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For other uses, see Bruce Banner (disambiguation)
For Alternate versions of Hulk, see Hulk's Character Hub
For other uses, see The Incredible Hulk (disambiguation)
Shaw Giving Advice
"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Alaskan Rampage Universe".

"My name is Bruce Banner. I'm trying to stop a monster."
―Bruce Banner[src]

Dr. Robert Bruce Banner is a scientist who was subjected to lethal amounts of gamma radiation, which turned him into a rampaging monster known as Hulk. Seeing no end, he tried to take his own life, but failed, leading to a five year manhunt taken on by the United States Army.


Failed Experiments[]

Gamma Poisoning[]

Bruce Banner and Betty Ross started a project to create a new super soldier. However, Banner thought gamma radiation was the key and subjected himself to it. This experiment unleashed chaos as Banner suddenly turned into a green monster which became known as the Hulk.[2]

Alaskan Ambush[]

Suicide Attempt[]

Hulk is Unleased

Hulk awakes in Alaska


A depressed Banner soon felt like there was no end to his troubles and decided to go to Alaska. There, he walked along a glacier and fell to the ground. He then pulled out his own gun and placed it in his mouth. Trying to kill himself, he pulled the trigger, only to find himself transforming into Hulk. The green monster then spit out the bullet and yelled for Banner, angry that he would try to kill himself to end both of them.[2]


Hulk Punches Op

Hulk kills his enemy

Hulk's awakening was caught by the United States Army, who quickly sent their troops to Alaska to capture Banner. When they arrived, Hulk was ready. The Hulk ran at the army, punching his way through the troops. Hulk then went on a rampage through the frozen tundra. On his rampage, he was pursued by enemies who wanted to kill him. Hulk plowed through the enemies until he got to the mountains where he performed many rage jumps to counter their attacks. He was then met by enemies with grenade launchers, but that meant nothing to Hulk as he disposed of them as quickly as the rest.

Hulk in Arctic

Hulk jumps through the arctic

Hulk made quick work of them as well and broke into an ice cave. Suddenly, he was swarmed by even more enemies with jet packs and dynamite. Hulk ran through them and even found a research rig which was underwater. Just like the other places, his enemies were waiting for him with scuba gear. Hulk used his swimming abilities to swim passed them as well as punch underwater. Hulk continued wrecking the rig until he was met by a ship. The ship activated and pursued Hulk. It used powerful sonic waves to push the monster back, but it was no use as Hulk destroyed the ship, rendering it a useless wreckage. At this point, Hulk turned back into Banner.[2]

Five Years Later[]

Ambushed in Brazil[]

Hulk in the Marsh

Banner swims through a marsh

"He's entered the factory. We'll smoke him out."
Emil Blonsky[src]

Five years later, Banner had settled in Porto Verde where he worked at Pingo Doce. He regularly messaged a man named Mr. Blue about a cure for Hulk. While his ally used Mr. Blue, Banner assumed the name of Mr. Green. However, his work was cut short when he was found. This caused him to turn back into the Hulk and rampage through the streets. This rampage led him into the sewers where the United States Army was waiting for him. They shot at him, set off grenades, and even dropped explosives. However, Hulk quickly disposed of them and made his way into the coral reef where he tried to make his way through by swimming. The army followed him into the water and deployed their own suicide bombers, tasked with charging at the Hulk with explosives. However, the bombs barely did damage to Hulk's tough skin as the lives were wasted for nothing.

Banner Runs from Blonsky

Banner evades Emil Blonsky

Hulk got out of the coral reef and made his way downtown and into the Pingo Doce Bottling Plant. As he ran in, Emil Blonsky set off a rocket launcher, which missed Banner, but hit the bottling plant. This increased Banner's heart rate to the point of no return as he turned into Hulk. The army charged inside, but were met with the same results as before, utter defeat. Blonsky decided to take things into his own hands and got a protective armor. This armor not only gave him protection, but also came with flight and repulsors. The two of them had a long fight, but the armor could not withstand Hulk's strength.

Hulk vs Blonsky Iron Man

Hulk fights Emil Blonsky

Having defeated Blonsky, Hulk ran to the forest where he defeated even more enemies by a near by lake. He then ran under the canopy of the leaves where he was met by a giant Army ship. Facing his biggest foe yet, Hulk tried to attack, but was thrown away by the ship's concussive blasts. However, Hulk soon realized that he could counter these blasts by hiding under the ship. Then, when the ship got low enough, Hulk came out and repeatedly punched the ship until it was destroyed.[2]

Back in America[]

Banner and Sterns

Banner meets Samuel Sterns

"It's Mr. Blue isn't it?"
"Mr. Green! So glad to finally meet you."
―Bruce Banner and Samuel Sterns[src]

Banner knew he needed to find Mr. Blue quickly, so he took the risky voyage back to West Virginia, where the Hulk was unleashed. He soon found Mr. Blue, who's name was Samuel Sterns. Sterns looked at the DNA and knew he needed more information. He sent Banner out to find more. Banner hesitated to go back to Culver University, but knew he needed to.[2]

