For other uses, see Inhumans (disambiguation) |
Inhumans (Inhomo supremis) are a race of altered human beings that are the result of experiments on themselves or their ancestors by the extraterrestrial race known as Kree, who manipulated their genetic code. As a result, humans with this genetic Kree DNA become Inhumans when they undergo Terrigenesis, granting them superhuman abilities.
- "We needed killers. One vicious faction among the Kree genetically modified other creatures' DNA. These modifications can be activated with Terrigen Crystals."
"We know these torturous experiments failed."
"Not on Earth. Here, we had to shut them down. This faction had built a city. They brought with them the Diviners, which hold the Crystals. Their plans were discovered and thwarted by the better of my kind, putting an end to that dark chapter." - ―Vin-Tak and Sif[src]
More than five thousand years ago, a rogue faction of Kree set out on an intergalactic campaign to create an army of super soldiers to help their empire win a protracted war. The Reapers sent science teams to different planets, conducting experiments on various alien lifeforms, hoping to unlock genetic potential for heightened abilities. These teams met with failure everywhere they went before coming to Earth.
The Kree had significant success experimenting on humans, to the point where they built a sprawling installation beneath what is now Puerto Rico.
By exposing the altered humans to the mist exhaled by Terrigen Crystals, a genetic mutation known as Terrigenesis was triggered, allowing the subjects to attain unique superhuman abilities, becoming the first Inhumans.[4]
The One to Rule[]

Alveus undergoes the first ever Terrigenesis
- "Thousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on this planet that was destined to rule it, so powerful, so fearsome that others were consumed with dread, and so they banished it from the Earth, sent it through the portal to a distant planet. HYDRA was founded with the sole purpose of engineering its return."
- ―Gideon Malick[src]
Word of the Reapers' experiments eventually reached the Kree Empire, who sent a delegation to Earth to shut down the project, bringing with them a Monolith that they intended to use to banish the Inhumans to a distant planet, believing they should not be allowed to exist.[1][5]
These plans were foiled; however, by the intervention of Alveus, the Inhuman created to command the others in the Reapers' army.[2] Alveus lead the Inhumans in an insurrection against the Kree, driving them from Earth.

The other Inhumans grew fearful of Alveus' considerable power and ambition, and so allied with some of the humans Alveus planned to subjugate, banishing him through the Kree Monolith to Maveth.[6] Alveus's followers, believing he was destined to rule the world, established a secret society with the sole purpose of bringing him back to Earth and, in the meantime, destabilizing it so it would be ripe for takeover when he did return. Over the millennia, the society evolved, taking many different shapes and being called by many different names, eventually taking shape as the international paramilitary terrorist organization known as HYDRA. The society was eventually able to obtain the Monolith, but was unsuccessful at bringing Alveus back, despite numerous attempts.[7]
The Kree's abandonment of their project did not mean the end of the Inhumans. The altered gene proved hereditary, with the first generation being able to pass Inhuman traits through generations of descendants. The Kree's hasty abandonment of their work also meant numerous Terrigen Crystals, contained in Diviners (devices the Kree used to determine whether or not subjects had the Inhuman gene), remained to be discovered.[4]
Relocation to the Moon[]

The secret Inhuman city of Attilan
Following years of conflict between Inhumans and humans, an Inhuman society decided to leave Earth and relocate to the Moon. They adopted a monarchical government with the Royal Family at the head and a caste system below them. Those with abilities that can be of benefit to society are respected while those with mediocre abilities were sent to the mines to help sustain the small population. Safe from humanity, the Inhumans of the moon named their small city Attilan.[8]
Living in the Shadows on Earth[]

Afterlife is founded to protect the Inhumans
Modern society forced the Inhumans left on Earth to live among the general population, whether it was trying to live normal lives, or living in hiding. Knowing the dangers that could accompany a reveal of their powers, they made sure to hide them and keep them unknown to the outside world. However, occasionally the Inhumans' powers were revealed, with mostly disastrous results. As a result of these incidents, the settlement Afterlife was formed, separated from the outside world. Within this settlement were the powered Inhumans, while those not having undergone Terrigenesis could either live in the settlement or stay in normal life. Also with Inhuman genes but not necessarily realizing it were the descendants of Inhumans married to normal Humans. Some of the descendants would never realize their heritage, while others did and eventually underwent Terrigenesis.[9]
Werner Reinhardt's Discovery[]

- "不。请不要。不要这样做。[10]"
"Discovery requires experimentation... Remarkable, what makes you so special? I think it wise we prepare her for surgery, we must examine exactly what makes her tick." - ―Jiaying and Werner Reinhardt[src]
In the 1940s, villagers of the Hunan Province, passing on stories about the Kree, but wrongly describing them as "Blue Angels", found one of the Diviners while digging at night. During World War II, the HYDRA General Werner Reinhardt captured all of these villagers and the artifact, where he discovered that one woman, Jiaying, could touch the artifact unharmed, while others became petrified. Before he could discover what made her different, he was forced to evacuate his headquarters to elude the Allies.[11]

Inhuman Jiaying comforts the young Gordon
By 1983, Jiaying had become a mentor to young Inhumans who had recently experienced Terrigenesis, as each of them were scared and confused; Gordon was one such adolescent, who had gone through Terrigenesis gaining the ability to teleport anywhere on Earth, but had lost his eyes as well, leaving the boy confused and stumbling into walls as he teleported. Though Inhumans such as Yat-Sen would prepare adolescents for the process, the results were unpredictable and frightening for each individual.[9] Eventually, Jiaying became the leader of the Inhumans living in Afterlife, a settlement established to hide them from the rest of the world to protect them.

Jiaying is butchered by Werner Reinhardt
In 1989, Reinhardt was released from an Allied prison by HYDRA forces within S.H.I.E.L.D. and was reunited with Jiaying, whom he noticed had not physically aged since their last encounter. Ambitious to regain the youth that he had lost while locked away in prison, Reinhardt vivisected the woman, using part of her biology to revert his aged body to a younger appearance. He then dumped her body in a ditch, where it was discovered by her husband, Calvin Zabo, much to his despair.[11] In desperation, Zabo stitched her body back together, and Jiaying's healing ability resurrected her.[12]
Rescue in Bahrain[]

Eva Belyakov is hunted by S.H.I.E.L.D.
- "I heard about what happened to that little girl in Bahrain; Jiaying told me the whole story. Did you know ... that she was Inhuman?"
- ―Skye to Melinda May[src]
In 2008, an encounter with two highly dangerous Inhumans forever changed the life of Melinda May from a happily married wife wanting children with Andrew Garner to an emotionally detached divorcée who strictly follows rules. The Inhuman Eva Belyakov gave Terrigen Crystals to her daughter Katya Belyakov despite her being warned by Jiaying that Katya did not have the proper mental training for obtaining power and was forbidden to undergo Terrigenesis by the Inhuman elders.

Melinda May is forced to kill Katya Belyakov
During a standoff with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, both Eva and Katya took agents and civilians hostage while May charged in to rescue them. In the ensuing battle, May was eventually forced to kill both the mother and daughter when Katya went insane and was using her powers to kill all those under her control. This incident greatly affected May because she watched as Katya's touch killed others and Katya was but a child. This incident also caused the Inhuman community to look unfavorably upon those who received their powers from Terrigen Mist without having the proper training that was required.[13]
Raina's Journey[]

- "I was saddened to learn you weren't Clairvoyant. I had a question I didn't get to ask, but now... "
"Now the truth is written on the back of my eyes... So go ahead, Flowers... Ask."
"What will I become?" - ―Raina and John Garrett[src]
Elsewhere, stories of the Kree were passed down to Raina by her grandmother. In Thailand, Raina was taken in by Calvin Zabo, who told her that the stories were true and that she was one of the special people from those tales.[4] He offered to help her discover her destiny if she reunited him with his daughter.[14] While working for the Centipede Project, thinking that its secretive Director, the Clairvoyant, would tell her of her true destiny.[15] The Clairvoyant was actually John Garrett, who took the GH.325 formula and then foresaw the rise of the Inhumans.[16]
Raina learned that the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Skye was Zabo's long lost daughter[17] and brought him a picture of her and prove that she could finally reunite the pair.[16] When Raina obtained a Diviner which she had stolen from Daniel Whitehall and Sunil Bakshi, she took it to Zabo to inspect, who proved to her that she was one of the special people by having her touch it without harm. Raina was amazed and begged him to then show her more of the Diviner's true power and the Terrigen Crystals inside, but Zabo just told her that he would reveal more upon reunion with his daughter.[14]
Battle for the Kree City[]

Raina explores the long lost Kree City
During a protracted conflict between S.H.I.E.L.D. and a HYDRA branch led by General Werner Reinhardt, who was now going by the name Daniel Whitehall, Grant Ward eventually captured both Raina and Skye for HYDRA, allowing Calvin Zabo and his daughter to reunite, where he told her that her birth name was Daisy and told her about her mother Jiaying. Whitehall had Skye touch the Diviner, finally proving that she was one of the descendants of the experimented upon.

