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For other uses, see Jack Thompson (disambiguation)
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"Jack Thompson (Pilot) is out of the picture."
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"Are you proud of yourself, Carol?"
"Are you. Proud of. Yourself?"
"Yes sir. I am so proud of myself."
―Jack Thompson and Carol Danvers[src]

Jack Thompson is a pilot who trained Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers to fly alongside his wife.


Early Life[]

Jack Thompson was trained to fly on a yellow and red Stearman P-17 plane named Mr. Goodnight by a woman named Bonnie, who he later married. He served in World War II as a Tuskegee Airman alongside the father of Maria Rambeau and got to know Rambeau growing up. Thompson later made a smoker by hand.[1]

Training Carol Danvers[]

Thompson and Bonnie Thompson agreed to help Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers learn how to fly and flew to the hangar to meet them, where he greeted Rambeau and introduced himself and the plane to Danvers. He and Bonnie guided Danvers and Rambeau into the hangar, where the women explained their intention to join the Flying Falcons in order to convince people to let them fly combat. They considered attempting to explain that nothing would change, but decided against it and started their training by having them clean Mr. Goodnight. While the pair cleaned, the Thompsons explained each part of the plane and how it worked. At one point, Thompson took apart the enging and explained the function of each part.

After weeks of training, Thompson and Bonnie felt that Danvers and Rambeau were ready to fly. Bonnie flew with Rambeau first, and once the plane landed, Danvers and Thompson were ready to take off. Thompson told Danvers to use the air horn to communicate and got clearance to take off while guiding Danvers through taking off and flying. He guided them to the left and let go once he knew Danvers was ready. Thompson guided Danvers through flying the plane and took control back once it was time to land. Thompson landed the plane and told Danvers to pay attention while he did it. Thompson told Bonnie that Danvers did well and revealed that he intended for Danvers to learn to do a power-off stall, a method of learning that things go wrong for even the best pilots. They went inside to enjoy cherry pie.

Some time later, Thompson flew in an air show with Bonnie.[1]

Power-Off Stall[]

At his final flying lesson with Carol Danvers, Thompson guided her through the power-off stall as Danvers struggled with her sixth try. However, she finally succeeded and celebrated. Thompson then had her do the maneuver three more times before instructing her to land Mr. Goodnight. Thompson walked her through landing on her own for the first time and disembarked the plane, asking how Danvers felt. Danvers started talking about her preparation for her pilot's license test, but Thompson cut her off and asked if she was proud of herself. Danvers eventually said that she was a good pilot, prompting Danvers to thank him.[1]

Celebratory Meal[]

Once Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau had their tryouts for the Flying Falcons, Thompson and Bonnie Thompson invited them and their friends to celebrate. While Danvers talked about how Jenks put the engine in idle in the air, Thompson cooked corn on the cob with the smoker he had made, standing with Rambeau. Thompson put the corn on a plate Danvers was holding so that she could bring it to the table. As Garrett Pierre, Erik Del Orbe, and Tom Bianchi went inside, Thompson asked Danvers and Rambeau what was next for them. The women said that they would find a new way to be the first female fighter pilots, but Thompson pointed out that there were other ways while their friends returned. Bonnie cut off the conversation and insisted that they all eat. Bianchi asked if they could fly Mr. Goodnight, but Jack simply joked that Bianchi could not handle it as they toasted to flying.

As the conversation turned to Rambeau and Danvers' new goal, Bonnie and Thompson helped the women realize that it was important to them that they flew, regardless of whether they flew combat. He then went inside with Bonnie and Del Orbe, emerging with cherry pie. Thompson and Bonnie then gave each pilot a silver dollar from the year they were born, showing the group their own. Del Orbe noted that they had been rubbed smooth, so Bonnie commented that they needed a lot of luck. The pilots all thanked the Thompsons, and Bonnie reminded them to be themselves. They all ate dessert together.

On Danvers and Rambeau's last day of the academic year, Thompson and Bonnie took Mr. Goodnight out and flew over the women.[1]


  • Master Pilot: Thompson is an incredible pilot, teaching Carol Danvers most of what she knows about piloting. While teaching Danvers, Thompson effortlessly steered his plane while Danvers previously had trouble.


  • Mr. Goodnight: Thompson was taught to fly using Mr. Goodnight by his wife. He then used the plane to teach Carol Danvers to fly and to execute a power-off stall.




