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For alternate versions of Horus, see Horus's Character Hub

"We have not abandoned humanity. They abandoned us. We simply trust our Avatars to carry out our purposes without calling undue attention to ourselves. Not like some of us."
―Horus to Khonshu[src]

Horus is an Ennead and a member of the Ennead Council.


Banishing Khonshu[]

Osiris decided to banish Khonshu to punish him for his continued interactions with humanity that could expose the Ennead, as Osiris considered that they were meant to merely observe and not interfere with human activities, especially since Humanity had mostly turned away from the ancient Egypt religion. Horus kept observing the world of humans through his avatar.[1]

Trial of Arthur Harrow[]

Osiris' attention was caught when Khonshu caused a lunar eclipse to summon the Ennead Council. Osiris thus held a gathering of the council inside a secret chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza, where Horus and the other Ennead joined him to judge Arthur Harrow for plotting to free Ammit. After Harrow claimed that Khonshu was abusing and taking advantage of Marc Spector's frailty, Horus forced Khonshu out of his avatar's body to confirm the information, and after Harrow's claims were confirmed, Horus and the other Enneads ruled in Harrow's favor.

Later, as Khonshu had once again manipulated the sky in order to find the tomb of Ammit, Osiris made good on his promise. Along with the rest of the Ennead Council, he imprisoned Khonshu into an ushabti that was to be kept inside the pyramid.[1]

Harrow's Mission[]

When became apparent that Khonshu had been speaking the truth and that Arthur Harrow was trying to release Ammit. Along with the rest of the Ennead Council, Osiris was confronted by Harrow and the Disciples of Ammit inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and fought through his avatar Selim, but they were eventually defeated by an already empowered Harrow. Horus' avatar was killed during the attack.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Ennead Physiology: Horus is an Ennead deity who was worshipped in Ancient Egypt as the God of Kingship and Sky.
    • Immortality: As an Ennead, Horus is extremely long-lived and is immune to disease and aging. Still, Horus can be killed by a wielder of All-Black the Necrosword.
    • Remote Possession: Horus can posssess and act through his avatar's body without being physically there.
    • Energy Manipulation:
      Ennead Council holds court

      Horus removing Khonshu's restraint

      has the ability to create and control streams of blue-white energy he can use for various purposes.
    • Deity Imprisonment: Horus along with Ennead Council was able to cast a spell to imprison Khonshu.


To be added






In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Horus is an Egyptian god of justice and retribution who was imprisoned in a pyramid for three centuries, before emerging in New York City. Horus had a brief encounter with Thor, and participated in the Ceremony of Rebirth which reincarnated Odin as Atum-Re.

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Horus.

External Links[]
