish scales to swim... and feathers to fly... yet it's so gentle it walks in the clouds just to protect the grass."
Ying Li[src]

Qilin, or Qílín (麒麟), are mystical creatures from the realm of Ta Lo.


Living in Ta Lo[]

Qilin were among the creatures researched by Xu Wenwu while on his search for Ta Lo. They lived peacefully there and one temporarily blocked the car that Shang-Chi, Xu Xialing, Katy Chen, and Trevor Slattery were driving shortly after entering Ta Lo.[1]

Characteristic Traits[]

Qilin resemble Earth's horses, but with the face of a dragon. They also have turquoise scales, a long scaly tail, feathers, and a blonde mane and beard with antlers on top of their heads. They also live in herds.[1] They are able to swim and fly, and they are known for being gentle, kind, and powerful.[2]


  • The qilin is a popular mythology creature in many Eastern Asian mythologies, usually an harbinger of protection and good luck. In the comics, the Qilin were identified as hoofed beasts native to the extradimensional realm of Ta Lo.


External Links[]
