The "Mangog Unleashed" Universe is an alternate reality where Loki manipulated Thor through various means in order to gain the throne of Asgard. This involved tricking Thor into releasing Mangog from his prison.
Asgardian Empire[]
The Asgardian Royal Family came to power in Asgard and expanded an empire. Odin came to rule and developed a large sentient weapon known as Mangog to defeat his enemies. Vanaheim prepared to go to war with Asgard and built Frostgrinder, a transportation method similar to the Bifrost Bridge. Odin sent Mangog to Vanaheim to wipe out the Vanir, leaving the Rock Trolls trapped in the realm. However, Odin then locked Mangog in the Cave of Ages on Niflheim.
Odin went on to raise two children, Thor and Loki.[1] Thor became trusted with the weapon Mjølnir and celebrated the delivery of the weapon along with Asgard.[2] Meanwhile, Loki became jealous of Thor's position within the family and sought to prove himself,[1] so he provided information to the Jötuns that would allow them to invade Asgard[2] as part of a larger plan to make Asgard view him as their savior.[1]
Frost Giant Invasion[]
While Thor, Sif, and Loki trained,[1] Frost Giants followed a tip from Loki[2] and invaded Asgard, freezing Heimdall in the process. A Frost Giant froze Sif, and Loki left to warn Odin of the attack. Thor fought several attacking Forst Giants and freed Sif, who advised him to use the Gjallarhorn to warn of the attack. The two parted ways and Thor blew the Gjallarhorn, discovering that the Frotst Giants wanted the Casket of Ancient Winters.
Thor fought his way to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf and came across a Frost Goliath, which he defeated. As Sif arrived with several Einherjar, the Frost Goliath attacked one of the Einherjar. Sif saved the soldier, but was stabbed in the process, killing her. Loki and Odin arrived, and Odin tried to order Thor not to risk war by avenging Sif. Thor refused, and Loki agreed to help him. Loki told Thor to go to the Bifrost Bridge and convince Heimdall to let him go to Niflheim. Meanwhile, Loki watched as Odin used the Odinforce to resurrect Sif. This took a lot of power, sending Odin into the Odinsleep.[1]
Releasing Mangog[]
Attack on Niflheim[]
Thor reached Heimdall, who allowed Thor to go to Niflheim and avenge the attack. Loki commmunicated with Thor using Magic and advised him to fight several Jötun warriors, hoping to draw out their leader, Ymir. Thor followed Loki's advice and reached Ymir's throne room. Thor faught Ymir and defeated him, leading Ymir to retreat into the ice. Loki told Thor that Ymir would not be able to be destroyed unless Thor opened the Cave of Ages, where Odin had hidden a weapon.
Ymir attempted to warn Thor that the Nine Realms would all suffer if Thor opened the Cave of Ages, but Thor was angered and refused to listen. Ymir attacked Thor again, but Thor opened the cave, releasing an intense heat that killed Ymir as Mangog was released from the cave. Mangog swore revenge on Odin for his imprisonment in the cave, and Thor begged Loki to activate the Bifrost Bridge so he could defend Asgard.[1]
Stranded on Vanaheim[]
Rather than opening the Bifrost Bridge, Loki went to Vanaheim and approached Ulik, vowing to help the Rock Trolls escape their exile in exchange for Ulik using Frostgrinder to bring Thor to Vanaheim and distract him. Ulik agreed, and Thor was brought to Vanaheim, surprising him. He was attacked by Skraelings, Leechweeds, Mire Giants, and Rock Trolls.
Thor fought through his attackers and found recordings of the Vanir's attempt to destroy Asgard, enslave the Rock Trolls, and enslave Midgard. He learned through the recording that Odin unleashed Mangog on the Vanir, leading to their extinction. Thor also learned through the recording that Scabrite would be able to defeat Mangog.[1]
Loki's Failure[]
Meanwhile, Mangog reached Asgard and began attacking, easily defeating any Einherjar that stood in his way. Loki, following his plan, retrieved the Casket of Ancient Winters with the hope of using to freeze Mangog, ending the attack. Loki opened the Casket, which successfully froze the large creature. However, Mangog was powerful enough to immediately break through the ice and resume his attack. He opened several portals, bringing Frost Giants and Fire Demons into the realm to attack Asgard.
Loki realized that he failed and contacted Ulik, calling off their deal and asking him to allow Thor. Ulik refused and ordered trolls to kill Thor as he reached them. Thor defeated the trolls, so Ulik unleashed a War Beast which Thor also defeated. Ulik then confronted Thor directly, but Thor defeated him as well. Loki approached Thor and told him that Odin had entered the Odinsleep and was unable to defend Asgard. Thor told Loki that he planned to get Scabrite from Muspelheim to defeat Mangog.[1]
Retrieving Scabrite[]
Destroying the Core Drill[]
Thor went to Muspelheim and began walking toward the Infernal Forge, where he hoped find Scabrite without confronting Surtur. Thor came across several Fire Demons who were mining for Scabrite. He fought and defeated the demons and came across the Core Drill. He saw that it was guarded by several Fire Demons, including the Infernir Champion. Thor fought through the Fire Demons and confronted the Champion, which healed itself using the Core Drill. Thor then destroyed the gems powering the drill in order to defeat the Champion.
Thor saw the core drill mining for Scabrite and destroyed the drill itself, removing each anchor holding it despite defenses from Fire Demons. He unlocked the drill and entered it, killing another champion. He then used Mjølnir to activate the drill, destroy its shield, and destroy the drill itself. The drill crashed, creating an opening to the Infernal Forge.[1]
Facing Surtur[]
Despite objections to the plan from Loki, Thor went directly into the Infernal Forge and saw several Fire Demons guarding it, defeating them all. Thor came across the Twilight Sword, which was made of Scabrite. Surtur then appeared and announced the sword's intention to help Surtur reached the Eternal Flame.
Thor demanded that Surtur end his Fire Demons' invasion of Asgard, but Surtur refused and the two fought. Thor attacked and destroyed Surtur's armor, forcing Surtur to retreat briefly and have fire demons attack Thor. Thor fought the demons and used Mjølnir to attack Surtur with lightning. Surtur declared his intention to attack Asgard, so Thor knocked the Twilight Sword out of Surtur's hand and destroyed it, infusing the Mjølnir with the Scabrite.[1]
Defeating Mangog[]
Thor returned to Asgard as Frost Giants and Fire Demons continued to attack it while Odin fought Mangog. Thor reunited with Sif and began aiding in the defense of Asgard, instructing Sif to help the Einherjar defend the Bifrost Bridge.
The Frost Giants went to the training ground and froze the Gjallarhorn, so Thor fought the Frost Giants away from the areas. He unfroze the Gjallarhorn and used Mjølnir to sound the horn, inspiring the Einherjar. Meanwhile, the Fire Demons planted a bomb made of Scabrite. Thor defeated the Fire Demons and used the bomb to destroy a drill the fire demons were also using to attack.
Thor then went to Althing to help Odin fight Mangog, bringing Loki along with him. Odin was barely managing, so Thor began fighting himself. Using the scabrite-infused Mjølnir, Thor defeated Mangog. Odin released the souls that had been consumed by Mangog, and the Asgardians celebrated their victory.[1]
- Although there are significant contradictions with later adaptations and even Thor itself, Thor: God of Thunder was created to fit within the continuity of Thor and the Marvel Cinematic Universe's main universe. For this reason, Thor and Loki were played by Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, respectively.[3]