Skye unlocking her new Inhuman abilities
Uninterested in what the Diviner could do, Skye chased Raina into the Kree City under San Juan, Puerto Rico, to stop Raina from using it, but they found themselves locked in a chamber along with Antoine Triplett. The Diviner that Raina had brought floated towards a pedestal where it opened to reveal the Terrigen Crystals inside and released its Terrigen Mist. Both women underwent Terrigenesis while Triplett was killed by a shard of the Diviner, after which Skye emerged with the power to manipulate vibrations and Raina grew sharp thorns over most of her body which horrified and disgusted her.

Gordon learns of the newest Terrigenesis
Meanwhile Gordon, the Inhuman as well as the right hand of their leader Jiaying, who owned another Diviner, contacted one of his associates as the Diviner began to glow, indicating that a new Terrigenesis had just taken place without them permitting it. Talking on the phone, Gordon informed the Inhuman elders that he would begin searching for the two newly transformed Inhumans to bring them to Afterlife and find out exactly how this had happened without them being involved or even aware that a Diviner was being activated and used for the new Terrigenesis.[18]
Losing Control[]

Skye struggles to control her new powers
Having been taken back to the Playground in the wake of the Battle for the Kree City, Skye was kept in containment while her vitals were checked. During this time Skye struggled to keep her new Inhuman powers secret as Jemma Simmons wanted to test her blood and during an argument that broke out between the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Skye almost inadvertently caused another earthquake. When Leo Fitz discovered the truth about Skye, he was initially horrified, fearing she had caused the death of Antoine Triplett, but later he went back and apologized before he comforted his emotional friend.

However, while Skye found some comfort from her friends, Raina was left horrifically scarred by her Terrigenesis and found herself being hunted down by S.H.I.E.L.D.. Having been rejected by Calvin Zabo, Raina attempted to kill herself before she was found by Gordon who teleported her away to Afterlife to help guide her through all of the emotional and physical trauma of her change, just as he was guided years before.[9] Though he had the opportunity to teleport Skye away, Gordon was sent to retrieve Zabo, telling the doctor that he was now drawing too much attention towards the Inhumans.[19]

Skye is targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents
Skye soon found herself the target of Vin-Tak, a Kree warrior sent to investigate the recent Terrigenesis. Vin-Tak was also challenged by Lady Sif of Asgard until he was soon captured. During Vin-Tak's interrogation, Skye inadvertently revealed her Inhuman powers and subdued herself.[1] Having been taken into the Retreat, Skye was visited by Gordon who told her of Afterlife. When Skye was later targeted by a S.H.I.E.L.D. faction led by Bobbi Morse and Tomas Calderon under Robert Gonzales' orders. Skye used a shockwave to defend herself before asking Gordon to save her.[20]

Lincoln Campbell welcomes Skye to Afterlife
- "Our gifts don't have to be terrifying. They're a part of us. I felt lost before I came here, too. Looking for answers in all the wrong places. But we're connected to something bigger and older than we could have ever imagined, something extraordinary. Don't walk away from it."
- ―Lincoln Campbell and Skye[src]
Eventually, Gordon did get Skye and brought her to Afterlife, the Inhuman settlement hidden from the world but accessible through Gordon's teleportation power. There Skye was given a form of acupuncture from Lincoln Campbell that caused her body to adapt to the Terrigenesis. Campbell explained to her that others in Afterlife were jealous of her because she transformed while they still desired it. Campbell also accidentally revealed that Raina was there, which enraged Skye as Campbell had lied to her.

When Skye attempted to use her power to kill Raina to avenge the death of Antoine Triplett, she was stopped by Jiaying, who offered to be her mentor. Meanwhile, Calvin Zabo was imprisoned in Afterlife and, though Jiaying was thankful to him for reuniting her with their daughter, Daisy, his request to see her was denied and he was kept in his room under the guard of Gordon. Jiaying personally took charge of Skye's training, showing her how to control her powers to either cause an avalanche or play some music on glasses. Eventually, Jiaying revealed the truth that she was Skye's mother.[12]
HYDRA Targets[]

Lincoln Campbell fights against Deathlok
- "Knowing the difference is not the same thing as re-creating it. And to that end, I hope to..."
"To isolate the genetic component, yes. A comparison between the two could be invaluable. Doctor Whitehall believed discovery requires experimentation." - ―Doctor List and Sunil Bakshi[src]
The HYDRA scientist, Dr. List, noticed a "quantum entanglement" anytime Gordon used his teleportation power. Creating instruments to record and trace the phenomenon, List found Ethan Johnston soon after he was brought to a campsite by Gordon. When Gordon brought Skye and Calvin Zabo to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, List followed, with an army of HYDRA operatives, in hopes of capturing the superpowered individual. Gordon quickly returned to Wisconsin after consulting Jiaying and retrieved the father and daughter, though he left Lincoln Campbell behind.[21] Campbell, however, was captured by HYDRA, along with Deathlok.

With Skye having been rescued just in time by Gordon along with Zabo, they quickly returned to Afterlife where Gordon was sent back to help in the fight. Gordon, however, returned mere moments later, having been attacked by Sunil Bakshi's HYDRA soldiers and gaining a large gash on his forehead. To the horror of everyone present, Gordon informed them that it was HYDRA who had attacked and that they had taken Campbell into their custody, likely to suffer the same horrific fate as Johnston had days before. Despite this, Jiaying then ordered that the Inhumans do not take any action.

Raina recommends saving Lincoln Campbell
Despite Skye desperately trying to convince Jiaying that they had to do something to rescue Campbell, she still refused to risk any other Inhuman lives. However, Raina greeted Skye and informed her that she had had a vision of Skye saving Campbell with the help of Grant Ward. S.H.I.E.L.D. performed a rescue for their agent; Skye went also to rescue Campbell. The rescue was successful and Skye brought the comatose Campbell to the Playground, where he was placed on the Index and the humans finally learned of the existence of the Inhumans, much to Campbell's complete horror.

Back at Afterlife, Jiaying confronted Raina about using her gift to manipulate Skye into going on the dangerous mission to rescue Campbell, regardless of whether the mission had been successful or not. Having ordered that Raina not use her gift without her express permission, Raina began suggesting that it was time for Jiaying to lose her position and for herself to be in charge of the Inhumans. However, Raina suddenly got a vision of the Ultron Offensive and saw Ultron using the Scepter to battle against the Avengers and unleash chaos and destruction across the entire world.[22]
Jiaying's Vendetta[]
Ambush in Afterlife[]

- "How dare you compare your scars to mine? You're nothing like me, like us. Whitehall cut me to pieces. He ripped out my organs and stuffed them in jars! I will never let that happen to my daughter. To any of my people."
- ―Jiaying to Robert Gonzales[src]
When Raina discussed a vision she had recently had, Gordon soon realized she had seen a vision of the Monolith, a weapon believed to have been designed by the Kree in order to destroy the Inhumans. Both Gordon and Raina teleported to the Iliad to locate the Monolith, briefly being discovered by Lance Hunter as they explored the ship searching for the weapon. Eventually, they found the Monolith before they were cornered by Melinda May and Bobbi Morse, forcing them both to quickly escape back to Afterlife.

The issue of the Monolith caused a rift between Jiaying and Raina, with Raina soon attempting to cause a mutiny with Gordon's help; however, Gordon betrayed her and warned Jiaying, leading to Raina being locked in her room by the Inhumans. S.H.I.E.L.D. meanwhile decided to set up a peace treaty between themselves and all the Inhumans. The organization also decided that it wanted to place the population on its Index. Using the "quantum entanglement" theory of Dr. List, Anne Weaver was able to find Afterlife and S.H.I.E.L.D. sent a convoy to meet with Jiaying and discuss the peace treaty.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has a peace meeting with Jiaying
As their meeting began, Robert Gonzales was chosen to be the spokesman since Phil Coulson was deemed too close to Skye and Kree technology to be objective. As a peace offering, Jiaying turned over Calvin Zabo to S.H.I.E.L.D. to pay for his many crimes including murder. However, the meeting did not result in a peace treaty due to Gonzales inadvertently offending Jiaying with his poorly chosen comment about Daniel Whitehall and their mutual scars. An angered Jiaying used an artificial Terrigen Crystal to petrify Gonzales, then used his gun to shoot herself in the shoulder.

Jiaying calls for war against S.H.I.E.L.D.
Bleeding heavily, Jiaying exited the meeting, claiming that Gonzales had tried to assassinate her before declaring war against S.H.I.E.L.D. as a direct result.[5] As Jemma Simmons, Skye, Gordon, and Lincoln Campbell all ran to her side, Jiaying claimed that Gonzales had just threatened to kill all of the Inhumans, before shooting her. Jiaying ordered Gordon to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D., and he then took Jiaying's Assistant and attacked a Quinjet, taking one agent prisoner and killing the other. Gordon's companion flew the Quinjet to the building of Jiaying's and Gonzales' meeting and fired at it, covering Jiaying's actions, and seeming as if S.H.I.E.L.D. had fired on Afterlife.

Skye considers which side to fight with
With this, all of the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were then forced to return to the Playground. The Inhumans who could fight or defend themselves readied to follow Jiaying into a war; others were taken to their homes by Gordon. While she recovered from her wounds with the help of Wilton, Jiaying soon began manipulating both Skye and Campbell to join her side in the war against S.H.I.E.L.D., forcing Skye to choose between her friends and family. In order to complete her healing, Jiaying had Gordon bring her the captured S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and she used her powers to drain the life from him, healing her own body back to its full health within mere seconds.[23]
Hijacking and Retaking of the Iliad[]

Once healed from all her wounds, Jiaying met Raina at night. She offered to make Raina an adviser, but Raina refused, saying she had seen Jiaying's real plan for the war against S.H.I.E.L.D. and would try to stop it. However, Jiaying then killed Raina, only to turn and see Skye had witnessed the murder. When Skye confronted Jiaying over her true intentions, Jiaying had her assistant subdue and then capture her daughter.

