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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Perez (disambiguation)

"What do you suggest?"
"It'd be easier just to kill him."
"Not really. We don't know if he's got a backup plan."
―Perez and Rafael Scarfe[src]

Lieutenant Perez is a former New York City Police Department officer who secretly was on Cottonmouth's payroll. When Rafael Scarfe was being pursued by both the police and the Stokes Crime Family, Perez was exposed by Misty Knight and subsequently arrested.


NYPD Officer[]

Explosion Investigation[]

"That was not a gas leak. Who the hell would use a rocket in Harlem?"
"Who do you think?"
―Perez and Misty Knight[src]
LC204 - NYPD investigation

Perez and the NYPD investigate the attack

Serving for the New York City Police Department, Perez was stationed at the 29th Precinct Police Station in Harlem, before he was approached by Cottonmouth. Perez accepted a payment from Cottonmouth and became his contact within the police, together with Rafael Scarfe. Investigating the explosion of the Genghis Connie's, the police ruled out a gas leak as the reason for the explosion, and Perez pondered who would use a rocket launcher in Harlem, although Misty Knight instantly pointed at Cottonmouth as the possible culprit.[1]

Arising Suspicions[]

LC205 - Perez talks with Knight

Perez discusses Rafael Scarfe's suspicions

"I don't know what the hell you've been doing, but IA's onto you, and they've given the Captain a heads-up. You're being investigated, Scarfe. Captain was poking around Misty, seeing what she knows."
―Perez to Rafael Scarfe[src]

Perez and Betty Audrey were informed that the Internal Affairs Bureau launched an investigation of Rafael Scarfe, since there was an evidence of the suspicious behavior on his part. Perez and Audrey approached Misty Knight, and although Knight was certain that Scarfe was clean, Perez told her that the NYPD is under the close inspection, so they cannot afford such incidents. Audrey told Knight about the unaccounted timeframe, in which Chico Diaz went missing, but Knight still dismissed any of her accusations. Scarfe then appeared in the office, so Perez and Audrey decided to leave, so Scarfe would not suspect anything.

LC205 - Perez & Scarfe

Perez speaking with Rafael Scarfe in private

Later, Perez met with Scarfe privately, outside of the 29th Precinct Police Station, and informed him about an investigation. Perez told Scarfe about Audrey questioning Knight about him, but noted that Cottonmouth was the bigger issue than the IAB. Perez informed Scarfe that Cottonmouth demanded them to get the Hammer Industries weaponry from the NYPD's custody, so he could sell it to Domingo Colon, to Scarfe's great annoyance. Perez then had MacLean to falsify a disposal request, so Scarfe could deliver the guns to Cottonmouth in secret.[2]

Chase of Rafael Scarfe[]

LC206 - MKnight, BAudrey and Perez

Perez and Betty Audrey talk to Misty Knight

"What do you know, Detective? Scarfe must have told you something. That's evidence that guns from the junkyard shoot-out were in that warehouse."
"Stolen from our evidence locker?"
"Your partner is my top suspect."
Betty Audrey, Misty Knight and Perez[src]

Eventually, the word of Rafael Scarfe's corruption got out, so Betty Audrey gave an order to find Scarfe and bring him to the 29th Precinct Police Station alive. Perez went to talk with Misty Knight who took news about Scarfe's corruption rather hard, while Audrey asked Knight to tell her everything about Scarfe that could help. Knight suggested that Scarfe could have find out about the theft of the Hammer Industries weapons and went to investigate, but Audrey doubted that and ordered Knight and Perez to bring him in.

LC206 - Perez and Knight investigating

Perez and Misty Knight searching for leads

Perez and Knight went to Scarfe's apartment to search for clues, where Perez witnessed Knight's deduction, which always had puzzled him. Knight described her deduction to Perez, saying that when she stares at the photograph, she can piece small details together, to reconstruct a story behind them, with Perez joking that she should have work for Kodak with such skills. Perez then found a photo of a young boy and Knight told him that it was Earl, Scarfe's son, who accidentally committed suicide with Scarfe's gun, which greatly traumatized him.

LC206 - Perez stake out

Perez at the stake out with Misty Knight

Staking out outside of the apartment, Perez received a message from Cottonmouth who needed an update on his search for Scarfe, telling Knight that it was a message from his ex-wife. Perez told Knight that Scarfe will not come, knowing that the police is after him, but Knight decided to stay for longer. Waiting in the car, Knight told Perez about Scarfe who took her under his wing and taught her to be a detective, while everyone else in the force did not want to have anything to with her, including Perez himself. Suddenly, Knight noticed that someone had sneaked past them, although Perez said it was not possible. Knight and Perez rushed to the apartment where they found a door being opened, however, the intruder managed to get away through the window.

Misty chases suspect(1)

Perez and Misty Knight chase their suspect

Knight recognized the intruder as Luke Cage, so she and Perez went to the Pop's Barber Shop, where they found bloodstained cloth, concluding that Scarfe received a medical treatment there. Perez questioned some of the locals and found out that they spooted a green van leaving the barbershop and got a partial plate number. Later, Perez was contacted by Cottonmouth who wanted to know why Scarfe was doing with Cage, reminding him that if Scarfe talks, Perez and half of the police department will go down with Cottonmouth. Perez then informed Cottonmouth about a van, so he could send Zip and his gang after Scarfe.[3]


LC206 - Perez stops MKnight

Perez denies them helping Rafael Scarfe

"That was Scarfe, wasn't it? What'd he say?"
"Not to trust you. That you're in on all of this."
"What? Hell no! You can't believe that rat, he's lying! He's in Cottonmouth's pocket much deeper than I am. Bet… Bet you didn't know that, hmm?"
―Perez and Misty Knight[src]

Perez and Misty Knight stayed inside the car, and although Perez said that they should get back to the 29th Precinct Police Station, Knight waited for any updates on Rafael Scarfe to be ready on time. Eventually, they received information about the gunfire near One Police Plaza and Perez questioned why would Scarfe want to be at the HQ, to which Knight replied that there was a chance that Scarfe was not on the run. Knight prepared to head there to help Scarfe, but Perez told her that he likely resisted arrest and he did not want Knight to witness Scarfe being gunned down.

LC206 - Perez gets busted

Perez gets put under arrest by Misty Knight

Knight then received a phone call, seemingly from Scarfe, who told her not to trust Perez, as he was in cahoots with Cottonmouth. Perez immediately told Knight that Scarfe was lying and he was much more corrupted than he was, until he realized that Knight was bluffing. However, it was too late, as Knight recorded Perez's confession and stated that Perez was under arrest. Perez made an attempt to resist the arrest and attacked Knight, but she managed to overpower him and told Perez to handcuff himself, before leaving to find Scarfe.[3]


"You're a popular man."
"Oh, the ex-wife. Took all my money and she still needs the dick."
"...Glad to see chivalry isn't dead."
Misty Knight and Perez[src]

To be added

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To be added




Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Perez (Lieutenant).