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For alternate versions of Phil Coulson, see Phil Coulson's Character Hub

"I get it, my programming is different than yours. You had to discover that your body had been replaced. You must've felt blindsided."
"My reality was crashing down."
"Whereas I still have my mind but know exactly what I am, and more importantly, I understand a basic truth that you don't realize yet. That our bodies don't matter."
―Coulson LMD and Melinda May LMD[src]

Phillip J. "Phil" Coulson was the Life-Model Decoy of the real Phil Coulson who was sent on a secret mission by Holden Radcliffe to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and execute all the Inhumans for Anton Ivanov. The LMD's plan was revealed, however, and Coulson's LMD was forced to hunt down the remaining agents, being first defeated by Quake before finding himself betrayed by the May LMD, who destroyed herself and the other LMDs up to help both Quake and Jemma Simmons, hoping to aid in saving the real Coulson.


LMD Mission[]

Hunting Down Agents[]

"Damn it. This is not how it was supposed to go, we didn't want bloodshed."
"It's too late for that."
"Mack, see if you can patch up Fitz enough so that he can fix himself. We have to search the base."
―Coulson LMD and Mackenzie LMD[src]

Coulson's LMD assists Jeffrey Mace's LMD

During a mission to rescue Director Jeffrey Mace from Superior in Russia, the real Phil Coulson was captured by Holden Radcliffe and Aida. He was then replaced by an Life-Model Decoy who was sent on a mission to infiltrate the Playground. Alongside the other Life-Model Decoys, the Coulson LMD regrouped with Jemma Simmons and Daisy Johnson just as they watched the Watchdogs Submarine escaping the base with their own human counterparts. Coulson's LMD then ordered everyone to return towards the Playground to continue their mission there.

Coulson LMD

Coulson reactivates the Melinda May LMD

Once back at the Playground, Coulson damaged the alarms which would alert the agents of LMD attacks, deleting the system report at the same time. Having done this, Coulson then went into his real life counterpart's former office where he collected Melinda May's Life Model Decoy, which was being kept in a body bag for protection. Putting May's LMD on a chair, Coulson's LMD activated her, much to May's LMD's great confusion, before he greeted her with a smile and claiming that they had waited too long now to finally have a drink and a long talk which seemed to greatly please May's LMD.[2]


Coulson discusses tracking down Inhumans

Once back at the Playground, Coulson's LMD spoke with Simmons and Leo Fitz's LMD about the Watchdogs' weapons capabilities could possibly be before informing them that they were planning on bringing all of the remaining Inhumans to the base for their own protection, claiming Anton Ivanov was clearly ready to complete the Watchdogs' plans. When Jeffrey Mace's LMD tried to get Simmons alone in his office to scan her brain; however, Simmons and Fitz's LMD made a point that they wanted to stick together throughout their mission which the others then accepted.


Coulson speaks with Jeffrey Mace's LMD

Coulson's LMD then spoke with Mace's LMD about their need to scan and replace Simmons and Johnson as soon as possible without being detected, as Coulson noted that they were still outnumbered inside the base. Coulson then explained that in the meantime, Johnson would be contacting all the Inhumans and bringing them to the base ready to be executed on site. Coulson then reminded Mace' to bring the Daisy Johnson LMDs from Zephyr One. Coulson's LMD then spoke briefly with Johnson who noted she would collect Yo-Yo Rodriguez first as she was one of their best assets.

