For other uses, see Katie (disambiguation) |
- "Who else did you call? You said 'either.'"
"Oh. No, I just meant it as in 'them and me.'"
"And I asked for your opinion?" - ―Ward Meachum and Katie[src]
Katie is a Rand Enterprises employee and Ward Meachum's personal assistant.
Employed by Rand[]
- "Did you call Acquisitions?"
"Yes, Mr. Meachum. They can't make sense of it, either." - ―Ward Meachum and Katie[src]
Katie attended Wharton School for business and was eventually employed by Rand Enterprises to be Ward Meachum's personal assistant. She was tasked by Meachum to find his sister. He was very rude to her, but eventually apologized, saying he had a tough week.[1]
A few weeks later, Katie was notified that Danny Rand requested a flight to Asia. Hearing this, she called Ward to tell him, angering Ward.[2]
This section requires expansion |
In chronological order:
- Iron Fist | Episode 2.02: The City's Not for Burning
- Iron Fist | Episode 2.04: Target: Iron Fist (mentioned)
- Iron Fist | Episode 2.07: Morning of the Mindstorm (mentioned)
- Iron Fist | Episode 2.10: A Duel of Iron (mentioned)