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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You rough up my employees, that hurts my professional reputation. That's all any businessmen has."
―Len Sirkes to Luke Cage[src]

Len Sirkes is a loan shark running his trade in New York City who encountered Luke Cage and Jessica Jones while hunting a young man who had not repaid him.


Loan Shark[]

Conned by Antoine Grier[]

"Serena gave money to Antoine to pay off a loan shark. I had a little conversation with the shark's boys. Seems Antoine hasn't made any payments in weeks."
Luke Cage to Jessica Jones[src]

Sirkes had worked as a loan shark in New York City, working under the rules that if Sirkes was not paid back in full, then anyone who had made a debt with him would be in danger. Sirkes made a deal with Antoine Grier; however, Grier soon disappeared with his money. While looking for Grier, Sirkes' men were beaten up by Luke Cage, who was also looking for Grier, having been asked by Serena Grier to find him.[1]

Deal with Luke Cage[]

"I'm looking for Antoine, thought you might know where he was."
"And you thought I kidnapped him, why would I do that? It doesn't give me my money back."
Luke Cage and Len Sirkes[src]

Sirkes greeting Luke Cage and Jessica Jones

The next day, Sirkes personally accompanied his men to search Antoine Grier's apartment and found Luke Cage with Jessica Jones just as they were leaving. After a brief scuffle with his men, Sirkes greeted the pair himself, noting that Cage was wrong in his assumption that Sirkes had kidnapped Grier, noting that this would not help Sirkes get his money back. Seeing that Sirkes wanted his money back while he wanted Grier, Cage suggested they come up with a deal, although Jones was against the idea, as she threw one of Sirkes' men against him, as Cage told Jones to take her aggression down.


Sirkes making a reluctant deal with Luke Cage

Sirkes noted how Cage and Jones had roughed up his men, affecting his reputation within New York City, while Jones mockingly compared him to Carl Icahn. Needing to make their deal without attracting the attention of the New York City Police Department, Cage then made a deal with Sirkes that he and Jones would be able to track down Grier for a small percentage of his usual payment fee, although Jones was highly reluctant about their concept. Believing that Cage and Jones could deliver Grief faster than his own men, Sirkes then agreed to the proposal, before he and his men had left them to track down Grier.[1]

Clash with Jessica Jones[]


Sirkes greets Jessica Jones and Antoine Grier

"I don't re-negotiate."
"I'm not gonna hand him over."
"Then I'll take both."
―Len Sirkes and Jessica Jones[src]

By the next day, Sirkes and his men followed Luke Cage and Jessica Jones to an abandoned warehouse where Antoine Grier used Sirkes' money to grow marijuana in order to start up a drug dealing business with Victor. Once Jones appeared with Grier, Sirkes revealed himself and demanded that she hand over Grier Jones refused and had instead offered to hand over Grier's stockpile of marijuana in exchange for Grier returning home. Sirkes insisted that he was unwilling to renegotiate their deal.


Sirkes attempting to beat down Antoine Grier

Following his orders, Sirkes' men attempted to attack Jones, but she quickly proved herself to be vastly stronger than any of them had anticipated, as she easily launched one of his men across the room while protecting Grier. Jones was soon rejoined by Cage, who had dealt with Myers and Krueger. Sirkes watched on as Jones and Cage joined forces to hold back his men, while Grier had then attempted to escape during the chaos, as Sirkes was able to catch up to Grier and throw him onto the floor, attempting to beat him up for disrespecting him, before Jones and Cage had pulled Grier away from Sirkes.


Sirkes is beaten down in a fight by Luke Cage

While Jones pulled Grier out of harm's way, Sirkes faced off against Cage, as he managed to use one of his men as a distraction before getting Cage into a tight headlock, while another one of his men had then attempted to beat him down by repeatedly punching him in the stomach, finding that it had little effect. While Jones had managed to make her escape with Grier, Sirkes and his men found themselves outmatched by Cage, who managed to easily break the henchman's leg, before twisting Sirkes' wrist to push him away, finally ending the fight by throwing an entire table at Sirkes and his remaining men.[1]


"You're a businessman. Let's do business."
Luke Cage to Len Sirkes[src]
  • Master Businessman: Sirkes is a ruthless businessman who built his career as a loan shark by punishing anyone who dared not pay him back in full, as he searched all over New York City for Antoine Grier as Grier failed to pay back his loan in full. Sirkes also recognized any good deal when he saw one, as he had agreed to recruit Jessica Jones to find Grier for a fraction of the usual fee.
  • Expert Combatant:

    Sirkes attempting to choke out Luke Cage

    Sirkes was a highly skilled brawler while fighting Luke Cage, coming close to subduing him when he got Cage into a tight headlock. However, Cage's enhanced strength and unbreakable skin allowed him to defeat Sirkes and his henchmen eventually.




  • In the comics, Lenny Sirkes was a superhuman moneylender with shark-like body suit, nicknamed Loan Shark. He created havoc in the streets of Brooklyn when Luke Cage was running for president of the Borough. He was defeated by Cage and his wife Jessica Jones, and confessed that he had been hired by one of Cage's rivals in the election.



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