For other uses, see Frank (disambiguation) |
- "Unfortunately we can't just do whatever we want. Would be nice though, right? But there are laws."
"What laws? Of man? The laws of nature transcend the laws of man, and I’ve transcended the laws of nature."
"Darren, I don't think you understand..." - ―Frank and Darren Cross[src]
Frank was a senior executive at Pym Technologies who was murdered by Darren Cross after questioning the risks involved with the Yellowjacket Suit.
Yellowjacket Suit[]
- "What's a matter, you're not impressed?"
"Oh, I'm impressed. I'm also concerned. Imagine what our enemies could do with this tech." - ―Darren Cross and Frank[src]
Frank was highly dubious about the Yellowjacket Suit and expressed these concerns during a presentation by CEO Darren Cross. Angered, Cross later confronted Frank in the washroom, and, using a gun charged with unstable Pym Particles, reduced Frank's body to a tiny organic mass, which Cross promptly wiped up without batting an eye and flushed down a toilet.[1]
- Pym Technologies Headquarters: As a senior executive of Pym Technologies, Frank used this location as his primary office of work. When Frank conversed with Darren Cross in the washroom about the potential dangers of the Yellowjacket Suit, Cross had him assassinated with a Shrink Gun before flushing his remains down a toilet.
Allies[] |