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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Jessica was the one who turned me in."
"Norman Rockwell didn't paint that one."
Alisa Jones and Marilyn Toussaint[src]

Marilyn Toussaint is a corrections officer who took command after the apparent suicide of Dale Holiday.


Prison Guard[]

Protecting Alisa Jones[]

"I have a new guard this morning. Dale didn't show up to work. His replacement's nice. She let me call you."
Alisa Jones to Jessica Jones[src]

Marilyn Toussaint came to work one day, hearing that Dale Holiday was out sick, although he never missed work. She was forced to guard Alisa Jones' cell with Holiday's absence. She uncuffed Jones and gave her eggs, saying to eat up. Jones asked questions about Holiday's whereabouts to which Toussaint admitted he was not a usual man. She asked if she was not good enough, but Jones was happy to have her. Toussaint understood and said to enjoy his day off then.

Jones then asked if she could call her daughter as she went on a blind date the night before. Although Toussaint believed Jones was taking advantage, she still allowed her to make the call as she understood the fact that Jones wanted to check on her daughter. When Jessica came in to talk, Alisa asked for a few minutes alone. Toussaint refused as it was against protocol, but since Alisa kept asking, Toussaint let it happen.

Later, Toussaint noticed Alisa trying to see the television from her cell. Toussaint moved over a little so Alisa could see. While the news reported an explosion and the death of Karl Malus, Toussaint was alerted to the tearful wails of Jones. In an attempt to comfort her, she entered her cell, questioning if she needed medical attention. Off-guard, Jones lifted Toussaint and threw her against the brick wall.[1]


Toussaint was nice to Alisa Jones, allowing her to call Jones' daughter, unlike her predecessor. She cared about the people in her charge, as she was ready to enter Jones' cell upon hear her cries.




  • Daughter



Behind the Scenes[]

