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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"How did this happen?"
"Dex knows our security protocols."
Wilson Fisk and Markham[src]

Agent Markham was an FBI agent who was assigned to work on Wilson Fisk's detail. During the Battle at the Presidential Hotel, Markham stayed to guard Fisk's quarters and was killed by Benjamin Poindexter.


FBI Agent[]

Recruited by Kingpin[]

Markham joined the FBI New York Crime Division and worked under Tammy Hattley's commands. While Wilson Fisk was incarcerated in Ryker's Island, he managed to manipulate Markham in order to make him his personal ally. Markham was at the conference room of the New York City FBI Office where Hattley presented Ray Nadeem as the new agent corrupted by Fisk. Hattley then informed agents about new Fisk's orders and allowed them to operate.[3]


Markham with other corrupted FBI agents

During Fisk's wedding with Vanessa Marianna, Hattley ordered Markham, as well as other agents to secure the Presidential Hotel. Upon Benjamin Poindexter's attack on Marianna, Fisk asked Markham how could this happen and he informed Fisk that Poindexter knows everything about the FBI security protocols. Markham stayed outside of Fisk's penthouse to secure him before he was killed by Poindexter.[4]


  • Investigator: As an FBI agent, Markham had considerable investigation skills to the point where he realized that Benjamin Poindexter had gotten into the wedding because he knew the security details.
  • Marksman: As part of his FBI training, Markham became skilled in the use of regular firearms, and assigned a Glock pistol as his sidearm.