Once back at the Playground, Phil Coulson attempted to question Calvin Zabo, only to have him go into cardiac arrest from the formula he had taken in Afterlife. Jemma Simmons tried to revive him, and gave Zabo an adrenaline shot, which was the missing piece to his formula. The resulting transformation left Zabo with extreme strength and numerous physical changes. Zabo wreaked havoc until Coulson was able to reason with him, with Zabo ready to help Coulson to save his daughter. Jiaying sent a team of Inhumans to the Iliad in order to hijack it. The Inhumans took over the ship and welcomed Jiaying on board, along with the synthetic Terrigen Crystals.

Gordon fights against Alphonso Mackenzie
Campbell warned Jiaying that an emergency beacon had been sent out to the Playground. Jiaying ordered Oliver to expand the beacon to all S.H.I.E.L.D. locations; when he would not, she petrified him along with other agents as an incentive for Anne Weaver to expand the beacon. Alphonso Mackenzie was not captured by the Inhumans and began an attempt to retake the ship. Mackenzie found and freed Skye, who was being held captive, and told her to reset the beacon while he searched for the Terrigen Crystals. Skye soon changed the beacon, only to then be confronted by Campbell. Just as Skye was turning Campbell from Jiaying, Mackenzie knocked him out.[23]

Alisha Whitley creating all of her duplicates
Coulson received the beacon and gathered his team of agents to assist the Iliad. He and May, Zabo, and Fitz flew in the lead Quinjet, which received Skye's signal. Coulson ordered the other Quinjets to fall back while he continued. Arriving at the Iliad, Coulson and Leo Fitz found Mackenzie while Zabo then confronted Jiaying. However, Jiaying simply ignored Zabo's pleas and had Gordon trap him in another room, only for Skye to try and stop Jiaying's plans. Walking away from Skye, Jiaying left Alisha Whitley and her entire army of duplicates to beat Skye to death while she escaped.

Lincoln Campbell decides to change sides
Before Skye could be overpowered by Whitley's doubles, Lincoln Campbell joined the fight along with Melinda May and helped battle against Whitley, eventually subduing her main body to defeat her. Meanwhile, Coulson and Fitz were able to assist Mackenzie in preventing Gordon from accessing the crystals, fighting him until Gordon teleported onto a pole, impaling himself. However, as he fell, he dropped a crystal he had been holding, and Coulson leaped to catch it. The crystal began petrifying Coulson's arm until Mackenzie chopped it off with his axe, saving Coulson's life.

Skye pushes the Terrigen Crystals into the sea
As she was swiftly running out of time, Jiaying ordered her men to load all of the Terrigen Crystals onto a Quinjet ready to make their escape and complete their plan; however, Skye confronted her again. Having failed to convince her that S.H.I.E.L.D. was the real enemy and she had started Afterlife to protect the Inhumans, Jiaying then attempted to kill her daughter by sucking the life force out of her body, showing no remorse for her own actions. However, to Jiaying's horror, Skye used a shockwave to blast the Quinjet into the ocean, meaning the Terrigen Crystals were now lost forever.

Calvin Zabo kills his Inhuman ex-wife Jiaying
Her plan in ruins, Jiaying tried to kill Skye again, only to be stopped by Calvin Zabo, who broke the two women apart and killed his beloved wife by lifting her in the air and snapping her spine. Zabo then cried over his wife's body. With the threat of Jiaying's plans now over, S.H.I.E.L.D. wiped Zabo's mind using Project T.A.H.I.T.I. before Coulson told Skye that they would be putting together a team of Inhuman soldiers known as the Secret Warriors which would be led by her. Out of respect for her father, Skye changed her name back to Daisy Johnson and continued her work as a hero.[24]
Inhuman Outbreak[]
Understanding Terrigenesis[]

Andrew Garner goes through Terrigenesis
- "This chemical compound, called Terrigen, was recently released into our ecosystem. And you, Joey, are one of the first people with this gene to come into contact with it."
"So I'm an alien?"
"Part alien. Welcome to the club; we call ourselves Inhumans." - ―Daisy Johnson and Joey Gutierrez[src]
In the aftermath of Jiaying's defeat, S.H.I.E.L.D. took possession of her library of books in order to gain a better understanding of the history and biology of Inhumans. Andrew Garner was tasked with reading and understanding these books, but he activated a trap within the book and was sprayed with Terrigen Mist, causing him to undergo Terrigenesis and become Lash, a monstrous Inhuman with a desire to hunt down and destroy other Inhumans.

Joey Gutierrez tries to control his new powers
Meanwhile, the Terrigen Crystals from Jiaying's Vendetta dissolved in the ocean, releasing Terrigen Mist which was absorbed into the ecosystem. Fish near the dissolution were turned into Nature Max Supplements Fish Oil pills that were sold in stores and then distributed to the general public.[24] Descendants of Inhumans who took the pills underwent Terrigenesis and emerged from cocoons with new extraordinary powers; Joey Gutierrez in Seattle, Washington was one example. Simultaneously, President Matthew Ellis founded a new organization called Advanced Threat Containment Unit which appeared to contain the newly enhanced individuals.

Lash tracks down Lincoln Campbell
Believing that the Inhumans were aliens, the organization discovered that someone was killing them; its leader Rosalind Price assumed that S.H.I.E.L.D. was responsible. After meeting with Phil Coulson, it was learned that Lash had been hunting and killing Inhumans instead. Lash's next target was Lincoln Campbell whom he had soon tracked down to a hospital in Cincinnati and attempted to kill him, but Campbell and Daisy Johnson eventually managed to defeat the Inhuman beast who managed to escape unseen.[25]

Lincoln Campbell is forced to go into hiding
With his identity having been discovered by the ATCU, Campbell was forced to go on the run while he was hunted by Luther Banks and Lash. Having gotten away from the Banks' ATCU team, Campbell was briefly cornered by Private Brown but managed to get away and went to John Donnelly for aid. However, Donnelly soon fell for the paranoia caused by the Inhuman Outbreak and betrayed Campbell, calling the ATCU. Donnelly then died of a heart attack during the confrontation and Campbell was once again forced to go on the run with no more allies to help him find shelter this time.

Alisha Whitley senses Lash killing her double
Meanwhile Daisy Johnson attempted to find other new Inhumans to recruit them into her Caterpillars program; Gutierrez was one of the potential recruits,[26] while Alisha Whitley was another. Agreeing to assist S.H.I.E.L.D., Whitley recommended recruiting Shane and Lori Henson, but before Whitley could convince them to join the program, Lash attacked and killed the couple first. It was learned that Lash was getting intel from Dwight Frye, an Inhuman with the power of species detection, who, due to the self-loathing and the physical pain that Inhumans caused him, relished the deaths Lash caused.

Dwight Frye is arrested by Luther Banks
Frye was tracked down by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the ATCU who eventually captured him upon finding him having an allergic reaction to Daisy Johnson. When Frye was interrogated by Phil Coulson and Rosalind Price he confessed to aiding Lash's mission to destroy the Inhumans before he was put in their custody to be taken to prison. However, the truck carrying Frye was attacked by Lash before they could get away, causing a crash. Ultimately, Lash killed Frye as well by blasting a hole in his chest when the combined efforts of the ATCU and S.H.I.E.L.D. failed to stop Lash's actions, with Johnson noticing that Lash had transformed back into Andrew Garner before escaping.[27]
Hunting Lash[]

Andrew Garner transforms himself into Lash
- "You tore my friends apart. You have no right!"
"That's enough. Calm down, Andrew, please."
"I have every right." - ―Lincoln Campbell, Phil Coulson, and Andrew Garner[src]
When Andrew Garner was confronted by an entire team of HYDRA operatives led by Werner von Strucker following the orders of Grant Ward,[27] Garner transformed into Lash and attacked and killed all of the HYDRA operatives before Strucker escaped with his life. Fearing that he had now exposed his secret, Garner burned down the store to cover up his victims' wounds and allowed himself to be taken away in an ambulance. Strucker revealed the truth to Melinda May when he was captured by Kebo and almost tortured to death.

Lincoln Campbell prepares to battle Lash
Phil Coulson had gained the trust of Rosalind Price and was allowed inside Endotex Labs, the facility the ATCU was using to hold their captured Inhumans. Coulson witnessed an Inhuman in Suspension Gel and an induced coma; though appalled, he kept his feelings mostly to himself,[28] until he decided to run Operation Spotlight to uncover all of the secrets of the ATCU,[7] using the capture of Lash, who was revealed to be Andrew Garner, as their way in. Coulson called on the help of both S.H.I.E.L.D., the ATCU, and the Inhumans Daisy Johnson and Lincoln Campbell to battle Lash.