Self Control 4

Coulson speaks with Melinda May's LMD

Coulson's LMD then returned to his office where he found Melinda May's LMD looking out at the snow, at which point he revealed his true robotic nature by showing her that he now no longer had Phil Coulson's Prosthetic Hand, much to May's horror. Coulson tried to reassure May by telling her all about the Framework and how it was giving their human counterparts much happier lives, noting that his counterpart could live without signing up to S.H.I.E.L.D. and never suffering the pain and loss that went with that. Coulson told May that the Framework allowed them to live as civilians and finally be able to be together as a couple which they both had desired.[3]

Schemes Discovered[]


Coulson prepares to kill a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent

"Two of our best agents and friends, Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons, have been kidnapped, and worse than that, they've been replaced."
―Coulson LMD[src]

When Leo Fitz's LMD was destroyed by Jemma Simmons, Coulson and Jeffrey Mace's LMDs were called to look at his body. Mace attempted to tell Fisher and the other agents that Simmons was the Life-Model Decoy, however it was soon discovered that Fitz was in fact a robot. Before the entire base could be scanned, Coulson shot the two agents before Mace struck the other one with incredible force while Coulson proceeded to beat him to death with the butt of his gun.


Coulson orders Quake and Simmons' deaths

They were then informed by Alphonso Mackenzie's LMD that Daisy Johnson had also learned the truth. Mace then put the entire base onto lockdown, shut down the security feeds before gathering all of their remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents together. Mace's LMD handed over to Coulson who then proceeded to tell all of the agents that Johnson and Simmons had been kidnapped by the Watchdogs and were in fact the Life-Model Decoys, ordering them not to be fooled by their appearance and shot them in either their chest or their spine in order to preserve their brains, claiming it was for study.


Coulson and Mace watch the gas attack

Just as Coulson was exploring the Playground with Mace's LMD, he gave orders to his men before witnessing a small car driving via remote control throughout the base before crashing against a wall. Mace's LMD went to investigate before a bomb was detonated, causing sleeping gas to run through the entire base and knock out everyone but the LMDs. Coulson noted that this was a smart move to ensure the safety of everyone else before Mace ordered the lights to be shut off as they could use their Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implants to see better in the dark than normal humans could.


Coulson gives Melinda May her orders

Without much time, Coulson's LMD then returned to his former office where he greeted Melinda May's LMD who questioned what was happening out there, having just heard the explosion. Coulson told May that it was time for her to enter the fight, telling her she would be their last line of defense, which May agreed to. Knowing that if they were to escape, Johnson and Simmons would go to Zephyr One and attempt to stop their mission, Coulson then ordered May to wait in the hanger doorway with explosives and detonate them in order to kill the surviving agents if it came down to it.[3]

Final Standoff[]


Coulson shoots Quake in the shoulder

"I thought you said you had them. May? What did you do?"
"What I wanted to."
"Okay. Everything's under control. Let's just..."
"Whose control?"
―Coulson LMD and May LMD[src]

Coulson and Alphonso Mackenzie's LMDs eventually found Quake just as she destroyed Jeffrey Mace's LMD after a prolonged fight against the robot, causing both Coulson and Mackenzie's LMDs to shoot her in her shoulders. Mackenzie insisted that he did not wish to hurt her and told Quake to allow them to download her in the Framework before she bled out, while Coulson told her not to resist them, while they both kept their guns aimed at her head. Coulson promised Quake that he would ensure she survived this battle.


Coulson sees Alphonso Mackenzie's LMD

Quake however ignored their pleas and responded by using her Inhuman power to launch a massive shockwave at them both, which then sent Coulson's LMD straight through a glass wall without badly damaging him, while Mackenzie's entire robotic skull was then torn apart by the shockwave. Coulson's LMD soon recovered and was informed by May's LMD that she had successfully captured Quake and Jemma Simmons. While Coulson gave orders to the repaired Leo Fitz LMD to activate the Daisy Johnson LMDs, he went to execute the final agents and end this prolonged chase.

Self Control

Coulson threatened by Melinda May's LMD

To his surprise however, Coulson discovered that May's LMD had allowed the agents to escape to Zephyr One, when Coulson asked why, May told him that it was because she wanted to. Seeing the danger, Coulson's LMD tried to calm May by telling her everything was under control and inviting her to drink scotch with him, only for May to question who was really in control of them and reminding him that they, as robot doubles, had never drunk scotch together, with Coulson seeing that May's finger still remained on the trigger of the bombs around them throughout their conversation.


