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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"The killing has to stop."
"It won't happen till the last of the Stokes is buried in dirt. Take her out. You have the power."
Luke Cage and Ingrid Mackintosh[src]

Ingrid Mackintosh is the wife of Paul Mackintosh and the aunt of John McIver.


Life in Jamaica[]

"Johnny. Talk to the bell captain and get more bags. It's a holiday, ya know? Ya still have work."
"Auntie Ingrid, where's mummy?"
―Ingrid Mackintosh and John McIver[src]

Mackintosh was present when her sister got into a legal argument with the Stokes. She told John McIver to help her work, despite him not wanting to.[1]

Life in New York[]

Cooking at Gwen's[]

"Take a seat anywhere you like, love."
"Unfortunately, I'm not here for the food."
"You sure? We have the best curried goat in all the city. Guarantee it."
―Ingrid Mackintosh and Luke Cage[src]

Ingrid Mackintosh was working at Gwen's when Luke Cage entered, looking for Nigel Garrison. When she realized that he was looking for a member of the Yardies, she originally told him she did not know, but eventually directed him to several older Jamaican men playing dominos. Later, Stephanie Miller was talking to Sheldon about a man named Piranha Jones. Sheldon made fun of his name because it was like the fish. Sheldon then asked Mackintosh to cook him a snapper.[2] The next day, John McIver arrived and got congratulated for punching Cage. Mackintosh asked him why he returned to New York without saying hello to her. Bushmaster hugged Mackintosh saying that he loves her. He then attempted to give money to Anansi, but Mackintosh snatched it up instead.[3]

Days later, Mackintosh was closing up when McIver told her that he would get the rest. She gratefully accepted the offer and told him she loved him before leaving and saying goodbye to her husband.[4]

Serving Alvarez[]

One day, Mackintosh served a man named Hernán Álvarez. She asked him if he wanted another drink and he politely said yes while he ignored a phone call.[5]

Life Comes Crashing Down[]

Massacre at Gwen's[]

"Listen, we don't have much money. Just take what you want and go."
"Sit your ass down. This ain't no robbery!"
―Ingrid Mackintosh and Mariah's Goon[src]

Mackintosh was working at Gwen's when Mariah Dillard, Hernán Álvarez, and their men walked in holding Anansi hostage. Dillard saw Stephanie Miller and realized she was spying on Dillard the whole time. This caused her to shoot Miller. Her men then fired at everyone in the restaurant.[6] Mackintosh was grazed by the bullet and played dead despite being alive.[1] Anansi crawled over to Mackintosh, crying and saying he was sorry to his wife. Dillard then lit Anansi on fire as Mackintosh overheard in the background.[6]

Protected by Luke Cage[]

"Lady! I'm here to protect you!"
"Me know you. Luke Cage. You come fi take me hostage to lure me nephew."
"Look in my eyes. I'm not here to hurt you. Now let's get a move on before Mariah's people come back to finish the job."
Luke Cage and Ingrid Mackintosh[src]

Mackintosh got away and went to the hospital where she was found by Luke Cage. She grew scared as she thought he was using her to lure John McIver there, but he assured her he was trying to save her. They went through the parade so they could not be noticed, but she was found by Shades, who brought her into a closet with a gun. She attempted to shoot her, but could not bring himself to do it. He then left as Cage arrived. Mackintosh told him that he and McIver were not that different, but Cage disagreed. He brought her to the morgue where they saw McIver. She told them to talk it out as she mourned her husband. She told Cage that she did not want to testify against Mariah Dillard, but instead intended to return to Jamaica to bury Paul.[1]

Return to Jamaica[]

Mackintosh found John McIver and Sheldon at Mother's Touch. They were helped by Tilda Johnson, who gave them shelter. Mackintosh helped the limping McIver to the car as they left for Jamaica. Paul Mackintosh's body was in Delaware preparing to be shipped out.[7]






In chronological order:



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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Ingrid Mackintosh.