For other uses, see Iron Man (disambiguation) |
For other uses, see Tony Stark (disambiguation) |
For alternate versions of Iron Man, see Iron Man's Character Hub |
- "I am Iron Man. I said it. And I mean it."
- ―Tony Stark[src]
Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark is the former CEO of Stark Industries and a superhero operating a suit of armor under the codename Iron Man. Stark defended Stark Industries from a series of attacks perpetrated by the Roxxon Energy Corporation and A.I.M.
Their theft of the Dataspine was the first part of a larger plan to develop Ultimo, an advanced robot that would integrate the consciousness of former Stark Industries researcher Kearson DeWitt. His investigation led Stark and his ally James Rhodes into battling General Valentin Shatalov, who used the Crimson Dynamo armor developed by A.I.M., but was eventually defeated and revealed A.I.M.'s plan.
Stark was unable to stop DeWitt from merging with Ultimo and while Rhodes disabled it from the outside, Stark went within the robot to battle DeWitt. As Stark found out that the merge could not be reversed, he was almost killed by DeWitt's draining of his life force, until Rhodes blew the head of the robot allowing Stark to escape and witness how the robot was destroyed by the Helicarrier.
Early Life[]
- "It's like every time I start to get my head around something really beneficial to mankind like the Free Energy Initiative... or global climate control, some genius shows up with an army of killer robots or some other ridiculous scheme for world dominance and I have to drop everything and knock heads together."
- ―Tony Stark[src]
Tony Stark owned Stark Industries and operated as a weapons manufacturer, designing several weapons which could cause mass death. This included Project Greengrid, a project for the United States military which would be able to weaponize the sky. However, Stark was never able to build it. Stark also approved Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N., which would allow weapons to regenerate themselves, but later rejected it.
However, Stark met Ho Yinsen and promised him that he would spend the rest of his life cleaning up the mess he made. To fulfill the promise, Stark stopped selling weapons and began operating as the superhero Iron Man, both fighting crime and attempting to make the world a better place as he publicly announced his identity. He stopped being CEO of Stark Industries, with Pepper Potts taking over, and initiated several plans, such as a Free Energy Initiative and a plan for global climate control. However, these plans were often interrupted by the appearance of someone with plans to cause harm. Stark would defeat the attackers consistently and became frustrated that his plans were consistently being interrupted.[2]
Self Documenting[]
- "I'm a superhero and, I'm telling you, it's amazing. But what does it mean? Save the world. Change the world. What. Does. It. Mean?"
- ―Tony Stark[src]
Stark filmed a video of himself declaring his love of being Iron Man, but challenging what it means. He explained his frustration with his plans to help the world being interrupted. He used the Roxxon Energy Corporation as an example, noting that their attempts at recreating the Iron Man armor were unsuccessful. However, he was interrupted by James Rhodes telling him that the Stark Archives were being attacked. Stark finished the video, saying that he was the best for the job.[2]
Roxxon's Theft[]
Theft of the Dataspine[]

