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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Shaw Giving Advice
"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Enclave Attacks Universe".

"I've been cross-referencing your genetic code with Enclave DNA samples -- we can use their technology for our test. We need their genetic simulator."
Samuel Sterns[src]

The Genetic Simulator is a device created by the Enclave which Samuel Sterns used to test his cure for the Hulk.


Samuel Sterns wanted to test the cure for the Hulk he created before administering it, so he asked Bruce Banner to steal the Enclave's genetic simulator. Hulk went to an Enclave base and stole the simulator, bringing it to Empire State University and defending it from the Enclave's attempts to steal it back.[1]

