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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For another universe where Iso-8 is a formidable power source, see the "Cyber-Virus Extremis" Universe
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"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse.
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The "Iso-8 Power Source" Universe is a universe full of technology utilizing the abundant source of Iso-8.


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A New Hero[]

Iron Man[]

Tony Stark was the CEO of the weapons manufacturer, Stark Industries. However, his partner, Obadiah Stane, grew envious and attempted to kill Stark. Stark was able to create a suit of armor, making him Iron Man. The two fought and Stark killed Stane, leaving behind Stane's estranged son, Ezekiel Stane, to believe that Stark Industries was his right. Years later, Stark battled Aldrich Killian for Extremis. Killian was soon killed, but not before his mind was uploaded to a computer.[1]

Collapse of Stark Industries[]

The Return of A.I.M.[]

"You don't get the privilege of dying... until you've watched your world burn around you."
M.O.D.O.K. to Iron Man[src]

Months later, Stark Industries was attacked by none other than A.I.M., confusing Iron Man as he believed A.I.M. died with Aldrich Killian. This sent Iron Man on a goose chase where he repeatedly battled weapons like A.I.M. Drones, Hammer Drones, F-22 Raptors, and even Extremis Soldiers.

He then faced off against Crimson Dynamo, who was a Russian man who stole a suit of armor from the government. Iron Man defeated Crimson Dynamo but started getting confused as to what his deal was, making him ask Pepper Potts for help in tracking information. On another mission, Stark ran into Ezekiel Stane, who had an axe to grind. However, Stark did not know who Stane was leaving him puzzled as to what was going on.

The enemies kept coming as Aldrich Killian had been resurrected through the backup of his consciousness, now as an evolved being named M.O.D.O.K. The two fought, with Stark being confused once again as to who M.O.D.O.K. really was. However, he still defeated M.O.D.O.K., who retreated to evolve himself even more. Stark also fought Living Laser, who was able to hack into the Stark Industries servers and steal parts of Extremis for A.I.M.

Questions started to get answers when Ezekiel Stane came back for round two and finally revealed himself. Although Stane had to retreat, he had gotten into Stark's head, who found out that Obadiah Stane had a secret son and paid off the mother. Iron Man then went out to raid a base, only to find a very angry Living Laser. Stark tried to help Parks, saying that he could cure his condition of being pure light energy, but Parks refused and was promptly defeated again.[1]

Death of A.I.M.[]

"So what do we do now?"
"Start over. Rebuild. A new network... and maybe a new name. How does 'Stark Resilient' sound to you?"
Pepper Potts and Iron Man[src]

Finally, Iron Man was able to make progress and killed Crimson Dynamo, hoping to make it a trend. His hopes came true as he was soon met by Living Laser, who said Ezekiel Stane would cure him as long as he killed Stark. His task fell short however, as Stark killed him instead. Stark then got a call from Stane, who had kidnapped Pepper Potts.

A very angry Stark met with Stane to settle their dispute. Meanwhile, Iron Patriot freed Potts, which allowed Stark to take care of the distracted Stane, killing him. Later, Potts revealed that Stane showed his plan to her of hacking into Stark Industries to attack the world and end the company, only for A.I.M. to rise in its place.

Stark decided to go end the plan once and for all and met the newest version of M.O.D.O.K. However, Stark tricked A.I.M. himself. In their fight, Stark allowed M.O.D.O.K. to enter Stark Industries servers, allowing him access to weapons, just like he wanted. Much to M.O.D.O.K.'s surprise, Stark then told Potts to shut down the servers, trapping M.O.D.O.K. inside until he exploded into pieces at the cost of Stark's company. Therefore, Stark decided to start anew and create Stark Resilient.[1]




In chronological order:


  • Tony Stark's Arc Reactor is still embedded in his chest, indicating that although Iron Man 3's events did happen, Stark never got his Arc Reactor removed in this universe.

Behind the Scenes[]


Each of the games in the "Iso-8 Power Source" universe are independently considered non-canon to the Marvel Cinematic Universe due to contradictions they have with the MCU. For example, Iron Man 3 - The Official Game sees Iron Man decide to shut down Stark Industries and replace it with Stark Resilient. However, in the MCU, Stark Industries is active after this and even after Iron Man's death. In Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game, Thor is the one who kills Kurse, whereas in Thor: The Dark World it is Loki. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Official Game sees Captain America fighting the Serpent Society, which in the MCU does not appear publicly until the events of Captain America: Brave New World. It also features Tony Masters as Taskmaster, whereas in the MCU, Taskmaster is a woman named Antonia Dreykov. Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon has Captain America's Shield in space and being used by Vance Astro, whereas in the MCU it remained on Earth and was never lost by Steve Rogers or Sam Wilson. Due to differences such as this, each game independently would have been considered non-canon on its own.

In an interview with VentureBeat, Marvel Vice President of Business Development Sean Haran was asked about the inclusion of Iso-8 in these and several other games not connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Haran responded, "I think it’s our attempt to connect — even if it’s a loose thread — the games that we’re creating day-to-day. Obviously, our [movie] studio making the Marvel cinematic universe (sic) has kind of painted a template for how to do that in a huge and compelling way. The Marvel games group is aspiring to eventually achieve that level. And by taking little things that get people familiar with the games and carry it over from one thing to another — that little bit of familiarity and connective tissue opens the door for other possibilities, be it storytelling or crossover events or other things like that. It’s part of our long-term strategy to try to find a way to do that in a cool, fun way that doesn’t feel shoe-horned or jammed in there."[2] This confirms that the games which feature Iso-8 are intended to be in the same universe as each other.


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