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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Peggy Carter (disambiguation)
For other uses, see Agent Carter (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Peggy Carter, see Peggy Carter's Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Celestial Invader Ego Universe".

"The girl was right."
"Wouldn't I love to have that printed on a T-shirt."
Howard Stark and Peggy Carter[src]

Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter is a leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.


World War II[]

Peggy Carter worked closely alongside Howard Stark and the United States Army during World War II. In this time, Carter met Captain America, who Carter fell in love with, and his best friend Bucky Barnes, both of which went missing during the war. After the war, Carter and Stark founded S.H.I.E.L.D., a peacekeeping organization, where they would employ and work with Hank Pym, Bill Foster, and Wendy Lawson on various scientific projects.[2]

Assembling a Team[]

"With that kind of firepower, I don't know that there's a person on Earth who can stop him."
"Not one person working alone, but a team, made up of the best our little planet has to offer."
Howard Stark and Peggy Carter[src]

When an Peter Quill landed on Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. learned that he had brought destruction to multiple solar systems. Howard Stark worried that no one would be able to stop Quill, but Carter informed him of her idea to form a team of enhanced individuals.

Avengers Initiative (1988)

Carter speaks with her new team

Carter greeted Hank Pym, Bill Foster, and King T'Chaka at the base. Winter Soldier was sent to assist the team, and Carter discussed him being Bucky Barnes with Stark, who felt that Barnes no longer existed. While Carter explained the situation to the team, they were then taken to Wendy Lawson, who joined the team as they headed for Coney Island to apprehend Quill.[2]

Team Meeting[]

Hank Pym and Peggy Carter (1988)

Carter learns about Ego's Expansion

"Well, surely, if you've come all this way, you must have a plan in mind?"
"The Celestial seedling. Ego has used them to implant his essence on planets across the universe."
―Peggy Carter and Thor[src]

The team returned, now joined by Thor, successfully captured Peter Quill and brought him to the base. The team listened to Thor explain the Ego's Expansion, revealing that a celestial seedling was responsible for the destruction caused to many planets. After discovering that Quill escaped from custody, they witnessed the arrival of Ego, as the seedling began to activate.[2]

Battle of Mojave Desert[]

Agent Carter (1988)

Carter leading an army at the Mojave Desert

"Hand over the seedling and this will all be over."
"All this, meaning us? Not gonna happen. So if you've come to destroy us, you're going to be leaving here very disappointed."
Ego and Peggy Carter[src]

Unable to defeat Ego on their own, the team made a plan to have Peter Quill defeat his father. As Ant-Man and Wendy Lawson tracked down Quill, Carter led an army of tanks and joined Goliath, Black Panther, and Thor in the Mojave Desert to face off against Ego.

Peggy Carter What If

Carter shooting at Ego's army

Ego demanded that the seedling be handed over to him, promising to end the conflict, but Carter refused this request, knowing that it would result in all of their annihilation. Ego created an army of himself from the ground and commenced his attack, so Carter ordered the tanks to open fire. Carter contacted Howard Stark to hide the seedling. Although being able to hold their own for a while, Ego eventually overwhelmed the team, but they were saved when Quill arrived and defeated Ego.[2]

New Mission[]

80s Avengers

Carter alongside the Avengers

"Perhaps you forgot, Goldilocks, we have sort of a team thing going on here."
"Then I suggest you suit up, team."
Ant-Man and Thor[src]

The team celebrated their victory at Hank Pym's house, where Carter commented on Pym's struggling with baking a pie. After they ate, Thor informed them that Ego was still alive, so the team decided to join him in destroying the celestial.[2]


To be added






Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Peggy Carter/Celestial Invader Ego.
Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Peggy Carter/Celestial Invader Ego.

External Links[]
