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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You gotta get to the place where he keeps the files. But you can't do that part alone. You're gonna need help. And you're also gonna have to create one hell of a distraction."
James Connors to Tyrone Johnson[src]

The Infiltration into Promenade Society Building was a planned infiltration by Tyrone Johnson and Brigid O'Reilly to retrieve a file that shows Johnson was innocent.


"A file my uncle has hidden away. He called it the Monopoly file."
"Why Monopoly?"
"'Cause it's his "Get Out of Jail Free" card."
"And that's exactly what you need, Tyrone."
James Connors, Tyrone Johnson and Otis Johnson[src]

In 2009, NOPD Detective James Connors fatally shot the young Billy Johnson[2], and had his uncle Asa Henderson, a Senator and member of the prominent Promenade Society, cover up the homicide.[3] Years later, Connors came across Billy's younger brother Tyrone, who had witnessed Billy's death.[2] Tyrone would chase Connors several times, including one which briefly caused Connors to be in custody,[4] and Tyrone eventually unwillingly used his Darkforce-based powers to absorb Connors and trap him inside the Dark Dimension.[5]

During his stay in the Dark Dimension, where he was trapped for months before being released,[6] Connors began to reflect on his past crimes, and decided to make amends. Once he was released from the Dark Dimension, he contacted Tyrone and provided him with incriminating pieces of evidence. He also told Tyrone about how Henderson protected him, and suggested to retrieve files from the Promenade Society Building which could be used as leverage against the Senator. Although initially reluctant, Tyrone, after seeking advice from his father, agreed to follow Connors' idea.[3]


"In his personal wine storage, number 4, that is where he keeps the file. Within that special bottle, should be all the information you need to clear yourself."
James Connors to Tyrone Johnson[src]

Tyrone Johnson, dressed in white to act as a staff member, teleported into the steam room inside the Promenade Society Building, usually attended by Asa Henderson. He then increased the heat in the steam room, making sure to create enough vapor and, taking advantage of the fact that Henderson had covered his face with a towel, he was able to reach Henderson's robe and stole the key that would enable him to access the file kept by Henderson.

Johnson then teleported near the building, joining Brigid O'Reilly who had accepted to help him. O'Reilly entered the building and claimed that there had been a bomb threat on the facility. Although some of the Promenade Society members did not believe her, an explosion in the parking lot convinced the building's security to evacuate all the people that were present. Once the building had been cleared out, Johnson teleported inside and met with O'Reilly once again. Johnson then made his way to the underground private wine storage.

Using the key, Johnson inspected the bottles in Henderson's personal storage, and identified the bottle which was supposed to contain the file. However, as he opened it, the bottle turned out to be empty. Johnson thus left the building without finding what he had been looking for.[3]


"You know why I didn't bring you here first? Why I brought you to my father? Because I knew if I was alone with you, I'd probably just kill you first."
"Go ahead. Just do it, kid. I'm ready for judgment."
"No, no, no. That's not... I'm not the one who can judge you. There is someone who can."
Tyrone Johnson and James Connors[src]

Angered by the fact that he had not retrieved the file, Tyrone Johnson believed that James Connors had lied to him in order to have him captured. He thus used his powers to teleport both of them inside the St. Theresa's Church and threatened to have Connors killed. However, upon touching him, Johnson got to read through Connors' fears and understood that genuinely sought redemption. He thus decided to take Connors to his mother so that she could decide what to do with him.[3]

Despite Johnson failing to obtain the leverage he wanted to use against Asa Henderson, the corrupt Senator was eventually arrested thanks to Johnson's mother and Francis Xavier Delgado, enabling Johson to clear up his name nonetheless.[7]