Stark tries to reboot
- "They can't have J.A.R.V.I.S., I told you that. If this doesn't work, then I will blow myself up."
- ―Tony Stark to James Rhodes[src]
Stark went to defend Stark Archives and told J.A.R.V.I.S. to alert James Rhodes to his position. J.A.R.V.I.S. created a secure connection, and Stark told him that the Dataspine was their only target. Rhodes was confused, but J.A.R.V.I.S. interrupted by reporting on E.M.P. ordnance. The electromagnetic pulses went off like a bomb in the Dataspine, deactivating the suit and causing Stark to have a heart attack. Stark tried to get J.A.R.V.I.S. to reactivate and heard someone coming.
Stark said his password and finally activated the power reserves, reactivating the power reserves. J.A.R.V.I.S. was slowly rebooting the armor, so Stark told him to reboot faster. He navigated the base and came across a locked door as J.A.R.V.I.S. reported that the E.M.P. blast removed passcodes from the computer system. Stark got frustrated and hacked the door, letting him in. He found several Wing Drones transferring his country's data and asked why the repulsors in his armors had not been restored. J.A.R.V.I.S. reported that his repulsors were online, allowing Stark to destroy the drones.
J.A.R.V.I.S. reported that the drones had uploaded 66% of the data, so Stark expressed hope that they would not destroy the Dataspine's shield generator. However, he assured J.A.R.V.I.S. that he had plans in case they did. As Stark continued to fight Roxxon Energy Corporation's forces, J.A.R.V.I.S. provided a path for Stark to follow to reach the Dataspine's shield. Stark reached the shield and found it destroyed, so he shifted focus and went to the Dataspine's core. As he did, Stark said that he would blow the the core up, despite being within the lethal radius. Rhodes asked for an update, so Stark explained his plan, but Rhodes objected to Stark blowing himself up. Stark insisted that he would get out in time. Rhodes tried to talk Stark out of it, but Stark insisted that Roxxon could not get J.A.R.V.I.S. and he was willing to blow himself up.

Stark and James Rhodes leave Stark Archives
As Stark worked to overload the Dataspine, he realized that Roxxon had made significant progress and asked Rhodes for help. Rhodes fought the attacking forces while Stark detonated the building. Rhodes watched the building blow and asked if they won, but Stark simply flew away and told Rhodes to run. Stark reported to Pepper Potts that they had an emergency, and Rhodes asked how bad it was. Stark simply said he would explain on the plane, and the two left.[2]
Explaining the Situation[]

Stark responds to the Theft of the Dataspine
Stark boarded the Stark Industries Private Jet alongside James Rhodes and told Pepper Potts about J.A.R.V.I.S.' code having been stolen. Potts asked who could run something like J.A.R.V.I.S., so Stark explained that the artificial intelligence was unique due to its ability to learn. Rhodes realized that a significant amount of hardware and power would be needed to run such a program, suggesting the thieves had government funding. Potts suggested that Russia was involved as they had been attempting to recreate the Iron Man armor, and Rhodes noted that Roxxon was the only company selling combat drones. Rhodes suggested that Valentin Shatalov was likely to take such a risk, and Stark recognized the name as someone who had recently started an insurrection. Potts suggested that Roxxon hardware could allow Shatalov to win, so Stark congratulated everyone for figuring it out and instructed J.A.R.V.I.S. to direct the plane to Russia.
As they flew, Rhodes asked if Stark had a plan, so Stark contacted Nick Fury and asked for permission to land in Russia. Fury noted the fortunate timing as he had received words of separatists taking over the base they intended to explore. Neither Stark nor Fury believed the timing to be a coincidence, so Fury granted Stark permission to land on the Helicarrier and join S.H.I.E.L.D. on their mission. Stark put on his armor and left with a S.H.I.E.L.D. team.[2]
Attack on the Tesla Facility[]

Stark accompanies a S.H.I.E.L.D. vanguard
Stark flew with a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicopters and sent information to their pilots about the defenses of a canyon they were approaching. The agents confirmed that it matched S.H.I.E.L.D.'s satellite information, and Stark reminded them that Valentin Shatalov's insurrectionists had taken over the area and to consider everyone in the canyons an enemy. Nick Fury contacted Stark and told him that the Helicarrier had initiated an attack on the other side and to keep the vanguard under the radar. James Rhodes reminded Stark that they had to follow protocols, but Stark interrupted as J.A.R.V.I.S. noticed cloaked weapons, upgrading S.H.I.E.L.D.'s censors so that they could see them. Stark then told J.A.R.V.I.S. to analyze the design on the cloak.

