Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, also known as Iron Man, was a genius and billionaire who created an armored suit and one of the candidates for the Avengers Initiative. However, Stark was suddenly killed by Hank Pym like all of the other candidates.
"I told you I don't wanna join your super secret boyband." "No, no, no. See, I remember you do everything yourself. How's that working out for you?" "I've been worse."
Following his birthday party, Tony Stark began to suffer from a hangover before eating donuts at Randy's Donuts. Nick Fury approached Stark and talked to him, with Stark turning down Fury's proposal for him to join the Avengers Initiative. Natasha Romanoff then gave Stark a Lithium Dioxide shot. However, inside the needle Hank Pym entered the body of Stark, and having disarranged his organs, Stark began to convulse and violently fell to the ground dead.[3]