Attack at Culver University[]

Battle at Culver DS Version

Banner is cornered by the Army

"Oh no they're here. You have to get as far away from me as possible. Go!"
―Bruce Banner to Betty Ross[src]

Banner finally arrived at Culver University, his old place of study. He eventually found his old lover, Betty Ross, who was very surprised to see him. Banner brushed off her questions and said there was no time to explain. Having her friend back, Ross agreed to help him with whatever he wanted. Banner explained that he needed his old blood sample. However, Ross notified him that her father confiscated it all five years ago. Luckily, she kept a sample. Just then, Banner noticed Emil Blonsky perched up on the building: a sniper.

Hulk In Battle Culver

Banner hulks out at Culver University

Banner told Ross to run before she was shot, then proceeded to take off. He was eventually caught by the Army. As Banner held up his hands, he saw Betty arguing with Thaddeus, angering him enough to turn into Hulk. As the green monster, he rampaged through the army once again. However, the army had upgraded. They came bearing all-new red swords to slain Hulk. However, this still did not pierce Hulk's skin as he disposed of their enemies.

Battle at Culver DS

Hulk rampages through the college

The army then sent out tanks, which did not matter either as Hulk dodged the missiles and took them down. In the next set of attacks, helicopters were unleashed. However, Hulk was able to jump on top of the helicopters, taking them down before they could harm him. This all led to a showdown between Hulk and an enhanced Blonsky. Although Blonsky put up a better fight than before, Hulk disposed of him fairly quickly and took off.

Enemies in the Sewers[]

Hulk Sewers

Hulk swims through the sewers

Hulk when followed into the sewers where he used the currents to his advantage. He swam through the currents and used his rage jumps to kill many of his opposers. He was then able to use posts and other objects in the sewer to catapult himself through unbreakable barriers. This allowed him to not only hide in crevices, but sneak up on the army from secret passages. Hulk finally emerged back on the surface where he was met by more enemies. He rampaged through dorm rooms, dodging the new attacks that the Army used to fight Hulk. Suddenly, a tank pulled up in front and dropped boulders. As the boulders came hurtling at Hulk, he dodged them and jumped on top of the tank, destroying it with one punch. He then made his way to other enemies, some having a new blue shotgun which shot blue energy beams. Although these hurt, Hulk managed to get through it.[2]

New York[]

Cranes and Kyklops[]

Hulk in Labs

Hulk in a lab

Hulk arrived in New York only to find he was trailed by the United States Army once again. Instead of trying to get away, he charged at them, plowing through multiple buildings and jumping through stories. He used the buildings to his advantage to block rocket propelled grenade attacks as well as attacks from soldiers with newly equipped technology. This technology was a reusable shield of sorts that shot blue lasers.

Hulk vs Kyklops

Hulk fights Kyklops

Hulk was also met by cranes as the Army believed it had a better chance than tanks. The cranes hauled boulders at Hulk, who dodged them and destroyed the cranes fairly easily with little effort. This rampage soon got him past the "slums" of the city and into the lab complex. Inside the lab complex, he was met by a robot with the name of Kyklops. Hulk charged at the giant robot and engaged in a prolong fight. Following many traded blows, Kyklops collapsed to the ground, defeated.[2]

The Boroughs of New York[]

Hulk in New York DS

Hulk runs through New York City

Hulk rampaged through the warehouse district where he charged through many stories and floors, finding enemies on every single one. Some had explosives, others had guns and more weapons. Hulk managed to use the flag poles once again to pole vault through the men and helicopters. Hulk then made his way into the harbor where he was forced to swim into the murky and green water surrounding the city. There, he found the army in what looked like a maze of sorts. Hulk made his way around said maze to his destination. Using his strength, he was able to fling off of poles in the water to get past attacks better. He then charged towards Chinatown. Using open windows to break through, Hulk ran through floors full of enemies from the army who had high tech weapons. This time, they brought everything they could at him. There were helicopters, tanks, cranes, trucks, and boulders flying at the Hulk who still had no difficulty taking them out.[2]

The Final Stretch[]


Hulk Comes Out DS

Banner involuntarily hulks out

Banner finally made it back to Samuel Sterns' place with Betty Ross, who had agreed to help him. Sterns set everything up, believing he could create a cure. Before starting, he warned Banner that there was a possibility it was not a cure as much as a temporary antidote. They then strapped Banner to the table and started up the machine.

