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"Simpson's doctor works for a private research corporation called IGH. Which is an acronym for nothing. It doesn't exist. No web page, no contact number, nothing."
Trish Walker[src]

IGH was a secret research laboratory and genetic technology clinic involved in covert and illegal human experimentation. Its name is a backronym for Industrial Garments & Handling, the cover for the operation.

One of its projects was the employment of genetic editing for medical purposes, which had the side effect of subjects developing superhuman abilities. Another of IGH's side-projects was the development of drugs that increase the user's strength and reflexes, though these had detrimental side effects in the users' minds.


Early Work[]

"Jess' medical bills."
"From her accident. Came with her files when I adopted her. Check out who paid them."
"I figured it was a charitable write-off for them."
Trish Walker and Dorothy Walker[src]

While at a young age, Jessica Jones survived a car crash in which her whole family died. Jones was taken to a hospital where operations were performed that saved her life but inadvertently granted her enhanced abilities. IGH supplied the money and all operation procedures for Jones and paid for her meds. Dorothy Walker, who adopted Jones at the time knew of this but kept it a secret. Walker did not care much about the case and told neither Jones or Trish Walker, her daughter, about it. She also did not realize who IGH were.[1]

Will Simpson's Return[]

"You're responding well to the meds."
"Feels good, like old times. Give me a red."
"You had a red this morning. We altered protocol after what happened in Damascus."
Miklos Kozlov and Will Simpson[src]

To be added

Hunt for Will Simpson[]

"Doc's worried about you."
"Yeah, well tell Kozlov I appreciate the concern, but I'm not coming back."
"We can't leave here without you, Simpson."
McManus and Will Simpson[src]

To be added

End of IGH[]

"I'm closing down the clinic. Dr. Hansen, Kozlov, I can't trust them anymore."
"I'm not ready. You can't send me out there alone."
"I'm not sending you anywhere. I'll get us a little place by the water. Somewhere safe. It'll just be you and me."
Karl Malus and Alisa Jones[src]

Malus decided to close IGH to safeguard his project and released Alisa Jones to trigger a series of murders with the aim erasing IGH evidence, including his former colleagues Kozlov and Hansel.[2]




Name Position Status
Karl Malus Founder / Leading Doctor Deceased
Miklos Kozlov Leading Doctor Deceased
Leslie Hansen Doctor Deceased
Luanne McClure Nurse Deceased
Inez Green Nurse In Custody
David Kawecki Janitor In Custody

Test Subjects[]

Name Results Status
Alisa Jones Enhanced Strength Deceased
Jessica Jones Enhanced Strength Alive
Will Simpson Enhanced Strength Deceased
McManus Deceased
Fortner Deceased
Robert Coleman Enhanced Speed Deceased
Isaiah Alive


Appearances of IGH