Campbell took the battle as a chance to gain revenge for all of the Inhumans Lash had murdered. This led to a battle in which Lash fought against and tried to kill Campbell, Alphonso Mackenzie and Phil Coulson before being ambushed by the ATCU. Having failed to kill Rosalind Price who was saved by Johnson, Lash was eventually calmed down by Melinda May who waited for him to return to his human form before she then proceeded to shoot him in the chest and locked him inside the Containment Module, where Garner briefly turned back into Lash before calming down and being handed over to the ATCU to be put under their protection from now on.[29]

R. Giyera attacks Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse
Remaining suspicious of Price and the ATCU, Phil Coulson sent in agents Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter to investigate. They soon discovered that the ATCU stockpiled the Nature Max Supplements Fish Oil and were searching for new Inhumans, finding all the previously opened Terrigenesis cocoons. They were soon cornered by R. Giyera who demonstrated his Inhuman ability of telekinesis but they escaped with the help of Luther Banks. It was then discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. that the ATCU was the front for HYDRA leader Gideon Malick to capture Inhumans to provide Hive with an army.[7]
Secret Warriors[]
Secret Warriors are formed to fight HYDRA
- "I might be able to reinforce the doors. You know using my er..."
"Amazing superpower."
"Yeah, that." - ―Joey Gutierrez and Bobbi Morse[src]
In order to prevent from HYDRA bringing Hive back, S.H.I.E.L.D. then activated the Caterpillars program, and the group of the Inhumans named the Secret Warriors led by Johnson and which consisted of Campbell and Joey Gutierrez was founded.[30] As the new super-powered team stormed the HYDRA Castle, Gutierrez granted them access by melting the gates while Campbell fried the power across the entire base to put them in complete darkness. Gutierrez later saved Johnson by melting all of the bullets R. Giyera fired at her while Campbell subdued him with a blast of powerful electricity.

Hive's temporary body is burnt and destroyed
While the Secret Warriors battled Malick's soldiers, Leo Fitz and Phil Coulson became trapped on Maveth with both Grant Ward and Hive, unaware that they were with the Inhuman god as Hive had disguised himself as the deceased Will Daniels. Eventually, Hive's deception was revealed and he attempted to escape towards the portal created by the Monolith back on Earth. While Coulson fought and then killed Ward, Fitz battled Hive and eventually destroyed the Inhuman's only current body with a flare gun before he and Coulson then made their escape, leaving the burning Hive dead behind them.

Daisy Johnson discusses Hive's return
During a fight between S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA, the captured Lash was freed from his Containment Module by Jemma Simmons and he used the opportunity to kill the other Inhumans who were imprisoned in the HYDRA Castle. With most of Malick's HYDRA soldiers now defeated, Daisy Johnson volunteered to stay behind with Alphonso Mackenzie while they awaited the return of both Coulson and Fitz, escaping with them back to Zephyr One on board the Containment Module while the Castle was destroyed by a missile strike. While the team celebrated, however, they were unaware that Hive had survived and almost had it through the portal back to Earth.[31]
Hive's Return[]
Slow Recovery[]

- "After we're finished there will be no more war, no more pain, especially now that we're together. It's time we took back this planet, make it the home Inhumans have always deserved."
- ―Hive to Daisy Johnson[src]
HYDRA finally succeeded in their mission, as Hive had returned from Maveth to Earth in Grant Ward's corpse.[31] Hive slowly restored his power with Gideon Malick's help, having left Maveth while still holding Phil Coulson's Prosthetic Hand which had been used to kill Ward. Hive was taken to Schoonebeek Oil Field to recover his strength because he became so weak from the lack of any food provided to him on Maveth that he could barely stand or speak, much to Malick's great disappointment.

Elena Rodriguez is captured by S.H.I.E.L.D.
Believing that the threat of Hive was over, S.H.I.E.L.D. focused their efforts on finding new Inhumans. Hearing reports of an invisible assailant stealing guns from Victor Ramon in Colombia, the team went to investigate and met Elena Rodriguez, who was revealed to have superhuman speed and was successfully captured. However, upon Joey Gutierrez questioning her, they discovered she was taking guns from the corrupt Ramon to save lives so the team recruited her help when Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter were kidnapped and Rodriguez's cousin was killed by Ramon.

Lucio attacks and subdues Elena Rodriguez
S.H.I.E.L.D organized the Rescue in the Colombian Police Station in which they recruited Rodriguez's help as they stormed the station and the Inhumans easily overpowered the guards, with Gutierrez melting the police's guns to ensure they could not be used against them. When Rodriguez attempted to use Overpowering Tape to subdue Lucio, she was unaware that Ramon's right-hand man had also undergone Terrigenesis and as a result, she was briefly stunned. When their team were saved, Lucio was kidnapped by HYDRA while Rodriguez was offered a place in the Secret Warriors.[32]

Hive meanwhile was slowly regaining his strength and also took control of some Inhumans, such as R. Giyera and Lucio, making them his willing slaves. When Gideon Malick noted that Grant Ward's body was not improving and suggested finding a replacement, Hive then refused as he insisted that Ward's body would serve his needs. To speed up the process, Hive ordered Giyera and Lucio to gather a group of Humans together so that he could consume their flesh and rebuild Ward's broken and rotting body, becoming stronger as a result and allowing him to finally begin his own plans.[33]

Androvich is assassinated by Bobbi Morse
As a symposium on the Inhumans issue was convened, Malick had manipulated the delegates to agree to the establishment of a shelter state for Inhumans in Russia.[33] He had planned to gain some of the Russian politicians' trust, including Anton Petrov, to use the Inhuman Androvich to kill the Dimitri Olshenko, the Russian Prime Minister. However, although Androvich was able to use his power to control Darkforce to murder Yuri Krupin, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter killed the Inhuman moments before he could successfully assassinate the Prime Minister.[34]

Charles Hinton is forced to go into hiding
HYDRA got their hands on the Inhuman Charles Hinton, who could give other people glimpses of the future death of an individual upon physical contact. With Hinton his hostage, Hive forced him to torture Rowan Hamilton before he and R. Giyera showed Malick the power of Inhumans by having him wear a Transia Corporation Exoskeleton to enhance him strength. Daisy Johnson went to rescue Hinton, but he was killed by Malick, who received a glimpse of his future and saw that Hive killed him. Before Hinton died, he touched Johnson and she saw that a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent would die soon. During the mission, S.H.I.E.L.D. saw Hive in Ward's corpse for the first time.[35]

JT James is visited by Lincoln Campbell
Seeking to learn more about Hive, Lincoln Campbell recommended that he and Daisy Johnson search for JT James, an Inhuman who was never granted his Terrigenesis while at Afterlife. Upon finding James, he almost killed Johnson when she stepped on a land-mine while joking that he was surprised that Jiaying would have sent Campbell after him rather than Gordon, unaware that they had both been killed. Upon being offered one of the Terrigen Crystals, James revealed everything he knew about Hive while he then also handed over the Kree Beacon which he had stolen from Jiaying. Despite all this, however, Campbell refused to give James the Crystal.

Hive promises to finally reveal his true form
Having been shaken to his core by Charles Hinton's vision of his death, Gideon Malick decided to visit the Malick Mansion to relax with his daughter; however, to his horror, he found that Hive was also there, promising to reveal its true form. While Malick then told his daughter that he believed Hive would kill him, Hive revealed his true face to the leaders of HYDRA before telling Malick that he knew he had betrayed and sacrificed his own brother to him. As Hive had Malick's brother's memories and emotions, he gained his revenge by killing Malick's daughter right in front of him. Telling him this was to ensure that he finally understood what true sacrifice meant.[6]
Hive's Sway[]

Secret Warriors attack Gideon Malick's base
- "We don't want to hurt you any of you. But we will. This is your last warning. Next time, I snap your neck."
- ―Daisy Johnson to Leo Fitz[src]
After S.H.I.E.L.D. had successfully kidnapped R. Giyera to get from him information on Hive, Giyera broke free of the Containment Module and even managed to use his powers to hijack Zephyr One and brought it to the Schoonebeek Oil Field.[6] To rescue their friends Daisy Johnson then assembled once again the Secret Warriors to save her teammates. With Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Joey Gutierrez working as a pair and Lincoln Campbell managing to capture Gideon Malick, their mission seemed a success; however, during the mission, Hive used his power and secretly took control over Johnson's mind.

The Secret Warriors turn against each other
S.H.I.E.L.D. learned about Hive's power as they examined Lucio's corpse, as he had been killed by Gutierrez during the battle and suspected that one of the Secret Warriors might be brainwashed as Malick had suggested, causing the new team to dismantle. Avoiding detection Johnson soon killed Malick under Hive's command by crushing his skull with a shockwave and managed to convince her allies that Campbell was the one to blame due to him coming into contact with Hive during the recent Battle at the Transia Corporation Building and hiding the Kree Beacon in his locker. Campbell was enraged and attempted to defend himself until he was subdued.

Daisy Johnson becomes a slave for Hive
With Johnson seemingly free and the Inhumans leaving the team, she tried to rescue Campbell and bring him to her side, however, upon realizing the truth about Johnson, he refused to side with Hive. Disappointed, Johnson walked away and stole the Kree Beacon along with some Terrigen Crystals. As she had been instructed by Hive, Johnson then proceeded to Escape from the Playground before she was reunited with Hive.[36] Once they were back together, Johnson questioned if Hive had Grant Ward's memories before she vowed to remain loyal to him and his cause to end the war and turn Earth into the peaceful home that the Inhumans deserved.

