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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Kree Armor is a type of technologically advanced battlesuit made of Krehalium plating, used by the Accusers.


In his uniform, Ronan remained unphased by Drax's strongest hits.

During his fight with the Guardians of the Galaxy aboard the Dark Aster, Ronan took a direct blast from the Hadron Enforcer, a weapon that boasted the capacity to destroy a moon, without much harm. However, later armor was destroyed by the Guardians when they used the Power Stone to destroy Ronan.[1]


The armor's main protection is a war apron made of Krehalium, an extremely durable metal that allowed Ronan the Accuser to withstand a blast from the Hadron Enforcer.[2]

Alternate Versions[]

Origin Status Creators Owners Users
Nova Corpsman Nebula Universe Destroyed - Ronan Ronan
Marvel's Phase Two Video Games Active - Ronan Ronan
Guardians of the Galaxy: Battle of Knowhere Active - Ronan Ronan
Guardians of the Galaxy: Friends and Foes Active - Ronan Ronan
Phase Two: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Active - Ronan Ronan


Appearance for Kree Armor


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Kree Armor.