For alternate versions of Loud Jerk, see Loud Jerk's Character Hub |
- "You just dunno when to give up, do ya?"
"I could do this all day." - ―Loud Jerk and Steve Rogers[src]
The Loud Jerk was a bully who lived in New York City.

Loud Jerk attacks Steve Rogers
- "Who cares? Play the movie already!"
- ―Loud Jerk[src]
In 1943, during World War II, the loud jerk attended a local cinema and watched an advert which had been showing the different ways soldiers and civilians can help with the war effort. The guy thought it was boring and began to yell at the screen, to the disgust of many around him. When Steve Rogers, who was sitting behind him, told him to be quiet, he stood up and took Rogers outside to an alley where he began to beat him up. Rogers tried to fight back, but the jerk continued to overpower him. Eventually, Bucky Barnes arrived and helped Rogers by beating the jerk up himself.[1]