Alisha Whitley is tortured by Lincoln Campbell
Refusing to give up on saving Johnson, Campbell dedicated himself to finding and bringing her back, even allowing himself to wear a Nanothermite Vest in case he was put under Hive's sway. Campbell first went to Alisha Whitley to try and warn her but discovered she was already under Hive's sway, refusing to give in even under torture and death. Meanwhile, Hive left HYDRA to continue his plan of world domination. Having already enthralled Whitley, he and Johnson went to JT James and granted him Terrigenesis which he had desired, and then kidnapped Holden Radcliffe.[37]

Using Radcliffe's scientific expertise, Hive ordered him to recreate the original Kree experiment that was done on him to turn Humans into Inhumans. Radcliffe initially failed, killing Kirk Vogel as a result, so Hive used the Kree Beacon to summon the Kree Reapers to gain their blood. A battle between all Hive's Inhumans, the Kree Reapers, and S.H.I.E.L.D. then began, with Whitley losing her life while Hive killed one Kree and Johnson paralyzed another. When Alphonso Mackenzie destroyed the Kree body, Johnson volunteered her GH.325 infused blood for their next experiments.

Holden Radcliffe creates the new Primitives
Under Hive's instructions, JT James successfully kidnapped a team of the Watchdogs, led by Pete Boggs, who attempted to assassinate him. While James threatened them with his Hellfire Chain, Hive appeared behind them and easily subdued them before bringing them to Radcliffe. Together, they created a gaseous substance that turned every human who was exposed to it into an Inhuman Primitive controlled by Hive. Although Radcliffe was disgusted by the results, Hive insisted that the Primitives were his children and demanded that Radcliffe make him an army of them for him to command.[38]
Final Battle[]

- "Our day is won, no need to remain concealed in the shadows."
"Yeah, you sound just like me."
"Oh, I will. Once I'm in that head of yours, I can't wait. We're two sides of the same coin, Coulson, commanders leading soldiers." - ―Hive and Phil Coulson[src]
Having tricked Daisy Johnson into revealing his location, S.H.I.E.L.D. sent Lash to finally kill Hive. Lash freed Johnson from Hive's control, but he was then killed by Hellfire and failed to kill Hive. Meanwhile, Brigadier General Glenn Talbot approached Phil Coulson to inform him on behalf of President Matthew Ellis that all the Inhumans working for S.H.I.E.L.D. are required to be registered due to the Sokovia Accords, a document approved by the United Nations that regulated the actions of enhanced individuals working for them.[39]

Lincoln Campbell attempts to defeat Hive
Johnson told S.H.I.E.L.D. about Hive's plan, to use an atomic bomb to expand the Absolution Virus onto the whole world and turn all the Humans into the Primitives. S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped the launch and captured Hive, first using a redesigned version of the Theta Brain-Wave Frequency Machine to overload his mind with memories before trapping him in Suspension Gel. However, Hive quickly managed to escape in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Playground base when his soldiers activated a Terrigen Mist bomb which turned some agents into Primitives who proceeded to free the still confused Hive from the gel.[38]

Hive attempts to take over Phil Coulson
Johnson approached him and begged him to take control over her again, but after he discovered that he could not due to Lash's power, the two fought each other until he knocked her out and took Zephyr One, so he could use it to explode the nuclear bomb. S.H.I.E.L.D. entered the plane, with Leo Fitz successfully killing R. Giyera by using a Cloaked Gun before he and Melinda May freed Johnson. While Phil Coulson challenged Hive, distracting him long enough for the agents to arrive, Johnson believed she was coming to her fate foreseen by Charles Hinton as she had Yo-Yo Rodriguez's necklace.

Hive and Lincoln Campbell wait for their death
While the agents battled the Primitives, Lincoln Campbell was then mortally wounded by an explosion caused by Hellfire, and realized that Johnson intended to sacrifice herself to save the world. To prevent the extinction of the human race, Campbell got on board the Quinjet before Johnson could and flew it into space with Hive and the bomb on board, causing him and Hive to be trapped. As they awaited their fate, the pair found peace and discussed the world before they were then killed together in a nuclear explosion, just as Johnson had foreseen in Hinton's earlier vision.[40]
Rise and Fall of King Maximus[]
Uprising in Attilan[]

- "You should've known this day was coming."
- ―Maximus to Black Bolt[src]
While the Inhumans of Earth were trying to survive in a world of international exposure, the Inhumans of the Moon within the secret city of Attilan were living in an undisturbed age of peace. The current King, Black Bolt, was in secret trying to save and protect the most vulnerable Inhumans of Earth, by sending his cousin Triton to find them and take them to safety.

Black Bolt orders Maximus to be silent
Meanwhile, Black Bolt's younger brother, Prince Maximus, was plotting to overthrow his brother and to gain support he offered to dismantle the highly disliked caste system. Maximus also had the dream of using the combined powers of the Inhumans of Attilan to invade Earth and take all Inhumans back to their home planet.[8]

Auran leads the coup against the Royal Family
Maximus attempted to capture and imprison the rest of the Royal Family to force a transition of power to himself but they all escaped Attilan and fled to Earth. Fearing their return Maximus attempted to send a kill squad of Inhumans, including Auran, to kill his family on Earth but they successfully defeated the attackers.

During their absence Maximus declared himself King and used his influence over the royal guard to gain absolute control over the city. He promised his few supporters that he would lead an Inhuman army to Earth and through the combined strengths of the Inhumans they would successfully conquer Earth and use it fertile lands to rebuild a new Attilan that could sustain a larger Inhuman population without the need of an unfair caste system.[41][42]

The Inhuman Royal Family returns to Attilan
Black Bolt and the others eventually returned to Attilan and used their knowledge of the city to counterattack King Maximus. Maximus, fearing losing the crown, compromised the dome protecting the city from the vacuum of space. He planned to use the dome as a way to force his Family to hand themselves in and in return, he would arrange for the dome to be restored to safe and secure levels.

The Inhuman Royal Family on Earth
Black Bolt successfully captures Maximus but the dome had been unstable for too long, and Maximus was unable to undo what he did to it. As punishment Black Bolt imprisons Maximus in Attilan's lowest and most secure bunker while the rest of the Royal Family evacuated their people to a secret location on Earth.[43]
Sokovia Accords[]
- "Here's where I have to remind you that the Sokovia Accords, which you signed..."
"Oh, all right."
"...Require approval by the United Nations subcommittee." - ―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]
In light of the Sokovia Accords and with S.H.I.E.L.D. legitimized again, Director Phil Coulson wanted a powered person the American people could trust to be the new Director, so the government suggested Jeffrey Mace.[44] In order to give him powers, Glenn Talbot created the Patriot Serum and used it on Mace, who was obtained superhuman strength and subsequently convinced the public that he was an Inhuman.[45] At the same time, Daisy Johnson left S.H.I.E.L.D. and became a vigilante called Quake. Using her powers, Quake fought frequently against criminals organization such as the Watchdogs.[46] The Sokovia Accords required Inhuman S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, such as Yo-Yo Rodriguez, to sign the Accords,[47] therefore subjecting them to the United Nations.[46]

JT James stands off against Ghost Rider
The Watchdogs got the Inhumans list from the Sokovia Accords and caused blackouts in every city they were present. They blamed the Inhumans for this and used the fear of civilians to kill 17 Inhumans around the world. At Coulson's suggestion, Mace publicly declared the Inhumans innocent and the Watchdogs as the true culprits. Senator Ellen Nadeer later publicly stated that her "sources" insisted the Inhumans were guilty.[48] Quake and Jemma Simmons found out that the Watchdogs next target was JT James. They tried to protect him but were betrayed by him as a part of his deal with the Watchdogs, revealing that he used his S.H.I.E.L.D. wristwatch to gain access to the Inhuman database. S.H.I.E.L.D eventually captured James with the help of Ghost Rider and created an alliance with Quake.[49]

Daisy Johnson rejoins S.H.I.E.L.D.
Senator Nadeer brought her brother, Vijay, who has been undergoing Terrigenesis for months, to a government lab. She asked Mace for the help of his agent, Jemma Simmons, to free the Inhuman from his shell. Simmons managed successfully to break the Inhuman from his shell, but was immediately taken away from there.[50] After the Battle at the Chinatown Crew Headquarters, Johnson rejoined S.H.I.E.L.D.[51]

Vijay Nadeer learns his powers
After Vijay was freed, Senator Nadeer sent a group of Watchdogs to kill him. After they failed, S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived to save him, so the Watchdogs tried again, but this time Vijay used his powers to defend himself. Vijay escaped with his sister on a helicopter, there she killed him.[52] Johnson decided to sign the Sokovia Accords. In front of the United States Congress and Senator Nadeer, Johnson had to defend her actions as Quake. Johnson did not eventually sign the Accords.[53]

Tucker Shockley going through Terrigenesis
Johnson relocated some of the Inhumans S.H.I.E.L.D. oversaw. Meanwhile, Tucker Shockley, whom the Superior had sent, came to Senator Nadeer's office with a Terrigen Crystal to check if she was an Inhuman. However, it turned him into an Inhuman who could turn into flammable gas and reform. He killed Nadeer and escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D., who found him and interrogated him. With his powers, Shockley escaped and planned with the Watchdogs to kill many agents as possible. Johnson confronted him and managed to capture him inside a container.[54]
Aida's Change[]

