For the offspring, see Groot |
For other uses, see Groot (disambiguation) |
For alternate versions of Groot, see Groot's Character Hub |
- "I am Groot."
- ―Groot[src]
Groot was a Flora colossus and the accomplice of Rocket. Together, the pair had traveled the galaxy picking up bounties until they met Star-Lord and Gamora just before the four of them were captured and put into the Kyln, where they also met Drax the Destroyer. There, they agreed to work together to escape and sell the Orb for a massive profit. However, when it was discovered that the Orb contained one of the Infinity Stones which was being sought out by Ronan the Accuser, Groot convinced his friends to risk everything to stop Ronan's diabolical plans. During the Battle of Xandar, Groot sacrificed his own life to save his new friends. However, part of his destroyed body was planted by Rocket to birth Groot's son, who was also named Groot.
Early Life[]
Zoo Exhibit[]
- "What the hell?"
"Groot. He's been travelling recently as 89P13's personal houseplant/muscle." - ―Garthan Saal and Rhomann Dey[src]
Groot was a hyper-intelligent, tree-like organism from the species Flora colossi native to the Planet X. While he possessed human level intellect, Groot's robust and heavyweight physiology caused the organs of his acoustic generation to become stiff and inflexible, rendering the limits of his speech to the simple phrase, "I am Groot."[1]
He was imprisoned in a run down intergalactic zoo, forced to be an exhibit for tourists. One robotic guard named Tibius Lark took a liking to Groot and eventually decided to break him out. Groot and Lark became friends and associates as they went throughout the galaxy.[3] Groot racked up three counts of grievous bodily harm, fifteen counts of escape from incarceration, and three counts of mercenary activity.[1] They eventually got arrested and were thrown into a dungeon.

Groot and Rocket fight off the dungeon guards
Lark was in bad shape as he was gravely injured during the arrest. He and Groot met another prisoner named Rocket, whom Lark started to like. As Lark knew his time was up, he told Rocket to take care of Groot. Lark soon died which allowed Rocket to see his robotic parts. Rocket then used the parts to create a gun. The new duo then broke out of the dungeon with Groot having Rocket on his shoulder.[3]
Deals at the Hub[]

Groot and Rocket escape from the Hub
Groot was the frequent partner-in-crime of Rocket. One of their adventures saw them travel to The Hub, where the duo rescued a family of sentient Scalluscs from the Stygian crime lord Zade Scraggot, who was planning on harvesting the shells of the hapless snail-like creatures to use as tiles for his bathroom. Groot and Rocket had originally been hired by Sqqd'li, under the orders of his employer, the crime lord Zade Scraggot, to acquire the Scalluscs for Scraggot, but upon learning the nature of their cargo and their intended fate, and that the Scalluscs could out-pay Scraggot, Groot and Rocket chose to rescue them from the crime lord instead.[4]
They went back to a hub space transport, the Paramatar, to capture Baldo for a bounty. They returned to D'Xtar, who told them he wouldn't pay because Rocket had a bounty on his head. Rocket stormed away angrily, but a Bounty Hunter stopped him. Groot and Rocket ran into an alley, but the hunters kept coming. Groot grabbed Rocket to protect him, but his friend thought he was trying to capture him too and escaped. Groot found him in a building where a bounty hunter was about to shoot him. Groot scared the hunter so badly that he cancelled the bounty. Rocket then apologized to Groot for not trusting him.[5]
Quest for the Orb[]
Skirmish with Star-Lord[]

Groot is caught drinking from a fountain
Groot traveled to Xandar with Rocket where they sought out bounties to capture in a crowded plaza. While Rocket was looking at the many Xandarians, Groot began drinking out from a fountain but was quickly caught by Rocket. Groot tried to tell Rocket that he wasn't drinking from the fountain, despite of lying from his mannerisms.

Groot continues to drink from a fountain
After Groot was caught drinking on a public fountain, Rocket then got a signal to locate Peter Quill, who had a forty thousand Unit bounty on his head. While Rocket excitedly informed Groot of the find, Groot distracted himself by drinking fountain water, much to Rocket's frustration. Moments before Quill had tried set up a deal with Broker and Gamora attempted to steal the Orb from him, Groot and Rocket had planned to intervene the conflict.

Groot attempts to capture Peter Quill
While Quill was fighting off Gamora, who was attempting to steal the Orb, Groot grabbed a sack and grappled his roots onto Gamora; however, Rocket told him to capture Quill. In pure rage, Gamora threw Rocket across the plaza, disarmed Quill from the Orb, and used her Godslayer sword to graze Groot's forearm. Once Quill apprehended Gamora from her possession of the Orb, Groot then captured Quill with the sack and followed Rocket to collect the bounty.

Groot mourns the loss of both of his arms
Groot's victory was short lived once Gamora recovered and shoved Rocket away, attacking Groot by slicing his arms off and ending it with grazed hit on his abdomen. Quill then defeated Gamora from his escape from the bag and was later shocked by Rocket with his Laser Cannon. Groot was saddened by his loss of arms but Rocket noted that his arms will grow back and should quit whining. When the Nova Corps arrived at the scene, Groot and the group were soon arrested under their authority for breaking a couple of laws.[1]
The Kyln[]

Groot arriving inside the Kyln
Once the four were taken away by the Nova Corps, they all arrived in their holding cells. Groot and the others were forced into a line up by the Nova Corps where all of their own criminal histories were presented for Denarian Garthan Saal by Rhomann Dey. With his arms growing back, Groot looked at the window and drew closer at the Nova Corpsmen.

Groot is taken to the Kyln for his sentence
The group were all sent to the Kyln by Saal to begin their sentence, where they all arrived together and continued their disagreements. While Star-Lord, Rocket, and Gamora had started to discussed the Orb, Groot gave his input but was rejected out of spite from Quill. As Rocket told Gamora that he knew who she was and Quill agreed alongside, Groot tried to explain who she is to Quill but he couldn't understand.

Groot talks to Peter Quill at the Kyln
Gamora revealed to the group that she was planning on betraying Ronan the Accuser and selling the Orb to a third party. Groot began to speak to the group, which angered Quill into wondering why he could only say three words. Rocket noted that Groot does not speak well like the people like him and Quill, as his vocabulary is restricted to I, am, and Groot. Once Quill confronted the guard and demanded his Walkman, Groot watched as the situation had escalated.

Groot shows off his strength against an inmate
Once the four arrived at the Kyln, they soon established themselves as a team not to be messed with when Groot pushed his fingers inside the nose of the biggest inmate in the prison, causing him considerable pain. Groot, Rocket and Peter Quill were forced to sleep in a large room with most of the other inmates; however, Groot was so comfortable there that he slept through an incident where Gamora was nearly assassinated by Drax the Destroyer, only to be saved by Quill.[1]
Escape from the Kyln[]

Groot is unaware of the emergency alarm
- "Prisoner, drop the device immediately and retreat to your cell, or we will open fire."
"I am Groot!" - ―Watchtower Guard and Groot[src]
After his restful sleep, Groot and the group had gathered their lunch and Rocket talked to them about a plan to break out of the Kyln with Peter Quill and Gamora. As a team, they would collect a prisoner's prosthetic leg and one of the guards' control devices attached to their arms in order to hack into the security tower.
Groot becomes enraged with security hoverbots
As Groot overheard about removing the prison's emergency lockdown, he decided to rip off the device that would have been used as the final step. By mistake on his part, Groot triggered the alarm, causing the whole prison to be on high alert. Groot was then under hostage by numerous Kyln Hoverbots that began to fire at him. As Rocket yelled at Groot's mistake for alarming the guards, Drax the Destroyer fought the guards that attempted to fire at him and Groot.

Groot and Rocket make their escape
Once Drax came to their aid and tossed one of the guards' weapons, Groot became enraged and attacked the Kyln Hoverbots while Rocket began firing at them with great pleasure. Once Gamora gathered the green wiring that was required for the breakout, Rocket caught the item and told Groot move over to the watchtower. Ready for all of the others to regroup with him, Groot walked over to the railing where Gamora was and gave Rocket, Quill, and Drax help with climbing onto his roots in order to get into the security tower.

Groot and the team make their way to escape
Once the group got into the watchtower and locked the door behind them, they were soon found by a guard, who had gathered his team as they attempted to shoot the watchtower while Rocket worked. As Rocket then initiated his plan by switching off the prison's artificial gravity and took control of the Kyln Hoverbots to propel them out of the prison's docking bay, Groot was happily proud of Rocket as the five escapees made their way to escape. Now safely out of the way of the Nova Corps, they gathered their supplies and left the Kyln before Quill retrieved the Orb back.[1]
Meeting the Collector[]

Groot and the Guardians arrive at Knowhere
While co-piloting the Milano with Rocket, they were headed for an inbound object that was about to approach them. As Groot had piloted forward, the group was informed that they were now arriving to Knowhere, a remote mining outpost in space that was built in the giant severed-head of a Celestial.

Groot gives a little girl a flower from his hand
When the Guardians traveled to Knowhere, they explored the premises while Gamora explained her reasoning of picking this particular location as it is the place to sell resources. Moving along the streets of Knowhere, they were met with some begging children, as Star-Lord warned them to hide their pockets from them. Groot then grew a flower out of his hand and gave it to a little girl that confronted him before. Accepting the locale, Groot had settled in the Boot of Jemiah with Rocket and Drax the Destroyer, playfully gambling on the Orloni's lives while Gamora and Quill conversed outside.

Groot fighting against Drax the Destroyer
As Rocket and Drax had drinks, they soon became drunk enough that he started to pick a fight due to Rocket's disrespectful personality, which soon escalated into a brawl. Having to protect his friend, Groot got in a fight with Drax, only to be tackled to the ground and pinned down by his throat. Groot used his roots to choke out Drax, only for the roots to be break due to Drax's strength. After Rocket began to fight Drax, Quill calmed them down before they could kill each other.

Groot introduces himself to the Collector
As the outburst had settled down, Drax left the group and walked out of the bar. They were then greeted by Carina who finally invited them into the Collector's Museum, in which it was housed by several species and items in cages. While Taneleer Tivan summoned them to his museum; Groot was seen by Tivan and introduced himself. Tivan found himself interested in Groot, and asked for permission in displaying his corpse as an exhibit, much to Rocket's dismay, which nearly caused another outburst.

Groot is informed of the Infinity Stones
After formalities were over, Tivan revealed that the Orb contained an Infinity Stone, which was unveiled to be the Power Stone. Tivan noted that it was one of the Infinity Stones that was conjured as a powerful elemental object created by the Big Bang; so powerful that only the most powerful of beings were able to wield it, even if the burden of the power was separated among multiple people. As Tivan was done, he had reached his drawer to pay them in Units.

Groot and Rocket escape the room
As Tivan was withdrawing the money to pay the Guardians, Carina decided to end her misery under his control, grabbing the Power Stone. Once Carina grabbed it in an attempt to help her escape from slavery, the energy from the Power Stone had caused a massive explosion which devastated the museum. Groot managed to pick up and rushed Rocket outside before the ensuing purple fireball could harm them, while Quill and Gamora tried to survive by hiding away from the blast and Tivan escaped with only an injured forehead.[1]
Skirmish on Knowhere[]

Groot is seen by Yondu Udonta's Ravagers
Escaping away from the power that the Orb had carried, Groot noticed Gamora had caught it, causing Rocket to be frightened by the item inside it. As Gamora told the group that they should give the Power Stone over to the Nova Corps, Rocket objected her decision and suggested giving the Power Stone to Ronan the Accuser; however, Star-Lord proposed to give it to somebody who was not going to arrest them and had a whole lot of money.

Groot is told to stay behind on Knowhere
Before they could continue arguing, Ronan and Nebula arrived with their entire army of Sakaarans behind them. Having learned that Drax the Destroyer had called his enemy for a chance to kill him to avenge his family. The group then noticed the Yondu Ravager Clan appeared, with the former having been called here by Drax. While Gamora had noticed the Mining Pods and stole one of them by a bystander, Groot was told by Rocket that he could not join the group due his massive size and should stay behind until he gets back.

Groot saves Drax the Destroyer from drowning
Once Drax had been easily subdued by Ronan and was thrown into a tank full of spinal fluid from the Celestial, Ronan and his army returned to a Necrocraft which took him back to the Dark Aster as Nebula had reclaimed the Orb from Gamora. Noticing Drax nearly drowned in the tank, Groot pulled him out just in time and resuscitated him by stabbing Drax in the chest. Rocket returned and told them that Quill and Gamora had been captured by the Ravagers.

Groot decides to save his team members
Rocket then berated Drax for putting them in danger, making mocking remarks about the deaths of Drax's wife and daughter, which shocked Groot. Rocket said that he did not care how mean it was, as Drax's thirst for revenge was no excuse for getting them all killed. Rocket urged Groot that they should get to the other side of the universe in case Ronan would not find them. Groot insisted that they rescue Quill and Gamora, as they were the only friends they ever had and with Drax agreeing with him. Despite of his anger, Rocket reluctantly gave in.[1]
Forming a Team[]

Groot reunites with the team inside the Milano
After the three flew the Milano to the Eclector and threatened to blow it up with the Hadron Enforcer if the Ravagers did not hand over Quill and Gamora, the tension was resolved when Quill let them know just in time that they had come to terms with the Ravagers. As the group had reunited inside the Milano, they reviewed recent events and decided that it was up to them to prevent Ronan the Accuser from destroying Xandar with the Power Stone.

Groot listens to Star-Lord's compliments
Star-Lord and Gamora criticized the others for almost blowing them up, leading Groot to call them ungrateful, with Rocket agreeing with his statement. Gamora then told the group that they'll have the Ravagers' help to save Xandar. However, Rocket rebuttal her claim that it they'll just give the Stone to Yondu Udonta so he could sell to somebody even worse. When Rocket belittled Quill for having a plan to be twelve percent complete, Groot stuck up for Quill for his thought.

Groot decides to join the Guardians in battle
Once Quill thanked him and told the others that Groot was the only one of them who had a clue, he began eating a leaf that had sprouted from his shoulder. Eventually, Quill pitched his plan to attack the Dark Aster, kill Ronan the Accuser and take back the Orb, although the plan seemed like a suicide mission, the group agreed to fight alongside each other. Being inspired on how they would die fighting for the galaxy, Groot stood beside them and looked at Rocket, who finally stood up.

Groot prepares for the battle on Xandar
It didn't take long for the rest of the team to agree to help as well and they went back to the Ravagers' ship to discuss the details of the plan with Udonta and his men. Once the Guardians and the Ravagers came up with a battle plan and traveled to Xandar, Groot was ready for action and walked along with his team. Groot went on board the Milano in order to confront Ronan while Rocket had his own ship and led the Ravagers for aerial battle against the Sakaaran army.[1]
Battle of Xandar[]

Groot sits back from the battle with his allies
- "Where did you learn to do that?"
"I'm pretty sure the answer is "I am Groot."" - ―Drax the Destroyer and Star-Lord[src]
Star-Lord's team and the Ravagers put the plan into action and Quill warned Rhomann Dey so that he could tell the rest of the Nova Corps. As the battle began, Groot rode with Quill, Gamora, and Drax the Destroyer towards the Dark Aster. However, they were quickly attacked by numerous Necrocrafts sent by Ronan the Accuser, even managing to shoot Yondu Udonta's battleship out of the sky.

Groot steadily prepares himself from crashing
Just before they could all be destroyed, however, the Nova Corps arrived, led by Garthan Saal under the orders of Irani Rael. While Saal and Rocket kept Ronan's entire army at bay with the aid of the Ravagers, Star-Lord flew the Milano onto the Dark Aster through a hole blasted in by Rocket. As they crash landed into the ship, the Guardians infiltrated the Dark Aster as Quill used the ships' guns to kill dozens of the Sakaarans inside.

Groot sends bioluminescent spores for light
Once they landed and left the crashed ship, they discovered that the Dark Aster was too dark for them to see so Groot guided them through the darkness by creating bio-luminous spores to create a strange light across the ship to show them the way, when Drax questioned how he could do it, Star-Lord noted the answer would likely be "I am Groot." Suddenly, they were stopped by Nebula, as she cursed at Gamora for betraying Ronan and Thanos.

Groot fighting against the Sakaaran army
As Drax shot Nebula with his rocket launcher and the threat of Nebula seemingly dealt with the team, they split up; with Gamora going to unlock the security doors while Groot, Star-Lord, and Drax made their way through the Sakaaran army towards Ronan's location. As they were on their way towards Ronan the Accuser, they were eventually confronted by a team led by Korath. Groot aided the group by thrashing Sakaarans across the room.

Groot finishes the battle on the Dark Aster
As Quill and Drax in a battle against Korath and were confronted by another large team of Sakaarans sent by Ronan, Groot prepared to use his powers by grabbing several Sakaarans at once with his tendrils and slamming them repeatedly into the walls. While Drax and Star-Lord witnessed the massacre of Sakaarans as Groot extended his arm and smacked around the soldiers, he finished his fight and smiled back at his group for their teamwork.[1]

Groot watches Ronan the Accuser's defeat
As they continued toward, they discovered that the door was still locked due to Gamora being busy fighting against Nebula. Before long, however, the door was opened and the team charged inside to confront Ronan the Accuser. The group then attempted to kill Ronan with the Hadron Enforcer, which caused a massive explosion, however, he survived due to his Universal Weapon and knocked back the team.

Groot seeing the Dark Aster being set on fire
Despite that group was knocked back from the concussive waves, Ronan was determined to kill the Guardians only for Rocket to flew the Warbird through the Dark Aster, causing damages from the inside of the ship. Due to the badly damaged ship, Groot witnessed it being lit on fire and felt that the ship is falling down and heading towards the sky. While Rocket was seen by Star-Lord and was picked up to meet with rest of the team, Groot observes the ship's structure crumbling down and decided to save his allies from the wreckage by forming a large branch to protect them.

Groot sacrifices his life to save the Guardians
As Groot was forming his body into a protective crash sphere to save the other Guardians, allowing them to survive a crash from low orbit, Groot emitted spores to surround his team with light. As Groot had finished creating a large dome of wood out of his body, Rocket begged him not to do it or he'll die. Groot wiped a tear away from Rocket's face and told him that "We are Groot," before the ship had crashed.[1]
Leaving a Son Behind[]
Although Groot had died on impact from the crash, the team recovered from the crash landing and was discovered that Ronan the Accuser had also survived the crash as he prepared to destroy Xandar with the Infinity Stone. However, the Guardians had successfully channeled the Stone's energy and killed Ronan with it, ending the battle. Rocket then retrieved a twig from Groot's remains and planted it,[1] which birthed Groot's son,[6] who was also named Groot.[7] This Groot joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and became a renowned hero.[8]
- "I am Groot."
"So what it's better than eleven percent? What the hell's that got to do with anything?"
"Thank you, Groot. Thank you. See, Groot's the only one of you who has a clue." - ―Groot, Rocket and Peter Quill[src]
Groot is usually very gentle and warm, displaying kindness towards innocent life. His child-like personality often causes him to be distracted and simple-minded, such as by a water fountain that he kept drinking from in public while Rocket was trying to talk to him and then trying to deny it. He tends to not listen to plans and goes off to tackle threats on his own, such as when he wandered off from Rocket to remove a power source in the Kyln without listening to the full plan and missing the fact that it needed to be taken last.
During intense or serious situations, Groot is sometimes smiling gleefully, such as when he and Rocket where trying to abduct Peter Quill on Xandar or after impaling several Sakaarans on his vines and angrily thrashing them around a hallway for several seconds. He is loyal to Rocket and the other Guardians, and was even willing to die to protect them, as shown in the Battle of Xandar. However, he can also be merciless and savagely brutal towards his enemies, especially if they threaten his friends, as shown when lifted an inmate on the Kyln into the air by his nose to cause him enough pain to leave him sobbing on the floor, all just because he got in the way of himself and Rocket and threatened Quill, who was their bounty.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Flora colossus Physiology: Groot was a Flora colossus, an ancient race of tree-like humanoid beings, with superhuman abilities. As a tree-like being, he could manipulate his body to grow limbs.
- Superhuman Strength: Groot was capable of great feats of strength, from breaking sturdy metal items to fighting other strong opponents and lifting and flailing around ten armored warriors with comparative ease.
- Superhuman Durability: The skin of Groot was composed entirely of a dense and durable wood, which allowed him to easily sustain large amounts of damage from firearms, melee weapons, explosions and immense heights. He could easily hold against several blows of Gamora's sword, various shots of the Kyln Hoverbots, multiple punches from Drax, and Sakaarans' attacks.
- Superhuman Stamina: Being a tree, Groot could perform for long periods of time without getting tired at all.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Groot's biology was made up entirely of plant-like tissues, which granted him highly developed regenerative abilities. He could regrow lost limbs in a few hours, and in his muscular state, he was capable of regrowing his entire body from only his head within a few hours. In combat, Groot's advanced regeneration gave him the ability to survive almost any attack. His body could immediately heal sustained damage, which, in combination with his rapid growth, made him extremely difficult to kill.
- Body Manipulation:
Groot restraining Gamora
- Limb Extension: Groot could extend any part of his body, particularly his limbs, to make himself longer. He could make himself taller and extend his fingers and arms, using them as piercing weapons, even impaling enemies from inside out.
- Plant Generation: Groot was able to grow different plant parts from his body, such as leaves, flowers, vines, and spores. While forming a protective sphere around the Guardians, Groot was able to generate leaves inside it. Groot was also able to create and manipulate many vine-like appendages to interact with objects or people; while attempting to capture Star-Lord, he used several of these appendages to hold Gamora. He also used them to try to stifle Drax, but they were quickly destroyed. He could also emit bioluminescent spores that provide light, and used this in order for he and the Guardians to see in the Dark Aster. He was also able to generate flowers, such as the one he gave to a little girl in Knowhere.
- Expert Combatant: Heavily relying on his brute strength, Groot was able to single-handedly destroy multiple turrets and fight dozens of Sakaarans at once, thrashing them around a hallway with ease.
- Expert Marksman: Groot had acquired a level of proficiency in using firearms, even growing multiple limbs to shoot at his enemies.
- Multilingualism: Although his speech was primarily limited to the phrase "I am Groot," Groot was able to understand other languages.
- Milano: Groot and the rest of the future Guardians of the Galaxy escaped the Kyln in Peter Quill's ship, which they took to Knowhere in order to sell the Orb to the Collector. Groot, Rocket, and Drax the Destroyer used the Milano to threaten the Ravagers, who they believed to be holding Quill and Gamora hostage. The Guardians later crashed the Milano into the Dark Aster to attack Ronan the Accuser.
- Eclector: Groot and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy met on the Eclector and made a plan to take down Ronan the Accuser.
- Dark Aster: The Guardians of the Galaxy boarded the Dark Aster and confronted Ronan the Accuser while the ship crashed onto Xandar. Groot surrounded his friends with himself to protect them, sacrificing himself as the ship and Groot were destroyed.
- Boot of Jemiah: Groot gambled on Orloni fights in Boot of Jemiah, where he got involved in a fight with Rocket and Drax the Destroyer.
- Collector's Museum: Groot was brought into the Collector's museum as the Guardians of the Galaxy tried to sell the Orb to the Collector. However, Carina touched the Power Stone inside it, causing Groot to grab his friends and escape together.
- Kyln: Groot was imprisoned in the Kyln along with Peter Quill, Gamora, and Rocket. After establishing themselves as a tough pair, Groot and Rocket broke out of the prison along with Quill, Gamora, Rocket, and Drax the Destroyer.
Appearances for Groot |
- In the comics, Groot is the monarch of the Planet X and his full title is "His Divine Majesty King Groot the 23rd, Monarch of Planet X, custodian of the branch worlds, ruler of all the shades," and the first alien to visit Earth as depicted in the mainstream Marvel Universe chronology.
- The original Groot's phase of growth was 370 microbules tall and weighed 4258 grets.[9]
- In the first official trailer of "Guardians of the Galaxy," Groot was referenced in the Nova Corps database as a "humanoid plant inhabitant of Taluhnia."
Behind the Scenes[]
- Vin Diesel recorded the line "I am Groot" multiple times for the film, using different intonations, inflections and moods to portray Groot. He even repeated the process in multiple languages so that his voice would be the one used in most translations of the film.
- Ian Mitchell was a stand-in for Krystian Godlewski in the role of Groot.
- In Avengers World Vol 1 #9, Guardians of the Galaxy is a film being watched by Cannonball and Sunspot on a computer screen. It shows the scene where Rocket and Groot at the Kyln fighting during the Escape from the Kyln.
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Guardians of the Galaxy
- ↑ Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 James Gunn on Threads - July 10, 2023
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude, Issue 2
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy: Galaxy's Most Wanted
- ↑ James Gunn on Twitter - November 28, 2022
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
- ↑ Groot's biometrics
External Links[]
Groot on Marvel Database
Groot on Wikipedia
Groot on Wikipedia
Groot on
Guardians of the Galaxy | |
Current Members | |
Rocket Raccoon • Groot • Kraglin Obfonteri • Cosmo the Spacedog • Adam Warlock • Phyla • Blurp | |
Former Members | |
Groot • Yondu • Gamora • Thor • Gamora • Star-Lord • Mantis • Drax the Destroyer • Nebula |