Coulson and May are both killed in a fireball

May told Coulson that Holden Radcliffe had programmed them differently, so unlike him, May's LMD felt fear, love and compassion. When May noted that she still felt pain, Coulson insisted that in the Framework they would never feel pain, but May only insisted that it was the pain he had felt and lived through, that had made Melinda May fall in love with Phil Coulson. May finally said that this Life-Model Decoy was not the real Coulson, causing him to raise his gun so May activated the bomb and destroyed them both in a massive explosion which also destroyed much of the Playground.[3]


Although he has become an android, LMD Coulson's personality has remained intact and retains the same characteristics as when he was a human, despite his mission which he was programmed with, as evidenced by the fact that, since being confined to the Framework his original counterpart, he was happy to no longer feel physical pain and suffering, as an android, after being replaced and said that the body was not as important as he believed, as he could live forever in the Framework with his regret eliminated, which is to enter the S.H.I.E.L.D., and also said that his dream was to live a simple life as an ordinary civilian and that, thanks to the Framework, he had managed to achieve that dream and that he wanted to make Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons experience the same thing and put an end to their physical suffering, something the real Coulson would never do and LMD May herself said that despite no longer feeling the physical pain as an android, the emotional pain and regrets of her that she had in the course of her life always remained with her and made her a person much more human and full of love.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Android Physiology: Being an android, the LMD Coulson's physiology was superior than regular humans. Moreover, like all the LMDs built after Aida, LMD Coulson was powered and animated by a Quantum Brain, a replica of a human brain which displayed the same complexity and capabilities than its biological counterpart but was only made of light.
    • Enhanced Strength: Being an android, LMD Coulson was stronger than his counterpart, hitting Fischer in the head with the butt of his pistol with enough force to kill him.
    • Enhanced Durability: As an android, the mechanical structure of LMD Coulson's body made him more resilient than humans. He was able to survive and be unharmed by Quake's shockwaves when they did not hit in any weak spots, but could not withstand a point-blank explosion detonated by LMD May that levelled the entire Playground and destroyed him.
    • Enhanced Stamina: His power source allowed the LMD to exert himself for long periods of time without rest between charges. Coulson worked tirelessly towards his mission, not stopped by a fight against Quake that hit him with her full force, and only stopping when he was destroyed by the explosion that wrecked the Playground.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: His Quantum Brain was programmed with a shorter reaction time than humans, allowing him to outspeed a couple of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and attack them before they could get their guns out. He was also able to take Daisy Johnson by surprise in a joint attack with the help of LMD Mackenzie, shooting her before she could react.
    • Enhanced Vision: Like all the Life-Model Decoys built according to Holden Radcliffe's plans, LMD Johnson was equipped with a Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant that granted him the ability to see in the dark and through solid objects.
    • Longevity: Potentially, as a Life-Model Decoy, Coulson's internal power source would have allowed him to last for years. However, he was destroyed not long after being built.
    • Pain Immunity: The synthetic nervous system within the Life-Model Decoys was tweaked once Aida experienced pain herself, disabling all subsequent decoys from the feeling that was intended to accurately mimic human reaction. Therefore, LMD Coulson suffered no actual pain.


  • Master Tactician: Programmed with all of Phil Coulson's logistics knowledge, LMD Coulson quickly assumed command of their infiltration into S.H.I.E.L.D., giving orders to the other Life-Model Decoys on how to proceed in their plan to replace the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. top agents, and gather the Inhumans to kill them.
  • Expert Marksman: Programmed with all of Phil Coulson's firing capabilities, LMD Coulson was able to fire just as well as the real version, such as, when Coulson killed two S.H.I.E.L.D. and injured Quake, with the help of LMD Mackenzie, before she could react.




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In chronological order:


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Phil Coulson/Life-Model Decoy.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Phil Coulson/Life-Model Decoy.

External Links[]