- "No. No, no, no! She has Inhuman powers now?! Can we get a break, please?! Can we get one break?!"
- ―Phil Coulson[src]
Upon reading the Darkhold, the Life-Model Decoy Aida discovered a way to become a living being with emotions. In order to create the body, Aida captured the top operatives of S.H.I.E.L.D. and put them inside the Framework, a virtual world where Inhumans were hunted by HYDRA.[55] In the Framework Leo Fitz was an HYDRA scientist who experimented on captured Inhumans.[56] For her plan to succeed, Aida created Project Looking Glass, a machine designed by Fitz in the Framework and built by the Superior on his oil platform.[57] The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were freed by the help of Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons, but were too late to stop Aida from transferring her consciousness into a living body with Inhuman abilities.[58]

Aida is killed by Phil Coulson
Now having feelings for Fitz and Inhuman abilities, Aida - now Ophelia - used her teleportation powers to kidnap him. Fitz convinced her to save Alphonso Mackenzie from drowning, but after he told her he wanted to stay with Simmons, Ophelia was so furious she used her unstoppable abilities to kill several agents which caused the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to escape the Playground on Zephyr One. Ophelia returned to the Superior and they both planned a worldwide disaster.[59] The Darkhold showed them a way to make the world's population fear Inhumans by making Daisy Johnson's LMD shooting General Glenn Talbot. Despite her efforts, Ophelia was killed by the hand of the joined forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Ghost Rider.[60]
Changing the Future[]
- "So, the shadow guy will save humanity from the alien warships."
"Provided we meet certain terms."
"Let me guess, Gravitonium."
"Amongst other things. And Inhumans, or engineered warriors, as they call them." - ―Phil Coulson and Hale[src]
Following his friends' disappearance, Leo Fitz sought help in the Chronicom Enoch. He then introduce Fitz to Robin Hinton, who had been gone through Terrigenesis and could see events in every time period. Enoch explained to Fitz that he had learned from Robin that the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team were needed in the year 2091 in order to fulfill Robin's prophecy. To hide from the United States Air Force, Enoch brought Fitz, Robin and her mother to the Lighthouse bunker. Fitz then was frozen in a Chronicom Vessel and slept 74 years in order to wake up in the year 2091 to save his friends.[61]

Leo Fitz removes Daisy Johnson's inhibitor
Immediately after the team returned to the present they worked on a way to prevent the dystopian future they had seen. Their new base was the Lighthouse.[62] As a rift to the Fear Dimension was inside the base and threatened to cause the Destruction of Earth, Fitz, who suffered from a personality split, painfully extract the Inhuman Control Device out of Daisy Johnson, so she could use her powers to compress the Gravitonium to the Gravity Containment Device. And indeed, the rift was closed with the help of the device.[63]
When Phil Coulson was captured by the HYDRA leader, General Hale, he learned from her that she had struck a deal with the alien Confederacy to protect Earth from an alien invasion. In exchange, the Confederacy demanded some of Earth's resources, such as Gravitonium and Inhumans. Meanwhile, Johnson decided to find Robin Hinton as a mean to find Coulson.[64] With Melinda May's support, Robin draw the location of Coulson.[65]

Daisy Johnson fights Glenn Talbot
As Glenn Talbot grew insane after infusing himself with Gravitonium, he kidnapped Robin and demanded she would show him where were more Gravitonium beneath the surface of Earth. The future was averted when Johnson prevented Talbot from absorbing her and subsequently quaked him into space, preventing him from quaking the Earth apart.[66]
Shrike Infestation[]

Izel possesses Yo-Yo Rodriguez's body
- "You just locked up our two strongest assets against her."
"No. He locked the two strongest weapons she could use against us. Imagine if she got in one of them. If Izel got your powers, we're all dead." - ―James Davis and Melinda May[src]
When Izel invaded Earth and used her body-possessing ability to infiltrate the Lighthouse, Director Alphonso Mackenzie decided to lock Quake and Yo-Yo Rodriguez in his office to prevent from Izel to possess their bodies and their Inhuman powers. However, Mackenzie was then possessed by her, so the two Inhuman got out of the office to help him, only to let Izel possessing Rodriguez, thus getting away from the base with the Gravity Containment Device.[67] As S.H.I.E.L.D. were stopping Izel's plan at the Temple of the Forgotten, Rodriguez was infected by a Shrike, causing her to become a mindless host. After Izel was killed by Melinda May and her ally, Sarge, was killed by Mackenzie with the help of Quake, the Shrike inside Rodriguez died and she was freed.[68]
Destruction of the Chronicom Fleet[]

Quake destroys the Chronicom fleet
S.H.I.E.L.D. were able to return to their original timeline and took the Chronicom Destroyer Ships with them. Kora, whom Daisy Johnson convinced she was on the wrong side, helped the team to power the destroyer ship's signal to give empathy to the Chronicom Hunters on Earth. Meanwhile, Johnson fought a vicious fight against Nathaniel Malick, who also possessed Kora's power. However, Johnson used her power to create a massive shock-wave, which killed Malick and destroyed all of the Chronicom ships. Later, Kora joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and with her sister they flew on Zephyr Three to explore deep space.[69]
Kamala Khan's File[]

S.A.B.E.R.'s file on Khan
By 2026, S.A.B.E.R. created a database file on Kamala Khan, believing her to have Inhuman heritage.[70]
Alternate Universes[]
Dystopian Future[]

In an alternate timeline, Earth had been destroyed and the Inhumans were living in the Lighthouse. Kasius used the Inhumans for profit, selling them as living weapons to various individuals across the galaxy. Every human who reached the age of eighteen had to be exposed to the Terrigen Mist and those who turned were sent to Kasius.[71] One of those children was Abby, who learned to control her powers with the help of Jemma Simmons and managed to defeat Lady Basha's warrior and thus was purchased by her. Later Daisy Johnson was captured by Kasius.[72]

Flint before going through Terrigenesis
Johnson learned from the Inhuman Ben about Kasius' intentions and tried to encourage Ben to rebel, but he refused.[73] Fitz managed to come to the Lighthouse as a guest of Kasius who was interested in purchasing Johnson. Kasius killed Ben for lying to him. Fitz managed to liberate Johnson and Simmons. Meanwhile, the boy Flint became an Inhuman. Phil Coulson, Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez hid him from the Kree Watch, but were discovered by Grill. Flint used his earth manipulation to kill Grill.[71] Flint decided to stop hiding and used his powers to kill the Vicar. He then stayed in the Lighthouse with Mackenzie and Rodriguez to help the people against the Kree.[74]

Robin Hinton speaks to Phil Coulson
The team reached Earth's surface and encountered the True Believers, led by Robin Hinton. She tried to help the team by telling them how to go back to the present, but one of her followers, Samuel Voss, believed that Johnson was responsible for the destruction of Earth and did not want her to return, so he killed Hinton. Before her death, she revealed to Melinda May that Flint was the key to their solution.[75] Meanwhile, Flint started a revolution with Mackenzie and Rodriguez against Kasius. They destroyed every Terrigen Crystals and all the Inhuman blood he possessed, preventing him from creating more Inhumans.[76]

Flint builds the Time Di'Alla
In order to fight S.H.I.E.L.D., Kasius order the Kree Watch to used all the untrained Inhumans to fight the team. However, they were rescued by S.H.I.E.L.D. and were transferred to the human levels of the Lighthouse on a Trawler by Tess. Having heard of an imprisoned Inhuman, Rodriguez went to search for the Inhuman, only to discover it was a future version of herself. Revealing she had been used by Kasius to tell him about the upcoming events, she told Rodriguez that the dystopian may be unchangeable. The future version of Rodriguez was later killed by Kasius in front of Alphonso Mackenzie's eyes. Meanwhile, Flint was able to build the Time Di'Alla using rocks from space. As the team returned to the present day, Flint and Tess were flying to the ruins of Earth, hoping Flint would be able to rebuild it.[77]
Chronicom Colonization of Earth[]

Inhuman Daisy Johnson is experimented on by Malick
In an alternate 1973, when the S.H.I.E.L.D. team traveled back in time to save the world from the Chronicoms, Daisy Johnson used her Inhumans powers against two Chronicom Hunters in front of an alternate version of Nathaniel Malick. Malick wished to possess her powers and in the year 1976, with the help of the Chronicoms, he kidanpped her.[78] Using Daniel Whiehall's technics, he experimented on Johnson and eventually gained her powers, although he could not control them.[79]

Afterlife Inhumans leader Jiaying
In 1983, Yo-Yo Rodriguez came to Afterlife to learn from Jiaying how to bring back her powers, since they were lost after a Shrike attacked her. Jiaying came to the conclusion that it was Rodriguez's mind that prevented her from using her powers. Later Malick and his crew conquered Afterlife, turned Jiaying's daughter, Kora, to his side and took captive almost every Inhuman at Afterlife. Rodriguez and Melinda May saved Jiaying and Gordon and the two Inhumans teleported away. Rodriguez then unlocked her full powers.[80]

Inhumans are rescued by S.H.I.E.L.D.
Malick transferred some of the captive Inhumans' powers, like Li, to his crew members. S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to retake Afterlife from Malick, so Phil Coulson, Alphonso Mackenzie, Rodriguez and Gordon infiltrated in, freed all the Inhumans and took Kora as captive, although Gordon sacrificed himself in the process. One of Malick's crew members, John Garrett, got Gordon's powers and teleported Malick and himself to the Lighthouse, where Malick killed Jiaying.[81]
- "Blackagar Boltagon: Keeper of the Terrigen Mists. The Inhuman King."
- ―Baron Mordo to Stephen Strange[src]
On Earth-838, the Inhumans were led by their King Blackagar Boltagon. Black Bolt was recruited by Doctor Strange as a member of the Illuminati. During Thanos' quest for the Infinity Stones, Black Bolt fought the Mad Titan with his allies. After their successful victory, Strange, who was corrupted by the Darkhold, willingly accepted to be executed by Black Bolt, in order to prevent further destruction.

