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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For the Chinese resturant known as the Silver Lotus, see Silver Lotus

"Seems like this establishment is the wrong kind of disreputable."
Stakar Ogord[src]

The Iron Lotus is a brothel located in Contraxia visited by different clans of Ravagers.


Visited by Yondu's Ravager Clan[]

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol

Yondu Udonta argues with Stakar Ogord

A few months after the Battle of Xandar, Yondu Udonta, along with his faction of Ravagers went to the Iron Lotus to relax. Udonta got dressed as he watched the other Ravagers outside have fun. As Udonta went outside, he approached Stakar Ogord who walked away from him. Udonta got angry with Ogord and chased after him and the two started to argue. Udonta demanded that Ogord listened to him but Ogord remembered why he exiled Udonta when he broke their code.

Right as Stakar left, Ayesha arrived to hire Udonta and his clan to hunt down the Guardians of the Galaxy who had stolen the Anulax Batteries from them. Udonta took the job and left to find the Guardians unaware that part of his faction was planning to start a mutiny against him as they believed he has gone soft.[1]

Alternate Universes[]

Visited by T'Challa's Ravagers Clan[]

Love Bots What If..

In the alternate universes, the Iron Lotus was visited by T'Challa, Yondu and the rest of the Ravagers after the successful mission of stealing the Orb. Together with newly recruited Korath the Pursuer, T'Challa and the Ravagers remembered their heroic deeds. Drax, who worked as a bartender there, personally thanked T'Challa was saving his people from Ronan's invasion and took a photo with him. Soon after, T'Challa was approached by Nebula, and together they devised a plan of stealing the Embers of Genesis from the Collector.[2]


  • A painting of Teefs is hung on one of the rooms of the Iron Lotus.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Iron Lotus.