Banner Doesnt Want Blood

Banner argues with Samuel Sterns

Banner squirmed in pain before he finally succumbed to the Hulk. Seeing this, Ross jumped on top of Hulk to calm him down while telling Sterns to stop the machine. Suddenly, Hulk turned back into Banner, confirming the treatment worked. Banner stood up, relieved until Sterns said they could help so many people with the serum. Tense now, Banner told Sterns that he did not know the power that he held and it was too dangerous for anyone. Suddenly, Banner was struck by a dart, causing him to pass out.[2]

Defeating the Abomination[]

Banner Pleads Not Guilty

Banner hears of the Abomination

"You can't stop it. You have to kill it. I'm the only thing who can stop it."
"This is too risky. It's insane."
"I know, but I have to try. I'm sorry."
―Bruce Banner and Betty Ross[src]

Banner woke up in a helicopter with Betty Ross by his side and Thaddeus Ross in front of him. Suddenly, they heard commotion on the ground below. Thaddeus' men reported that the Hulk was loose. Thaddeus took a look at Banner before deeming that impossible as Banner was right there. He then looked out the window to see a transformed Emil Blonsky, who was terrorizing Harlem.

Hulk vs Abomination DS

Hulk faces off with Abomination

Banner was able to convince Thaddeus to let him fight Abomination as it was all of their messes that needed to be cleaned up. Betty cautioned Banner against it as they were not sure if he would turn into Hulk following the experiment. However, Banner knew he had to try. He jumped out of the helicopter and transformed into Hulk on the ground. The two monsters went at it, with Hulk throwing punches and Abomination kicking the ground to let rubble fly. He then used this rubble to fire at the Hulk.

Harlem Duel DS

Hulk defeats Abomination

Much like the rest of the troops, Hulk punched his way through Abomination, defeating the power-hungry monster. Hulk then roared and looked up at the sky before realizing he did not know where Betty was. He exclaimed her name before running off into the night.[2]


Bruce Banner's Personality[]

"You have to destroy all of it. You don't know the power of what you're dealing with here."
―Bruce Banner[src]

Although Banner was kinder than Hulk, he was very cautious of his surroundings. Not wanting to hurt anyone, he eventually decided to take his own life. However, this caused a rift between him and Hulk. Whenever, Hulk was unleashed, Banner was left taking on the problems left behind which made it impossible to live without fear of either hurting others or getting hurt. Due to this, Banner contacted Samuel Sterns over chat rather than in person. He also isolated himself from everyone, only going out to make a living. This led him to sever all ties with Betty Ross for five years.

Hulk's Personality[]

As an angry green rage monster, Hulk was always angry and lashed out at anyone in his way, even Banner. When Banner became too stressed, Hulk unleashed and rampaged through anyone in his way, no matter if it caused immense destruction to property. He did anything to get away from the army, whether it was swimming through the dirty sewers, who fighting in ice caves, it did not matter.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Banner subjected himself to gamma radiation, leading to him becoming Hulk. As Hulk, he was practically unstoppable, having immense strength, durability, stamina, and other feats. He was able to survive for years without major harm.
    • Transformation: As a human, Banner does not have any powers. However, once he transforms into Hulk, he becomes a nearly unstoppable force. Accompanied with his transformation are also "rage surges" which makes him even more powerful.
      • Superhuman Strength:
        Super Jump From Flag

        Hulk performs a rage jump

        Hulk's strength iss unmatched, being able to take down his enemies in one punch. He could also easily break through walls and barriers, whether he jumped on them, or just punched. His strength was not limited to his arms as he was able to use his legs to jump great distances and even break through multiple stories in a building at once in a fit of anger known as rage jumping. He also routinely used poles and satellites to slingshot his way through enemies and barriers.
      • Superhuman Durability: Hulk's durability is also a great feat that he possessed, being able to take on tanks, ships, swords, bullets, and blasters with barely any harm. He survived multiple slashes from swords and rarely broke momentum.
      • Superhuman Speed: Although he may not look fast, Hulk's speed could surprise any enemy. Even in water, Hulk could quickly make his way to enemies before the have a chance of shooting at him. While in a fit of rage known as a "gamma boost," Hulk could run and swim even faster than before.
      • Superhuman Agility: Despite his bulky physique, Hulk's agility allows him to swim through water very quickly as well as vault off of flag poles and satellites to gain an extra boost in his jump.
      • Superhuman Stamina: Hulk rarely gets tired, even when he swims for lengthy periods of time. When he is in a gamma boost stage, his stamina still does not diminish, making him a formidable foe.
      • Regenerative Healing Factor: Depending on where he is, Hulk can take the take to regenerate any injuries that he has. A gamma boost also temporarily makes him nearly immune to injury.
      • Radiation Immunity: Since he was subjected to gamma radiation, Hulk is practically immune to any more radiation.


  • Genius-Level Intellect: Banner is among the smartest individuals in the world, being able to nearly recreate the Super Soldier Serum. He was also able to help Samuel Sterns nearly develop a cure.
  • Master Scientist: Having multiple PhDs, Banner is a masterful scientist as well, as he helped an already masterful scientist in Samuel Sterns.





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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Hulk/Alaskan Rampage.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Hulk/Alaskan Rampage.

External Links[]
