- "Don't expect anyone here to be listening to a kid who got his MBA from a Himalayan monastery."
- ―Lawrence Wilkins to Danny Rand[src]
Lawrence Wilkins was a board member of Rand Enterprises who, in the wake of Danny Rand's return to the company, attempted to take control for himself. Wilkins fired Ward and Joy Meachum and blocked Rand from the company, however Harold Meachum then seemingly returned from the dead before he then threatened and murdered Wilkins, making his death appear to be suicide.
Working at Rand Enterprises[]
Illegal Activity[]
- "I don't understand."
"Oh, yes, you do. Prostitution, embezzling money from the Rand pension fund into your Cayman accounts." - ―Lawrence Wilkins and Harold Meachum[src]

Wilkins being arrested by NYPD
Lawrence Wilkins worked for Rand Enterprises, together with Wendell Rand and Harold Meachum, taking a place in the board of directors. Wilkins also had a son, Michael Wilkins, who was diagnosed with manic depression, which was left barely treated. For a while, Wilkins was involved in money embezzlement from the company's pension fund into his private bank account on Cayman Islands, spending a lot of money on prostitutes.[4] At one point, Wilkins was taken into custody by the New York City Police Department, and while he was trying to keep the incident off-record, he was spotted by Jessica Jones who was hired by Joy Meachum to get a leverage on Wilkins and the rest of the board.[5]
Pricing Strategy[]

Wilkins proposes their new pricing strategy
- "The World Health Organization will make most of the purchases and subsidize it for third world countries. No one who needs this will be left untreated."
"No one should make a profit off of the misery of others. It's wrong." - ―Lawrence Wilkins and Danny Rand[src]
Wilkins attended the board meeting to discuss the leishmaniasis cure developed by Rand Enterprises pharmaceutical division, as well as their pricing strategy. Ward Meachum was doing the presentation to explain the leishmaniasis situation to the board, before he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Danny Rand, who took his place at the board. Joy Meachum proposed that due to the high demand for the cure, they could make the production cost less than $5 per pill, however, Wilkins instead proposed to sell the cure for $50 per dosage. Wilkins justified his point by claiming that Rand Enterprises could fund new research projects which would give a boost to company's profit margin in the pharmaceutical division.

Wilkins assures Danny Rand on the strategy
However, Rand argued that the company should sell the cure at cost, which would save lives across the globe, since there were 50,000 registered deaths from untreated leishmaniasis a year. Wilkins, the Meachums, and the rest of the board were not pleased with Rand's proposal, since it could negatively affect company's finance situation. Wilkins tried to assure Rand that the World Health Organization will purchase the cure regardless and subsidize it for third world countries, so people will get treated and the company will make enough profit. Rand, however, remained unconvinced and made a decision as a majority shareholder of Rand Enterprises, much to Wilkins' displeasure. Ward explained to the board that since Rand owned fifty-one percent share of the company, he had the major voice within the board, so the company will proceed at his decision.[6]
Chemical Plant Lawsuit[]

Wilkins on Ward Meachum's board meeting
- "Until we can be sure it isn't causing illness, we shutting down the Staten Island plant. We're also gonna keep everyone on payroll. That way no one loses their job."
"Don't be a jackass, Danny. This isn't the way business gets done." - ―Danny Rand and Lawrence Wilkins[src]
Wilkins later attended a board meeting organized by Ward Meachum to discuss their lawsuit regarding the Rand Enterprises Chemical Plant, since 15 people living within a one-mile radius were reportedly diagnosed with cancer. Ward also commented that the situation escalated when Danny Rand apologized to Regina Fitzgerald, which was caught on camera, and Rand was absent at the board meeting to speak for his actions. Ward then informed the board that he made a decision to proceed with the trial, since settling it outside of the court would mean Rand Enterprises had something to hide, to the board members' confusion. Wilkins argued that Ward's judgement was clouded and he had no idea what was the best for the company, to which he argued that losing $200,000,000 during the most challenging fiscal year was not viable for them.

Wilkins arguing with Ward Meachum
Wilkins claimed that the bad publicity of the lawsuit could damage the company much more in the long run, which was echoed by Maria Rodriguez and Donald Hooper. Joy Meachum then reminded the board that her brother had an excellent track record as the CEO of Rand Enterprises, so the board withheld from arguing with his decision.[7] At the next board meeting, Wilkins and the rest of the executives were awaiting for Rand, who was supposed to give an official statement and take back his comments on the plant situation, as a part of the Crisis Intervention Resources' strategy. However, once Rand arrived, he stated that he decided to shut down the plant until the exact reason of the cancer cases is found, while keeping employees on payroll, which the board found outrageous.

Wilkins confronts Danny Rand on his ideas
Wilkins told Rand that his decisions were harmful for Rand Enterprises and Wendell Rand knew that business was much more complicated than that. Rand argued that his father was not there and the decision is for him to make, to which Wilkins told that the board will not listen to inexperienced child like him who spent years in the monastery and knew nothing about business. Joy attempted to defend Rand, but Wilkins stated that his plan was nothing but a foolish and naïve dream but Rand suddenly informed the board that he already gave an interview about the plant's closure to the New York Bulletin and Karen Page already wrote an article on that. Rand then abruptly left the meeting after telling the board to return the dental plan for assistants, leaving Wilkins and the rest of the board confused and angered.[8]
Removal of the Meachums[]

Wilkins meets with Joy and Ward Meachum
- "I'm talking about you and your sister working against each other. And over what, huh? A little money? I always thought the two of you looked after one another. In fact, I envied it. I'm sorry to see I was wrong."
- ―Lawrence Wilkins to Ward Meachum[src]
In the wake of the outrageous business decisions, made by Danny Rand, Wilkins took advantage of Rand's still developing experience to take control of the company, manipulating the board to make a decision to terminate him, as well as Ward and Joy Meachum from Rand Enterprises. Wilkins organized a meeting with Meachums, presenting them with a termination agreement for them to sign, noting that their personal property will be returned to them immediately after, except for the company's assets. Ward commented on the irony of Wilkins offering them $100,000,000 as a severance, the same amount they offered Rand when he returned to New York City and attempted to reclaim the company. Joy warned Wilkins that it was not the end, and she would get the company back to which Wilkins replied that their situations was Meachums' fault, since they were the ones who brought Rand into the company.

