- "You gonna take us up in him, sir?"
"You think you can handle Mr. Goodnight, son?" - ―Tom Bianchi and Jack Thompson[src]
Mr. Goodnight is a biplane flown by Bonnie and Jack Thompson. They used it to train Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau to fly so that they could earn a private pilot license.
Jack Thompson learned how to fly using Mr. Goodnight, having been taught by his future wife Bonnie and flew it alongside Maria Rambeau's father.
The Thompsons took Mr. Goodnight for a flight when Carol Danvers and Rambeau arrived for their first day of training. They landed the plane in front of Danvers and Rambeau and got out of the cockpit, greeting the pair. They brought Mr. Goodnight into the hangar and had Danvers and Rambeau clean it, explaining each part and how it worked. At one point, Jack took the engine apart and explained what every part of it did.
After weeks of ground lessons, Rambeau and Danvers were ready to fly Mr. Goodnight. Rambeau flew the plane with Bonnie and landed it safely, excited. It was Danvers' turn, so she got in the cockpit and took off. Thompson gave Danvers full control once they were in the sky as Jack guided her verbally using the radio. After a while, Thompson took control back and guided the plane back to the hangar.
Mr. Goodnight was flown in an air show in the winter of 1984.
At their final flying lesson, Bonnie had Rambeau do a series of slow barrel rolls. Afterwards, Danvers and Jack began flying the plane. Jack had Danvers attempt a power-off stall six tries before Danvers finally succeeded. Danvers completed the maneuver three more times before landing the plane at the hangar.
The Thompsons took the plane to fly over Rambeau and Danvers as they spent time together on their last day of the academic year.[1]