The Hammer Industries Rocket Launcher is a modified rocket launcher developed by Hammer Industries.
Destruction of Genghis Connie's[]
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Attack on Rand Enterprises Research Facility[]
Taking control over Harlem's Paradise from the Stokes Crime Family, the Stylers also found the Hammer Industries weaponry that Mariah Dillard was selling on the streets, as well as the rocket launcher. As Nandi Tyler informed Bushmaster about Dillard's location, the Stylers arrived at the Rand Enterprises Research Facility.
Bushmaster demanded Luke Cage to turn Dillard over while Sheldon was assembling the rocket launcher to use it against Cage. Ignoring Bushmaster's demands, Cage threw the coffee machine at their direction and surprised Sheldon fired the launcher in the air before Cage confronted the Stylers personally.[1]