Wilkins insists the Meachums are to blame
Joy countered it by the fact that despite the financial losses, his actions improved the public perception of Rand Enterprises, however, Wilkins reminded her of his unreasonable decisions. Regardless, Wilkins stated that they have to sign the agreement, otherwise they will not receive anything and the deal will be terminated permanently. Ward was more eager to sign the agreement, but Joy asked to leave them alone to discuss it first, so Wilkins left the office. Later, Joy called Wilkins and stated that they will not sign the agreement, so Wilkins officially terminated the deal.

Wilkins tells Ward Meachum about the deal
While he was playing minigolf at his office, Wilkins was visited by Ward, much to Wilkins' surprise since Meachums had no longer access around the building. Unaware of Joy's decision, Ward requested Wilkins to change the agreement, so Meachums would get their severance separately, in exchange for lowering it down to $30,000,000, as Joy was not willing to sign it. Surprised, Wilkins commented that Harold Meachum would be ashamed seeing his family falling apart if he was alive, before informing Ward that the deal was already terminated due to Joy's interference. Ward noted that Joy did not consult with him and did not act on his behalf, desperately asking Wilkins to provide him with severance, but Wilkins told him that it was too late. Wilkins commented on how money dispute was enough to break the bond between Ward and his sister which he saw as shameful, before Ward left his office.[5]
Harold Meachum's Return[]

Wilkins finds Harold Meachum at his office
- "You better get the hell out of here. I don't know what you're up to, but I can tell you right now that I will never..."
"Honestly? You want them to see the real you?"
"I don't care." - ―Lawrence Wilkins and Harold Meachum[src]
Upon returning to his office, Wilkins suddenly found Harold Meachum sitting there, to his utter shock, since he believed that Meachum was dead for years. Meachum showed Wilkins that he had evidence of the embezzlement schemes he was involved in, as well as his arrest by the NYPD, so Wilkins assumed that he was trying to blackmail him. Meachum, however, replied that he had no intention to blackmail him but rather to get a retribution for Wilkins' attempt to get Meachums out of Rand Enterprises and take the company for himself. Wilkins attempted to call for security and get Meachum out of his office, but he told him that the security systems were shut down before Wilkins returned. Meachum spoke on how their children were the most important thing in their lives and noted how Wilkins' fall from grace could affect his own son, Michael.

Wilkins is murdered by Harold Meachum
Wilkins begged Meachum not to get his son involved, since he had nothing to do with the situation between them. Meachum then offered Wilkins a solution that did not involve exposing all his criminal activity and tainting his son's life but Wilkins had to commit suicide. Wilkins demanded Meachum to leave his office, stating that he would never do that, even if all his crimes would come to light. Meachum lamented on Wilkins' decision, saying that the father's first responsibility is to provide his children with a beautiful lie they could live in. Meachum then took a gun and killed Wilkins by shooting him in the head, and ordered Kevin Singleton to make it look like a suicide.[4]
Wilkins was a corrupt executive who diverted part of the company's money to the Cayman Islands and used it to pay for prostitutes. He was envious of the Meachum family of directing Rand Enterprises and had been yearning for control of Rand Enterprises. He was also ruthless, having dismissed Danny Rand, Joy Meachum, and Ward Meachum from his position in order to take command of the family empire.
- Expert Businessman: Wilkins was a board member of Rand Enterprises who made marketing strategies for the company to increase its profits, such as selling the company's cure for leishmaniasis at an elevated cost. He sat with the board and considered public opinion to be a factor when deciding whether or not to continue with a trial. He also manipulated the board at Rand Enterprises into ousting Danny Rand, Joy Meachum, and Ward Meachum from their positions at the company.
- Rand Enterprises Building: Wilkins worked at Rand Enterprises' office building, where he regularly attended board meetings and worked in what he believed to be the company's best interests. However, he was later killed by Harold Meachum in his office at the building.
In chronological order:
Iron Fist | Episode 1.04: Eight Diagram Dragon Palm
Iron Fist | Episode 1.05: Under Leaf Pluck Lotus
Iron Fist | Episode 1.07: Felling Tree with Roots
Iron Fist | Episode 1.08: The Blessing of Many Fractures
Iron Fist | Episode 1.10: Black Tiger Steals Heart
- ↑ Iron Fist: 1.01: Snow Gives Way
- ↑ Empire Magazine - August 2017
- ↑ The Defenders: 1.01: The H Word
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Iron Fist: 1.10: Black Tiger Steals Heart
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Iron Fist: 1.08: The Blessing of Many Fractures
- ↑ Iron Fist: 1.04: Eight Diagram Dragon Palm
- ↑ Iron Fist: 1.05: Under Leaf Pluck Lotus
- ↑ Iron Fist: 1.07: Felling Tree with Roots