Inhuman King Black Bolt
Black Bolt was present when Doctor Strange was brought before them to be judged. Strange mocked him asking if he had bad breath when the other members told him that he did not want Black Bolt to speak.
When Scarlet Witch invaded their Headquarters and destroyed their Ultron Sentries. Black Bolt and the Illuminati stood against her. However, Maximoff used her reality-altering chaos magic against them, removing Black Bolt's mouth, and his attempts to scream led to his head imploding within his helmut, brutally killing the Inhuman representative in the Illuminati.[82]
Inhuman Powers[]
- "Powers aren't random, we were taught that each is given to fill an evolutionary need at the time."
"Are you being serious?"
"To create equilibrium within the species. Ying-Yang and all that." - ―Lincoln Campbell and Jemma Simmons[src]
Power | Image | Description | |
Accelerated Probability | Karnak has the ability to instantly see multiple scenarios in his mind allowing him to see the weaknesses and strengths of everything and everyone around him. He is also able to use his powers to identify certain things for him such as the cardinal points and his blood on the ground. | ||
Acid Spit | Sakas has a pair of secreting glands located in his neck, that he can use to spit a spray of corrosive acid. He used it to shot down Lucky from the tree where he was standing. | ||
Amphibious Adaptation | After undergoing Terrigenesis, Triton's body evolved to be amphibious allowing him to survive on land and in an underwater environment. He gained green skin, gills and a fin on his head. Thanks to the gills on his neck, Triton is able to breathe underwater. Triton is able to swim at speeds that exceed those of regular humans. | ||
Chrono Vision | After an accidental Terrigenesis, Robin Hinton acquired the ability to see events throughout time. Due to the enormity of her gift and her extremely young age, Robin's mind became fractured causing her to become introverted as well as unable to differentiate between the past, present and future. In order to communicate her visions to others, Robin draws them out as vague moments in time. | ||
Danger Precognition | Through physical contact Bronaja is able to perceive a person's future although he is not able to control when visions will manifest. In most scenarios the visions are triggered before an instance of danger or distress such as Medusa's assault on Maximus or Kitang's execution. | ||
Darkforce Manifestation | Androvich possessed the power to manifest Darkforce in the form of his shadow, and was able to shift its density at will. This allowed the shadow to harm others while being able to not get touched at the same time. | ||
Death Prediction | Charles Hinton was able to give other people glimpses of the future death of an individual upon physical contact. Those visions often caused anguish on the people who received them, and despite trying very hard, neither Hinton nor the people who received the visions could do anything to change their outcome. | ||
Density Manipulation | Abby can change her molecular density, becoming as dense and resistant as lead or either so light that she could phase through anything. | ||
Duplication | Alisha Whitley was able to project multiple images of her own body. She used her duplicates in combat to overwhelm her enemy and chain attacks together. These duplicates, however, were dependent on the prime Alisha remaining conscious. Whenever her power was in use, Whitley's eyes were completely glazed over with white, her pupils and irises simply vanishing. | ||
Earth Manipulation | Flint is able to control the earth and earthen materials. He can connect small stones and create a large rock. | ||
Echolocation | By emitting a high pitched scream Locus was able to determine the location of a person, group and other various objects in her environment by using the reflected sound waves caused by her vocal screeches. | ||
Electromagnetism Manipulation | Lincoln Campbell's powers enabled him to manipulate the electrical charge in molecules for a variety of effects, such as accelerating the heat in objects and levitation by repelling a person from the ground. In battle situations, he could shoot blasts of electromagnetic energy, capable of stunning or killing humans. He was also able to channel this energy through any metallic objects for diversions or disrupting electronics. | ||
Electric Manipulation | Pulsus was able to generate strong electric charges from the palms of his hands. The electic charge was strong enough to temporarily disabilitate a fellow Inhuman like Medusa. | ||
Elemental Manipulation | Crystal has the gift to take control over the elements. Crystal is able to generate fireballs from her hands, which she used to attack Auran whilst being held captive. Crystal is able to generate frost from her hands. While resting in her apartment she lightly frosted a red ball. She later uses her abilities to freeze the weapons of Attilan's armed forces as well as freeze a door shut to buy Lockjaw and herself time to escape. Crystal is able to generate electric charges from her fingertips. The charge was strong enough to wake up Lockjaw from his sleep. Crystal is also able to summon lightning. Crystal is able to manipulate the air around her to create gusts of wind, powerful enough to knock over Dave. | ||
Empathy | Jiaying mentioned having worked with an Inhuman with Empathic abilities similar to those of Melinda May prior to 1983, giving her a level of understanding of them. | ||
Energy Blasts | Andrew Garner was transformed into a monstrous grey-skinned beast and, uniquely amongst Inhumans with physical transformations, Garner was able to transition between his human form and his Lash persona at will. However, this ability was the result of an unusually slow transition, and eventually the transformation was permanent. As Lash, Garner had superhuman strength, a healing factor and was able to generate a form of superheated blue energy that was hot enough to incinerate durable materials like metal and kill other Inhumans. He could also free Inhumans from Hive's control, and the energy rendered the dark Inhuman's parasites useless. | ||
Energy Blasts | Mordis has the ability to shoot powerful beams of energy from his face. It appears to be uncontrollable, as he has to wear a mask. According to Maximus, this makes Mordis Attilan's second greatest living weapon, right after Black Bolt. Even Maximus had his reservations in releasing him and Auran was visibly fearful in the prospect of including Mordis as part of the back-up that Maximus will be sending to her on Earth, likening Mordis as death itself. | ||
Energy Manipulation | Kora is able to manipulate energy which builds inside her and use it as a weapon. She did not have control over this ability until she began working with Nathaniel Malick and used her power against Li. | ||
Explosion Touch | Hellfire can cause items he touches to suddenly overheat and explode, and imbue objects with fire. | ||
Fire Manipulation | Lori Henson was able to generate fire from her arms, as she did before Lash killed her. | ||
Flight | Iridia is able to fly due to her large butterfly-like wings sprouting from her back. | ||
Hair Manipulation | Medusa can manipulate her own hair including the size and movement. | ||
Heat Touch | Sammy can heat objects by touching them. Using his power, Sammy was able to melt a metallic door to escape prison with Black Bolt. | ||
Hypersonic Voice | Black Bolt, after achieving his genetic potential, developed the ability to release hypersonically amplified sound waves through his vocal cords. However, he cannot diminish the destructive potential of his voice, and a mere grunt was able to flip over a police car when he got hit in the back. According to Maximus, his voice can be fatal to those who hear it. It is due to this power that Black Bolt has trained himself to remain mute. Evan Declan stated that Black Bolt's fMRI scan shows that he has an unusually large neural pathway connecting his cerebral cortex to his frontal lobe, thus supercharging his vocal cords. | ||
Inhuman Detection | Dwight Frye was able to perceive and identify other Inhumans in close proximity, suffering a great amount of physical pain and gaining boils on his skin when one of them is near him. | ||
Knife Conjuration | Li is Jiaying's second-in-command in Afterlife, and has the ability to summon knives at will from Terrigenesis. He used this ability to great extent, allowing him to battle Melinda May and switching possession of his knife between his hands during their battle to catch her off guard. | ||
Levitation | Shane Henson was able to levitate a few inches above the ground. | ||
Life Force Absorption | Jiaying aged much slower than normal humans, having been noted to live for several lifetimes, due to her ability to absorb the life force of another being by touch. This power allowed her to heal rapidly from otherwise fatal wounds, and also allowed her to regress any aging she experienced, thus greatly extending her youth and overall lifespan. | ||
Metal Manipulation | Joey Gutierrez originally only possessed the ability to melt any metallic object in a three-meter range around him, especially by touching it. He can manipulate any metallic object and make it shape-shift into any form that he can imagine. He was also able to instinctively melt bullets that were shot at him, making them harmless. | ||
Paralysis Inducement | Lucio was able to put people into a temporary rigor mortis-like state by staring into a person's eyes. He was unable to control his powers, and he had to wear thick sunglasses to prevent himself from paralyzing everyone around him. | ||
Parasite Manipulation | Hive's Terrigenesis transformed him into a parasitic life form capable of infesting human corpses and using them as vessels, with access to all of the hosts' memories. Hive's ability to inhabit the bodies of others enabled him to survive for thousands of years. Hive was capable of controlling and directing his component parasites which could attach to targets and consume the skin and muscle tissues of his victims to regenerate the host, as well as control other Inhumans. The transformation was physical, turning him into a greenish-grey skinned creature with a tentacled head; however, he could also retain the appearance of his host, which he appeared to prefer, transforming into his true form only as a means of intimidation. | ||
Plant Life Manipulation | By touching the ground and using her powers to connect with the roots of the surrounding plant life, Flora can move around the vegetation. With this ability, she was able to create a walkable path in the thick Hawaiian forest, and to shake down the tree where the Makapu'u Surfers were positioned. | ||
Portal Physiology | Eldrac is somehow fused with a wall and can open a way into it to transport others where they want to go. However, the process is painful for him, and Auran had to threaten his family for him to cooperate. He appears to be able to influence the location in which they are teleported, as he purposely left Auran's legs in stone. | ||
Precognition | Raina's abilities were clairvoyant in nature, giving her the power to predict the future. Aside from her powers, Raina's transformation drastically altered her physical appearance, becoming animal-like and covering her with quills and thorns. She also gained enhanced strength and durability. Her new form was also apparently uncomfortable for her, as her insides felt malformed. | ||
Regenerative Healing Factor | Auran has a healing factor which can heal her from even fatal wounds. She was able to recover from several stab wounds almost instantly but could not use her power until she had regained consciousness after a few hours. | ||
Sensory Manipulation | Katya Belyakov had the power to feel and manipulate the senses of others, including pain. She was able to control these senses to the point of complete physical and mental domination. She inflicted this ability upon others through physical contact, and, if she desired it, could shut down all human sense completely, killing those under her control. | ||