Stark destroys the Roxxon Armiger
Stark and the helicopters fought against the attackers under heavy fire and destroyed them. However, J.A.R.V.I.S. and Rhodes warned of an approaching Roxxon Armiger. Stark told everyone to scramble, slow down, and let him attack first. One pilot insisted on laying down covering fire, but Stark told him to stay back. The Armiger attacked the helicopter and crashed it, killing the pilot. The other helicopters stayed back, allowing Stark to destroy the Armiger on his own. They then resumed moving through the canyon, destroying more attackers. As they reached a tunnel entrance, they destroyed its defenses and entered.

Stark fights Valentin Shatalov's forces
On the other side of the tunnel, Stark joined the fight against Shatalov's forces and asked J.A.R.V.I.S. for information, so J.A.R.V.I.S. suggested he infiltrate the building's command building. Stark disabled the power source to the doors' shields and entered the building, getting the access code for the insurrectionists' ships' command bridge. He used the codes to open the bridge, resulting in the deployment of a Roxxon Armiger. Stark destroyed the Armiger and entered the bridge as Fury warned Stark that Roxxon was still inside. Fury assured Stark that they would stay away until he was clear of the ship. Stark then promised to shut down the ship's shield. Stark defeated his attackers and asked about getting a way out as the doors had sealed, and J.A.R.V.I.S. then activated the ship's evacuation protocols, allowing Stark to leave.

Stark watches the ship explode
As Stark left, the ship was blown up. Stark escaped the explosion and expected to learn that Shatalov was surrendering, but Rhodes told Stark that Shatalov was not at the facility. Stark was disappointed, but Rhodes assured Stark that he would think of something.[2]
Hunting Valentin Shatalov[]
Hacking S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Stark tracks down Valentin Shatalov
Stark attempted to hack S.H.I.E.L.D., but Nick Fury caught him and demanded to know what Stark was doing. Stark claimed that he simply needed to borrow S.H.I.E.L.D.'s satellites, but Fury said that Stark did not have security clearance to do that. James Rhodes then joined Stark and said that he did have the clearance, explaining that they needed to find the source of the Roxxon Armigers' remote power. Fury hesitantly allowed them to stay. Stark asked how many laws he was breaking, but Fury simply told him to find the power source and leave. Stark found an energy facility in Siberia which he believed to be a possible location for Shatalov. He found that A.I.M. was working with Shatalov to build a Crimson Dynamo Armor and that A.I.M. was buying energy from Shatalov to run the stolen Dataspine code.
Fury then showed that Natasha Romanoff had been sent to the facility as a spy and sent S.H.I.E.L.D. an image from inside the facility. Stark commented on Romanoff not answering his calls, but Rhodes noted that Romanoff could have been captured. Fury said that S.H.I.E.L.D. was waiting, but Stark refused to listen. He said that they were attacking the base anyway and would rescue her if they could. He then left and put on his armor.[2]
Attack on the Russian Power Plant[]

Stark narrowly escapes the exploding power plant
- "The interference is too heavy at this range. All transponder locations read as valid."
"In other words, we got a one in twelve shot at this." - ―J.A.R.V.I.S. and Tony Stark[src]
Stark flew to the power planet and broke in through the ventilation shaft, where Valentin Shatalov greeted him. Shatalov walked away as several A.I.M. Drones attacked Stark, who defeated them. He fought his way to the facility's Tesla reactor, which he destroyed. He escaped the facility before it blew up, and J.A.R.V.I.S. alerted Stark to Natasha Romanoff's transponder going off. However, the Tesla energy scrambled the signal, causing J.A.R.V.I.S. to find several possible locations, all of which read as valid. J.A.R.V.I.S. recommended finding the facility's subnet to narrow down Romanoff's location.

Stark finds Natasha Romanoff
Stark reached the subnet and realized that it was shielded against Tesla energy. He told J.A.R.V.I.S. to localize Romanoff's transponder. J.A.R.V.I.S. connected Stark to Romanoff and informed Stark that Romanoff was moving through the base. Stark told Romanoff to stay put so that he could find her, and Romanoff said that she would try. Stark fought more defenders and reached the building where Romanoff was hiding, discovering it to be protected by a Roxxon Armiger. Stark fought and defeated the Armiger, going inside to find Romanoff. Romanoff explained that the base was on high alert and reminded Stark that her uniform was not bulletproof, and Nick Fury reported that they were sending a transport.

Stark fights alongside Natasha Romanoff
Stark and Romanoff fought through the base's defenses, and Romanoff said that her rifle would not be sufficient. Stark got Romanoff access to a turret, which she started to use. Stark and Romanoff defended their position until a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicopter was able to arrive and retrieve Romanoff. However, As James Rhodes arrived to help, he was hit by Shatalov's Crimson Dynamo Armor. Stark confronted Shatalov and destroyed the Tesla tower and power projectors attacking him. Rhodes arrived and restrained Shatalov from behind, allowing Stark to defeat him.

Stark listens to Valentin Shatalov reveal the truth
Stark and Rhodes questioned Shatalov, asking about his relationship with A.I.M. Shatalov revealed that A.I.M. renamed the stolen code Ultimo. Shatalov then rambled about his power before dying, so Stark and Rhodes flew away. Stark explained to Rhodes that with J.A.R.V.I.S., A.I.M. could access all of the weapon designs he made when he developed weapons. He said that they needed to find out who was behind A.I.M.'s attacks and stop them.[2]
Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N.[]
Battle at the Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N. Facility[]
- "The head of the Crimson Dynamo project was an American. Kearson DeWitt."
"Jeez. The guy even SOUNDS like an evil mastermind, doesn't he? How could that not be a red flag at any job interview the guy ever had, right?" - ―Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark[src]
Stark met with Natasha Romanoff, who explained that Kearson DeWitt was behind the Crimson Dynamo project. Stark made fun of DeWitt's name sounding like that of an evil mastermind, but Potts noted that DeWitt used to work for Stark Industries and worked on Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N., which the company deemed dangerous. Stark realized that once he fried DeWitt, DeWitt was recruited by A.I.M. to work on their own version of the Iron Man armor. Frustrated, Stark asked Potts to call their company's lawyers and get DeWitt's severance package back since DeWitt violated the non-compete agreement in his contract. Stark slept with Romanoff that night and listened as Romanoff talked in her sleep, revealing the location of a base where DeWitt operated.

Stark begins fighting A.I.M. Drones
Stark did research on P.R.O.T.E.A.N. and met with Rhodes privately, revealing that P.R.O.T.E.A.N. was designed to regenerate and modify weapons. They were joined by Romanoff, who explained that she had stolen a gunship which would allow them to access the base. They flew to the base together and realized that there was an ongoing conflict between A.I.M.'s soldiers and their drones. Rhodes held off the soldiers while Stark realized that A.I.M. had lost control of their drones and J.A.R.V.I.S. reported on the presence of several Arc Reactors and P.R.O.T.E.A.N. technology throughout the base and that he would be unlikely to get further information. Stark realized that P.R.O.T.E.A.N. could connect with artificial intelligence and told J.A.R.V.I.S. to make sure it stayed away from his armor. When J.A.R.V.I.S. reported uncertainty about whether they were free of P.R.O.T.E.A.N. influence, Stark told J.A.R.V.I.S. to switch the suit to safe mode.

Stark recovers from the strike
Stark disabled the security systems, which activated several defense protocols. Stark entered the reactor room and fought the reinforcements there as he contacted Nick Fury and asked for a strike on the facility, despite him being inside. Stark explained the situation to Fury and explained that he had a plan to shut down the energy array, asking Fury to be ready. Stark found the observation room and destroyed the generators, creating an opening for Fury to launch the air strike. The strike was launched and Stark was temporarily knocked out, but recovered as he heard Fury trying to organize an extraction. Stark insisted he was fine and rebooted J.A.R.V.I.S., who recommended a full diagnostic. Stark continued fighting and came across a P.R.O.T.E.A.N. Hybrid. Stark fled from the hybrid and tried to blast it, but it regenerated itself, which J.A.R.V.I.S. reported appeared to be DeWitt's doing. J.A.R.V.I.S. explained that the pylons in the facility's shock point assembly could create a burst of energy to destroy the hybrid. Stark used his armor to restore power to the shock point assembly and activated it, destroying the hybrid.

Stark threatens to kill Ultimo
Stark told J.A.R.V.I.S. to add shock point energy to his armor's weapons in the event they come across other hybrids. Fury told Stark that DeWitt was not at the facility, so Stark ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to search for other facilities. He got distracted as Romanoff repeatedly shot an A.I.M. soldier, but Romanoff defended herself by explaining that she did not trust P.R.O.T.E.A.N. technology. Stark started to get defensive, but Rhodes cut him off. J.A.R.V.I.S. detected an anomaly, and Rhodes believed himself to have found it. However, it was a bomb which blasted him back that J.A.R.V.I.S. was unaware of. Stark's armor then started to shut down as he collapsed. Ultimo started speaking through J.A.R.V.I.S. Stark stated his intention to kill Ultimo, but Ultimo threatened to destroy the things Stark cared about.[2]
Operation Daybreak[]
- "Our bad guys... they're ahead of schedule. They're going to make a move soon."
"How can you be sure, sir?"
"Because ULTIMO told me so." - ―Tony Stark and J.A.R.V.I.S.[src]
Stark asked for footage and archives from the mission, which J.A.R.V.I.S. reported on. Stark listened to the moments when J.A.R.V.I.S. was talking and when Ultimo was talking and found the difference, preparing J.A.R.V.I.S. to prevent further intrusions. However, he realized that Ultimo would be striking soon based on Ultimo's threat, so he asked Pepper Potts to prepare his plane.
As Stark met with Potts, she was suddenly grabbed by a P.R.O.T.E.A.N. hybrid and pulled out of the plane and onto the Helicarrier, which was under attack. Stark followed, donning the Mark V armor, and watched as the hybrid threw Potts off the Helicarrier. Stark blasted the hybrid and jumped after her, grabbing her. However, as the two of them combined surpassed the armor's weight limit, Stark was unable to fly Potts back to the Helicarrier. A S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicopter approached, so Stark brought her to the helicopter and asked the pilot to get her to safety. Stark then began defending the Helicarrier and contacted James Rhodes to see if he was in fighting shape. Stark complimented Rhodes for jumping into action, and they agreed to meet up.
Stark continued fighting as Nick Fury contacted him and asked about the situation. Stark explained that he was in a limited armor and needed Rhodes to use his, so Fury responded that someone needed to be in an armor since S.H.I.E.L.D. was losing the fight. He defended the Helicarrier's engines and fought as more A.I.M. soldiers arrived. They started to target Stark's plane, but Stark stopped them. He continued to defend the Helicarrier and rushed to ensure the engines remained operational. Rhodes reported that their plane was ready to take off, asking for help getting A.I.M. to stop attacking it. Stark defeated the A.I.M. forces at the plane and boarded it as Rhodes took off. Fury asked if Stark had a plan, so Stark explained that they were getting a better armor for Rhodes.

Stark admires the A.I.M. Arc Armiger
As Stark worked, Fury called for help as an A.I.M. Arc Armiger attacked the Helicarrier. Stark reminded Rhodes that it was a trap and A.I.M. wanted him, so Rhodes insisted on going alone. Rhodes destroyed the Arc Armiger and the rest of A.I.M.'s forces, commenting on the design of the Armiger. He explained that Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N. technology was healing the Armiger, asking J.A.R.V.I.S. to prepare it for a frontal lobotomy.[2]
Project Greengrid[]

Stark explains Project Greengrid
Stark met with Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, and Natasha Romanoff. He explained that Ultimo was likely to attempt to weaponize the sky, reminding Potts of Project Greengrid. He explained that as a side effect of the project, storms were created. Fury commented on Stark weaponizing the sky, and Stark defended himself by saying he was under contract. Potts noted that Greengrid would be too big to hide, so Stark and Rhodes explained that they could hide it in a heavy weather area, with Stark ultimately realizing they were in an area with heavy typhoons. Rhodes explained that P.R.O.T.E.A.N. Hybrids and A.I.M. Arc Armigers would be guarding the area, so Stark that he had reprogrammed the Armiger used in Operation Daybreak.
Stark donned his armor and flew to Greengrid's location with Rhodes, and they realized that A.I.M. was using a flak shield to cut them off from J.A.R.V.I.S. As A.I.M. forces attacked, Stark and Rhodes deployed the reprogrammed Armiger. Stark told Rhodes to run interference and that they would go through the front door. Stark focused on pointing the Armiger at bigger targets, and the Armiger eventually broke the defense barrier. Stark followed it into the next area, where reconnaissance patrols arrived. Stark asked J.A.R.V.I.S. about storm readings and whether they can reach the command fortress, but Stark said there was too much interference and recommended continuing a ground-based maneuver. Rhodes cut in and warned about Armigers incoming that he did not have time to intercept. Stark expressed confidence in his chances, and he and the Armiger fought the Armigers and soldiers they came across.

Stark works with the reprogrammed A.I.M. Arc Armiger
J.A.R.V.I.S. warned about P.R.O.T.E.A.N. Hybrids in the area, which Stark fought along with the remaining defenses. J.A.R.V.I.S. told Stark where to find the Greengrid power nexus, which Stark noted was impressive. J.A.R.V.I.S. reminded Stark that DeWitt had help, and Stark realized that J.A.R.V.I.S. was struggling to say Ultimo's name. Stark assured J.A.R.V.I.S. that they would defeat Ultimo and had him activate their Armiger's arrays. J.A.R.V.I.S. suggested moving the relays into their interior position, which Stark did, causing Greengrid's central power structure to be destroyed. Stark admired the destruction, but Rhodes had J.A.R.V.I.S. override the armor and get him out of there.[2]
Battle at Stark Archives[]

Stark remembers his promise to Ho Yinsen
Stark and James Rhodes returned home as Stark guessed that Kearson DeWitt was gone and had been absorbed into Ultimo. Rhodes asked the chances that Ultimo had become independent, so Stark said that they would not be able to know unless it killed him. Stark then explained that it was what he would do. Rhodes scolded Stark for greenlighting Greengrid, but Stark defended himself by reminding Rhodes that Rhodes' superiors told him to do it. Stark then reaffirmed his promise to Ho Yinsen that he would spend the rest of his life cleaning up his mess. J.A.R.V.I.S. then reported a two hundred ton battle chassis, so Rhodes and Stark planned to isolate Ultimo. Stark agreed, planning to lead Ultimo to Stark Archives. Stark ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to activate the deep reactors at the Archives.

Stark tries to reason with Ultimo
As Ultimo arrived at Stark Archives, Stark approached him. Ultimo recognized Stark and swore to destroy him. Stark acknowledged his mistakes and said that those mistakes were warped into monsters such as Ultimo. Stark said that he was impressed with the way Ultimo grew and told the artificial intelligence not to make him kill it. However, Ultimo restated his desire to kill Stark, so Stark had Nick Fury fire missiles at Ultimo. Stark flew among the missiles as they landed on Ultimo and flew into his large body. Stark confirmed his position with Rhodes as he saw DeWitt's body wrapped in Ultimo's machinery and expressed confidence that they had a chance if Rhodes took out Ultimo's Arc Reactors. Stark wished Rhodes luck and turned off his communicator while he worked to understand Ultimo.

Stark fights Kearson DeWitt
Stark watched DeWitt's body get lowered to the ground, prompting Stark to contact Rhodes and say that what Rhodes was doing was working. However, Ultimo used the metal around DeWitt's body to attack Stark. As Stark fought DeWitt, he told Rhodes that he should be able to prevent Ultimo's attacks as he powers them up by attacking the sub-Arc Reactors which appear when he attacks. Stark also asked Rhodes to blow up more main Arc Reactors, hoping to remove enough power from Ultimo that he would not be able to undergo regeneration from the Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N. technology.
Stark heard Fury talk to Rhodes and offer to launch Project Greengrid from the Helicarrier at Ultimo, and Rhodes accepted the offer. Stark tried to warn that Ultimo had taken the technology over, but was too late as it fired at Rhodes. Stark then told Rhodes that Ultimo would soon have control over Rhodes' weapons systems. The pair resolved to shut Ultimo down. Rhodes told Stark once the last reactor was removed, and Stark said that he would need them to keep Ultimo distracted and do a lot of damage at once so that he could not repair. Stark commented on how creepy Ultimo was, and J.A.R.V.I.S. agreed, as Stark continued to attack Ultimo. J.A.R.V.I.S. reported once Ultimo had been made vulnerable, allowing Stark to defeat him.
Stark approached Ultimo as his exoskeleton tried to detach, and J.A.R.V.I.S. explained that it was too late to save DeWitt's life. Ultimo grabbed Stark and tried to kill him, so Stark fired his unibeam at Ultimo, draining his life support despite everyone in his communicator asking him not to. Stark asked Rhodes to attack Ultimo's head, destroying it and allowing Stark to escape. Stark then cued Fury, who piloted the Helicarrier into Ultimo's body, destroying both. Stark then promised J.A.R.V.I.S. not to let anyone get access to his code again.[2]

Stark admits to not know how to save the world
- "I still don't know how to save the world. But I'm pretty good at guessing."
- ―Tony Stark[src]
Stark returned to filming his promotional video and tried to figure out the best way to say that he used to not know how to save the world, but then ultimately learned. He ultimately decided to say that he did not know how to save the world, but was good at guessing. He then motioned for the video to cut off.[2]
Stark was a selfless individual who was repeatedly willing to put himself at risk for the greater mission. He had Nick Fury fire at a base that he was still inside and was willing to drain his life support systems if it meant defeating Ultimo. He fought A.I.M. technology using a less-suited armor because he knew something had to be done. However, he also knew when to back down out a fight. Realizing that he was likely the target of Operation Daybreak, he chose to stay out of the fight and allow James Rhodes to handle the fighting.
He felt a strong sense of responsibility for things happening around him, such as for the creation of Ultimo, even though it was Kearson DeWitt who stole the Dataspine and used it to create the artificial intelligence. He realized the error of his former ways as a weapons dealer and promised Ho Yinsen that he would work to fix his mistakes.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Iron Man Armor Capabilities: Stark built a series of Iron Man armors which allowed him to fight with enhanced abilities. Various armors had various abilities, allowing Stark to choose the appropriate armor for a given situation.
- Superhuman Strength: Stark's armor gave him the strength to break part of a weapon off of the heavily armored Roxxon Armiger.
- Superhuman Durability: Stark is protected by his armor from harm typically caused by weapons. Stark's armor protected him as he escaped an explosion he had caused, preventing the explosion from killing him. He was also able to fly his armor through a heavily armored Roxxon Armiger without causing damage to the armor to himself, but rather to the Armiger.
- Superhuman Speed: Stark's armor gives him the ability to fly at high speeds. He was able to escape the exploding Stark Archives when he had casued the explosion himself. He was able to keep up with S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicopters and even lead them.
- Superhuman Agility: Stark's armor made him more nimble and better-suited for fighting smaller targets with his weapons. He provided guidance even to an A.I.M. Arc Armiger using his increased agility to help guide it.
- Superhuman Stamina: Stark was able to move between fights effortlessly, only breaking for the flight time between blowing up Stark Archives and going back into battle to fight Valentin Shatalov.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Stark's armor allowed him to react to attacks faster than he would otherwise be able to.
- Flight: The Iron Man armor allowed Stark to fly and control his flight path in combat. He was able to fly alongside helicopters and board the Stark Industries Private Jet using his armor. This helped during Operation Daybreak as he was able to fight on the side of the Helicarrier without the need for an air vehicle.
- Power Suit: Stark's suit was connected to J.A.R.V.I.S., an artificial intelligence which helped him communicate with others and run the suit. The armor allowed him to fire powerful blasts which could destroy robots.
- Genius-Level Intellect: Stark is a brilliant individual who performed several impressive feats. As a weapons dealer, Stark had figured out a way to weaponize the sky by creating storms over a targeted area. He created the artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S. and was able to figure out Ultimo's actions on his own.
- Master Engineer: Stark was an engineer who was able to build several impressive devices, such as a series of armors which allowed Stark the ability to fly and fight as a pilot without a large vehicle. He worked to improve the armors and created a more portable version. He also consistently admired the work of other engineers, even those in companies he was fighting against. He was also able to figure out how Ultimo's body worked from seeing it for the first time. Further, he was able to reprogram an A.I.M. Arc Armiger to work for him and connect it to J.A.R.V.I.S.
- Master Scientist: Stark was a gifted scientist. While working as a weapons contractor, he created a device which would allow its user to weaponize the sky by creating storms above the target.
- Master Businessman: Stark was the CEO of Stark Industries and led the company to success, both as a weapons dealer and after his decision to stop selling weapons. He negotiated large deals and advocated for projects for his company that would improve the world.
- "Great, I have to hack my own door."
- ―Tony Stark[src]
- Master Hacker: Stark's technology expertise also gave him abilities as a hacker. He was able to hack his advanced computer systems which had deleted all passcodes due to an EMP bomb. He was also able to hack a Russian government computer to get command codes to a ship used by Russian insurrectionists. He could even hack S.H.I.E.L.D. to use their spy satellites, but was caught by Nick Fury.
- Expert Tactician: Through fighting, Stark learned to develop strategies to defeat his enemies. As a Roxxon Armiger approached him and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicopters he was meant to protect, Stark immediately a plan which would keep the helicopters safe.
- Expert Combatant: Although he often used the weapons on his armor, Stark was skilled in fighting and was able to do so against drones.
- Marksman: Stark was able to accurately fire at his targets using the weapons in his armors.
- Expert Pilot: Stark is able to fly his Iron Man armors with precision to use in combat.
- Iron Man Armor: Mark IV: Stark used the Mark IV Iron Man armor to defend the Dataspine from Roxxon. He continued to wear it as he hunted Valentin Shatalov and began his search for Kearson DeWitt. However, the armor was soon taken over by Ultimo.
- Iron Man Armor: Mark V: Stark used the Mark V armor to defend the Helicarrier against Operation Daybreak. However, the armor was less powerful than its counterparts and Stark guessed that he was the target, so he allowed Rhodes to finish the fight and went back to using the Mark IV.
- Stark Industries Private Jet: Stark used a private jet as his armory and took it to defend the Dataspine. He boarded the plane and took it to Russia, hoping to find Valentin Shatalov.
- Helicarrier: Stark began working with S.H.I.E.L.D. to find Valentin Shatalov and Kearson DeWitt, so they used the Helicarrier as their base of operations. Stark defended the Helicarrier from an attack by A.I.M.
- J.A.R.V.I.S.
- Stark Industries
- United States Armed Forces - Customers
- James Rhodes/War Machine - Best Friend
- Ho Yinsen
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Iron Man's likeness is based off of Robert Downey, Jr.
- ↑ This character's name is derived from a Variant, with given name from Tony Stark's S.H.I.E.L.D. File and a middle name from Illusion of Tony Stark's Gravestone and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 Iron Man 2: The Video Game PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version