Shared Vision Projection | Duodon's eyes act as two big projectors with which he can show events to other people. The structure of his eyes do not allow Duodon to see, requiring him to be helped in the movements. | ||
Shockwave Stomp | Gorgon's Terrigenesis physical's main feature was the development of a pair of hooves in his legs. He can use them to generate a huge shockwave with a single stomp, shown to be powerful enough to knock several armed guards off their feet. | ||
Sublimation and Deposition | Tucker Shockley was able to turn his body into flammable gas, explode and then reform his body at will. The side effect destroys his clothes. | ||
Superhuman Reflexes | When attacked, Vijay Nadeer was able to react and counter-attack at an uncanny speed. | ||
Superhuman Speed | Elena Rodriguez gained the power to run and move at least 180 meters per second, being unable to be clearly noticed by the human eye and appearing as a blur. Her super speed lasts exactly the same amount of time as one of her heartbeats. | ||
Superhuman Strength | Eva Belyakov possessed physical strength that exceeded that of a normal human, being able to render an entire car inoperable and subdue various highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agents unharmed. | ||
Telekinesis | R. Giyera had the power to move objects in his line of eyesight around at will. He was able to lift two discarded handguns and make them stay in the air, while pulling the trigger, by simply raising his hands. He had such control over his powers that he could pilot and land Zephyr One. While the ability did not work on biological material, it would work on non-living material attached to a person. | ||
Telepathy | After undergoing Terrigenesis, Ben acquired the ability to telepathically read the minds of others within a certain area allowing him to hear their thoughts. He is also able to transmit his own thoughts into the minds of others, an aspect of his ability that he hid from the Kree Watch. | ||
Teleportation | Gordon had the ability to transport himself from one area to another. Aside from himself, Gordon could also teleport others so long as he was making direct contact with them. When teleporting, Gordon could generate fields of reflective blue energy, which were impervious to gunfire. As a side effect of Terrigenesis, Gordon lost both his eyes. | ||
According to witnesses, Eden Fesi dematerialized and reappeared in a different place. | |||
Vibration Manipulation | Daisy Johnson gained the ability to manipulate and enhance vibrations which can produce effects such as earthquakes and shockwaves, she is able to sense and tap into the vibrational energy of everything around her. Johnson has shown greater control over her earthquake generation powers as well, having heavily damaged the Playground by generating an earthquake by using her concussive blast to generate said quake. |
Notable Inhumans[]
Original Kree Experiments[]
Inhuman Royal Family[]
Attilan Royal Guard[]
Genetic Council[]
Attilan Citizens[]
Diviner Awakened Inhumans[]
Afterlife Inhumans[]
Inhuman Outbreak Victims[]
Lighthouse Inmates[]
Framework Inhumans[]
Artificial Inhumans[]
Former Inhumans[]
- In the comics, the Inhumans were created by Kree experiments designed to "jump-start" genetic modifications previously made by the Celestials on human beings, as soldiers in their war with the Skrulls. The Supreme Intelligence ordered the end of the project when he foresaw they would destroy him. The Inhumans since divided into several tribes who have migrated across the globe and even into space. The most notable Inhuman settlement of Attilan was led by the Inhuman Royal Family that consists of Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon, Crystal, Triton, Lockjaw, and their rogue relative Maximus the Mad. Another notable settlement was the city of Orollan, led by Inhuman zealot Lash.
- Vin-Tak and Sif believed Earth was only one of the worlds that the Kree succeeded within creating Inhumans. In the comics, the other four species are the Dire Wraiths, Kymellians, Centaurians, and the Badoon which later led to the formation of the Universal Inhumans upon Black Bolt's return. The last two, who exist in the MCU, are considered to be separate unrelated alien species.
- According to Raina's vision, Daisy Johnson will one day lead the Inhumans.
- According to Lincoln Campbell and Hive, Inhuman powers are not random, but are given to fill an evolutionary need at the time and to create equilibrium within the species.
- Inhumans share 99.8% of their genome with humans.
- The Inhuman gene is not always passed on, as exemplified by Ellen and Vijay Nadeer. Vijay went through Terrigenesis after being exposed to the mists, while Ellen remained human.
- This is further proven in a possible future on the Lighthouse where the Kree Watch artificially produces human babies with genes spliced from existing Inhumans to increase the chances that the babies produced will become Inhuman.
- Still, the chances of any child produced ending up as Inhuman are still slim as according to Abby, even when all children of age are exposed to the mists very few if any undergo Terrigenesis.
- This is further proven in a possible future on the Lighthouse where the Kree Watch artificially produces human babies with genes spliced from existing Inhumans to increase the chances that the babies produced will become Inhuman.
- The Inhuman gene is not always passed on, as exemplified by Ellen and Vijay Nadeer. Vijay went through Terrigenesis after being exposed to the mists, while Ellen remained human.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Due to 20th Century Fox having the live-action rights to the X-Men and Mutants (before the acquisition of Fox by Walt Disney Studios) as defined in the Marvel continuity, Inhumans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe were filling a role similar to Mutants in the main Marvel Universe due to the fear and hated part which was later shown in the comics.
- Kamala Khan was originally an Inhuman in the comic; however, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she is labelled as a mutant. After her death from Amazing Spider-Man Volume 6 #26, she has been revived on Krakoa to be both Mutant and Inhuman.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.12: Who You Really Are
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.19: Failed Experiments
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 S.A.B.E.R.'s File on Kamala Khan
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.09: ...Ye Who Enter Here
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.20: Scars
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.16: Paradise Lost
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.08: Many Heads, One Tale
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Inhumans: 1.01: Behold... The Inhumans!
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.11: Aftershocks
- ↑ Translates from Chinese to: "No. Please, don't. Don't do this."
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.08: The Things We Bury
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.16: Afterlife
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.17: Melinda
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.02: Heavy is the Head
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.18: Providence
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.22: Beginning of the End
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.21: Ragtag
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.10: What They Become
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.13: One of Us
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.15: One Door Closes
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.18: The Frenemy of My Enemy
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.19: The Dirty Half Dozen
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.21: S.O.S. Part One
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.22: S.O.S. Part Two
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.01: Laws of Nature
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.02: Purpose in the Machine
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.04: Devils You Know
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.06: Among Us Hide...
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.07: Chaos Theory
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.09: Closure
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.10: Maveth
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.11: Bouncing Back
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.12: The Inside Man
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.13: Parting Shot
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.15: Spacetime
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.17: The Team
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.18: The Singularity
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.21: Absolution
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.20: Emancipation
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.22: Ascension
- ↑ Inhumans: 1.02: Those Who Would Destroy Us
- ↑ Inhumans: 1.03: Divide -- And Conquer
- ↑ Inhumans: 1.08: ...And Finally: Black Bolt
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.02: Meet the New Boss
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.10: The Patriot
- ↑ 46.0 46.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.01: The Ghost
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot: 1.01: Vendetta
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.03: Uprising
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.04: Let Me Stand Next To Your Fire
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.07: Deals With Our Devils
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.08: The Laws of Inferno Dynamics
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.09: Broken Promises
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.11: Wake Up
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.13: BOOM
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.15: Self Control
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.16: What If...
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.19: All the Madame's Men
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.20: Farewell, Cruel World!
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.21: The Return
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.22: World's End
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.05: Rewind
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.11: All the Comforts of Home
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.14: The Devil Complex
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.15: Rise and Shine
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.16: Inside Voices
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.22: The End
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.10: Leap
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.13: New Life
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.13: What We're Fighting For
- ↑ The Marvels
- ↑ 71.0 71.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.06: Fun & Games
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.03: A Life Spent
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.04: A Life Earned
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.07: Together or Not at all
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.08: The Last Day
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.09: Best Laid Plans
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.10: Past Life
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.05: A Trout in the Milk
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.06: Adapt or Die
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.08: After, Before
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.10: Stolen
- ↑ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness